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Joined 10 months ago

It's not the moral code that's the issue, it's that people with ADHD tend to act impulsively on things they view as unjust, like you're temporarily blinded to the consequences of your actions.

Medication can help a lot with making a more measured response, or deciding that's it's not worth it to pursue any further.

After trying Windows 11 for a while, I just gave up and installed Kubuntu on my computer. I still use a Windows VM for some things, but I make sure to firewall the shit out of it lol

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This is the result of decades of having management full of people with finance degrees rather than technical degrees. They cut costs because they don't understand worth. Same thing happened with Southwest Airlines.

But according to Nancy Pelosi, it's just Chinese propaganda!

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Eh, it's also a convenience problem. If I want to watch a specific movie, good luck figuring out what streaming service it's on. It's so nice to be able to just watch what I want without that hassle.

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From my experience, DEI is not about making racist people not racist, or sexist people not sexist. It's about making people from varying backgrounds feel welcome, and making sure people don't feel isolated if they're different.

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FDR, LBJ, Carter

Then we could make a language where the letters are equivalent to the number of As

Chinese automakers are heavily subsidized by the government, so the US prevents their import to prevent them from undercutting domestic automakers. I'm sure there's a balance to this that doesn't involve a total import ban, but the US hasn't figured it out yet.

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I can afford kids, but fuck making them live through this climate collapse we've created. I'll adopt if I really want a kid.

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I'm not having children to compete with other people. I don't want to be responsible for bringing a life into this world only to suffer as crops fail and wars for resources rage.

In America, school teachers are paid shit wages, and guns are everywhere. Quality of life is decreasing as wages stagnate, the rich get richer, and democracy slowly turns into fascism. The oceans are getting hot enough to kill the fish, and they keep getting hotter. Microplastics are literally everywhere, and we're still learning how bad that is.

We've already passed the Paris Climate Accord global warming limit, and the yearly global greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing to record levels. 1.5C of warming was supposed to be the doomsday limit, but now they say 2C isn't that bad? The moving target for the global warming limit is a joke, and the poor and impoverished are the punchline.

Sure, I get the urge to have children, but I've already gone through the 7 stages of grief myself about it.

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I try to anticipate my ADHD tax at this point lol. I bought a 20 pack of tape measures because I'm so tired of losing them

I think you're confusing diversity hiring practices with DEI programs. DEI can be a great tool to help employees/students from feeling isolated. I also suggest you stop watching so much cable news; I don't think DEI is as big a deal as the media makes it out to be.

For EVs with dying batteries, the new HV pack cost should be factored into the vehicle price, which for a Nissan Leaf would be around $5k.

I've found medication helps the most lol

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If you don't use any software that requires Windows, you should give Kubuntu a try. I've found it very easy to use, as someone coming from Windows.

For music, I think yes. For other forms of media, not so much.

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Real people suck, the world is burning, let them have their AI friends in peace

The term "SDV" is pretty much an industry standard in automotive engineering

Luckily, it's still within our power to choose not to reproduce.

Yes, the center of the meat

Eh, the heat waves and cold snaps are happening nationwide. I more mean that on average, it's been pretty warm. Most of November and December was between 40F and 50F.

But for sure, the lake (and concrete from the city) helps keep temperatures moderate. We're also lucky being on the west side of the lake, so we don't have to deal with lake effect snow.

It won't be cold for much longer with the way climate change is heading. I moved to Detroit a few years ago, and all my neighbors have commented on how little snow we're getting and how warm winters have been.

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I'm actually scared to dual boot. I've heard too many stories of Windows updates messing up the bootloader

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Eh, I'm in this category. Why save money for retirement, when I could just enjoy today? Is life ever going to get better than right now?

What's the point of living a worse life right now to bank on a retirement that may or may not happen in a world which will be measurably worse in almost every way? Rich people and politicians don't give a fuck about climate change.