
0 Post – 173 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This isn't inflation. This is greed. Record profits with soul crushing wages. Governments that allow this are complicit. We need heavy windfall taxes

12 more...

Just don't use a work computer for anything but work. Use your personal cell phone and don't use their wifi.

12 more...

Services get worse so piracy gets more popular.

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Conservative followers don't realize they are becoming fascists. It's sad to watch and no conversation helps them.

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Canadian here but still, shoes in house? Gross. Obsession with gun culture? Also gross.

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The frog in boiling water moment was over a decade ago. They're openly supporting fascists now.

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Switched back to Firefox. Easy transition. Fuck Google.

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Perhaps Americans need to learn to call them wellness days and not place some arbitrarily low limit for amount of days on them. Ten or twelve to start a year seems reasonable. Americans are bizarre.

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Every accusation by a Conservative is admission of guilt

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We need electoral reform to avoid the same in Canada. The official opposition is actively siding with fascists.

This should be illegal

They've been emboldened since 2016

Healthcare should not be tied to employment

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This is a very American answer. The easy and best solution is to tax the ultra rich and provide college to all Americans.

Not in the USA. The rich get both. The poor get nothing.

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I agree and understand however the ones going homeless were most likely victimized by the ones who created this situation in their peer group

That's pretty much what they want to do now with this

This sounds like the best move for Tesla

The UK did allow Brexit to happen, they haven't exactly been making the best decisions.

This needs to happen and make it so some Conservative government can't come in and undo it willy nilly. These current Conservative fucks want to attack the CPP and aren't having much luck federally so they're using Alberta to do it. Fuck Conservatives, never vote for them. We need electoral reform ASAP as well so we can stop having our Conservatives get radicalized like the shit political system south of us.

Water is wet

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Only in the USA is this a thing

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You might be stuck in an alt right algorithm.

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That's a problem that's already solved though. Nfts are really just a way for crypto bros to scam others.

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Americans, mostly Republicans, are becoming more fascist.

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These fucks never did learn

You already lost them by saying home owner. That's not realistic

A lot of people have abandoned it

Hear me out. You shouldn't have to pay anything, those companies shouldn't exist and it should be government funded. - sincerely the rest of the western world

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Americans need to stop electing fascists

Zoom is dead in the water. They cannot innovate and this will cause them to fall further behind. Workers are more productive remote.

Leftist attitudes towards fascists will remain the same you loser

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They're losing users and advertisers every day. It's mostly just his bots and fascists now that are still on it.

What's going on now isn't inflation. It's greed.

Another reply here covers this well..

"The link literally shows Argentina made the claim after the British.

The island has voted numerous times they prefer to remain part of Britain.

Twice the Argentine government has declined the UK's offer to have the matter of sovereignty heard by the International Court of Justice.

Instead they choose to START a war over it.

Just stop already. For some reason this topic is a brain worm for Argentinians. You all go batshit over it and lose all reason and perspective."

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In office work lowers productivity. Boomers are a blight on everything.

These events are a way for the employer to get free labour out of their employees as you'll most likely be talking about your similar interest which is work.

Maybe you should read what you're posting instead and realize you're on the wrong side of this?

The EU is working on opening that up at least so there is a light at the end of the tunnel for those users

Texas, Florida, Kentucky, Alabama. I'm sure there's more awful US states.

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