To End 'Nightmare' in Gaza, Sanders Moves to Block Funding for Israeli Weapons to politics – 645 points –
To End 'Nightmare' in Gaza, Sanders Moves to Block Funding for Israeli Weapons


Please let him succeed this time! 🀞🀞🀞

But according to Nancy Pelosi, it's just Chinese propaganda!

With all due respect to her, which is none, Nancy Pelosi needs to go away and never speak to the public about anything again.

Age caps in politics when?

Not age caps, periodic mandatory cognitive function tests.

Bernie is only slightly younger than Pelosi chronologically, but at least a couple decades sharper mentally. Trump is YOUNGER than Bernie but as senile as the day is long at the height of summer.

Though most start to decline at or a few years after 70, some people can stay sharp long after and we need people like Bernie just as much as we don't need people like Pelosi.

This is just the latest example of why I lol so hard when some con whines about Nancy and claims she is some kind of radical leftist.

After I catch my breath, I ask them exactly which policies make her "radical" and be as specific as possible. Not sure I've ever had an answer that involved anything coherent - maybe one of them has complained about her insider trading, but don't seem to realize it's not confined to her or even just Democrats.

I find her exhausting for a lot of reasons, but they just have been told to hate her because she's a women of some prominence who does not have their lips wrapped around the base of tiny d's mushroom and the right wing haaaaaates that.

I'm guessing it's because he's anti-Semitic.

That might have been too subtle, I feel like a number of people are going to miss the joke there.

Though it makes me sad, you are probably right. Wayyyyy too many people levy this kind of thing at Sanders (and Chomsky, lol) as a supposedly serious charge.

I'm completely with you, but I have to point out there are plenty antisemitic people of Jewish ancestry (Steve Pieczenick), and many other people who self hate their backgrounds (my father has said very derogatory things about American black people. He grew up in the islands, but still).

I'll be honest, almost downvoted them.

The man who should have elected in 2016 AT THE LATEST.

I'm going to go cry in a corner as Biden gets another country wrapped up in endless war so he can save democracy using... Zionism, guns, and drones.

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Conservatives love a good genocide. They are falling over themselves in delight at the innocent families being slaughtered wholesale and are demanding even more weapons be sent.

Conservatives will aggressively fight any bill that seeks to impede genocide. For that reason, I do not think this ammendment can pass.

Yes and meanwhile most of the so called "liberal" democrats are also actively supporting genocide.

I think last time Sanders tried this, which was only a month ago, he only got like 8 senators to sign on.

10, but your point very much stands. Especially since that was just about commissioning an audit of sorts!

Let's organize a write in for Bernie this election

I love Bernie, but that's how you hand Trump a win. If you live in a swing state you're unfortunately stuck voting for the lesser of two evils.

I understand where you are coming from, and if you decide to do the 'lesser of two evils approach', I'm not mad at you. It's a much better response than voting for the Dems because you believe they aren't evil.

I'm torn, because I quite obviously do not want any fascist-leaning-anyone to win, but I'm also horrified at the long term impact of a two-evil-party system. I've been paying closer and closer attention every four year cycle and the Manchin-Sinema block was the start of the end for me. The final nail was somewhere between finding out about Pelosi and her finances and the "we have power now, but vote for us next time and we will really do something about women's bodily autonomy".

If I find an independent I agree with I'll vote for them. If not I'll write in Bernie. You may end up on the correct side of history as I stand weeping into a burning creator that was once a hopeful country.

Added context: I'm blue County red state.

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Yeah, because it worked such wonders the last time...

There are socialist third party candidates already running. Claudia/Karina from PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) and Cornell West. I think it would make more sense to throw support behind one of them.

I agree. If you are in a decidedly red state that will already vote for a Republican. A socialist runner up would be hilarious.

Heck even in a decidedly blue state. I would be willing to do that in California, but just not the swing states.

There was an app for the 2016 election called #NeverTrump that tried to do exactly this by means of "vote trading". Voters in swing states that wanted to vote 3rd party would get matched up with Californians willing to put in their "protest vote" in CA in exchange for voting Hillary in the swing state. Obviously it didn't work, but this isn't a new concept. The stakes are too high a third year in a row to fuck around.

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Unfortunately Israel doesn't need our funding or weapons.

Yeah, we could cut off every possible kind of funding to Israel and they'd still have sufficient military resources to level Gaza a hundred times over

So, we should just keep supplying more?

I agree that we should take it further. Support, and demand, a cease fire now. There is a lot of inertia and this is a step in the right direction where a lot of other people are running in the wrong direction.

Personally I don't think we should've been supplying them in the first place for the simple fact that they're more than suitably equipped already

I just think that if the goal is a ceasefire, neither continuing nor halting supplies would really move the needle. Want us to stop supplying them? Fine by me.

Agreed, but I do feel it’s important to do both. And this is a way to push against all that inertia of Israel being …. Well, Israel

Why have they been stepping up weapons transfers then?

In before we cut supplies and suddenly rockets start landing in Israeli civilian neighborhoods

The Iron Dome doesn't stop working the moment the US stops sending weapons to commit genocide with, dumbass.

The iron dome requires missiles to fire with, dumbass. Wouldn’t stop working right away sure, but one saturation attack and they’d be out.

You DO know that Israel is one of the richest countries in the world, richer than most European countries? And that they have enough missiles already to last them decades if not a fucking century?

Of course you do. You're just pretending you don't to enforce the false narrative that Israel is the plucky underdog beset on all sides by enemies more powerful than them when in fact THEIRS is the most advanced and powerful military in the entire region by far. Most of which they use to murder Palestinian civilians.

Pretend the iron dome was gone. Terrorist indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israel would be like throwing a rock at a tank.

Tell that to all the innocent civilians who would be dead in that situation

Palestinians don't have a dome, do their civilians matter less?

Maybe that will stop them from genociding Palestinians, because protecting them from the consequences of their actions clearly isn't working.