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He can't be re-elected, and failed to secure an actual legacy.

Politics aren't a game with winners and losers. When fascists rise to power, it's not like in a soccer game where you say "well, better luck next year".

People's lives are on the line, and people might literally die fighting this shit soon. The idea that politics are a gentleman's gentle verbal jousting club is pretty ridiculous.

About your enlightened centrist take about immigration... It's never going to appease racists. What you suggest is exactly what France's UMP and what Macron have done. Look where we are now.

I have honestly stopped buying tortillas when I learnt how crappy industrial tortillas are. I had no idea before that.

This is an ironic ChatGPT answer, meant to (rightfully) creep you out.

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Behold. This shit is supposed to take our jobs.


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The narrative is that he's the best of the 2, not that he's a good guy. There's a choice between a dictator and business as usual (US presidents have consistently supported Israel, and Trump is no exception).

But you knew that already, didn't you? 😒

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... I want you in my room

With all due respect, 🤮

To be fair, neither is Western capitalism considering the environmental costs

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30% might be a bit much, but Apple and Google are offering ongoing services for the price you pay as a developer. From hosting, to payment processing and APIs you can use in your apps, I think what they're offering has some monetary value that would be acceptable if it wasn't so damn much. I don't think it's toxic rent-seeking in and of itself. What's pretty toxic is that there's no way around those fees on Apple phones and tablets.

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The absence of shitty OOP language features is not what's holding Rust down, in my opinion. We've all seen the disastrous results of 00s-style OOP code in the real world. Java-style OOP is on the way out, thankfully.

I think the low adoption of Rust boils down to 2 things: 1 - The language is particularly hard to use. Not just because it is different, but the compiler is tough to beat. 2 - C and C++ are very entrenched at this point. This is the biggest hurdle.

I gotta say, from my personal point of view: the Rust community is incredibly zealous and hard-working. Something I have never seen for any other language. Everyday, you hear about somebody rewriting some huge piece of software in Rust. They might just succeed eventually, who knows?

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With all due respect, that's a poor take. We aren't preachers of some kind of church trying to save his soul and make him "think right". It's OK to call him out for being the gateway drug to the alt right, and to be appaled by the guy's shit takes.

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Yes, they are. This is a meme, sir.

That, and their leverage is pretty weak. Small dogs bark the loudest.

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Ooof, burn 🔥

Oooh, sick burn?

Is that what you meant?

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As opposed to pulling a 1940 France and getting steamrolled in a couple months? No thanks.

I'm not interested in debating with catchy phrases. I'd rather be precise with my words. An invasion is unacceptable. Defence is another thing.

Not gonna lie, it gave me a moment of pause too, even as a French speaker.

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Why would they be able to selfishly make money on the black market without paying any taxes though? That isn't fair to the rest of us with legal jobs.

I'm not jealous of them. It's cool they get to live off of weed without being jailed. But that takes away money that can be used to fund health care, hospital, schools... Which everyone needs to pay for. And don't mention billionaires not paying any taxes. I am more pissed at billionaires obviously, but I'm just taking issue with your presentation of reality, which I think should not be idealized.

The monopoly the government has on weed here in Quebec sucks though, it means the people you mention cannot do what they're doing legally.

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Probably not what they meant 😜

Shit food is self-selecting out of the food selection business. About time.

I don't think they want war. And I don't, personally. I think it's one of the worst things that could happen.

But it could be triggered by an external aggressor. And NATO needs to be ready for it, if they want to maintain overwhelming dominance if an incident happens and avoid long wars.

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What they meant was in fact: "I thought I could get away with it". I call BS on them not knowing it would get ppl angry.

Your post gives vibes of elitism... I don't think your intelligence argument holds any water. The Internet of the late 90s/early 00s was easy to access.

The difference from before is the advent of social media. The stupid have been on the Internet for a very long time now. But you would't hear them much.

I know we had bulletin boards before, but social media, particularly Facebook IMO, allowed more people to express themselves and gave everyone an audience.

I do realize that the compiler is being annoying for my own good, you're preaching to the choir here. I've pestered about Rust being so unforgiving before, thought I was smarter than the compiler and realized the compiler was right, and been amazed.

In the grand scheme of things, though, I still think that this is slowing down adoption: trying the language is hard. Outside of the context of paid work which probably doesn't use Rust, when you're trying the language to work on small projects on which the 5x-50x figure probably doesn't hold true because the project is too small, the safety benefits aren't tangible, and writing the equivalent C++ will probably feel simpler.

To go back to the proficiency of the Rust programmers: you are entirely correct, I don't think Rust programmers have a God-given hard work ethic that other programmers don't.

Respectfully, though, I disagree with your statement that it's something about the language that makes programmers THAT many times more prolific, but I can't think of a solid explanation why at the moment.

It's a mistake to think he just listens to his guests. But the truth is that he also speaks his mind. The more he does it, the more we see the the real Rogan shining through. And the real Rogan isn't all that pretty.

I can see why he can be appealing to you, and I can respect that, even if I'm not the target audience. But I wish he didn't give a platform to the right-wing lunatics, and that he stopped parroting their horsecrap viewpoints.

You guys are going to hell. This is terrible and lazy 🤭

A sane country doesn't jail and assassinate dissidents for being dissidents. That's what's being criticized here. But, I'll admit, this guy's not exactly someone I'd have dined with. Not exactly a surprise to me, but maybe some people didn't already know.

Read the room. The pro-Palestinian are not fringe, and not nerds. And the majority just doesn't care one way or another. Your positions are not based on reality. You're the idealist.

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Have you read the source code? I'm not trying to be a smartass, I'm genuinely curious.

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Smearing Navalny's name is inappropriate when the bigger-picture thing the article gives is that, in 2024, a political dissident died in a gulag, which is the real news here.

Even worse: if you consider where we are, it could also have been an attempt to spread the narrative that he deserved to die, which is disgusting. But let's not assume the worst.

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Your self-censorship actually makes your already bad meme even worse because it's incomprehensible.

But sure, it's your right.

No it's not. You can say many things about the Israel-Palestinian conflict, but saying being pro-Palestinian is infantile is not one of those.

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Not saying this is what you're saying, but the average french SUV doesn't cost 100k. In-laws bought one almost new for 15k. They're not poor, but definitely not rich, and would think twice about buying one next time if it means they pay more for parking.

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Not at the same price point, and definitely not in "Pro" devices though

Bf1 was met with strong criticism but sold very well and was excellent (IMO)

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Scott Pilgrim is nowhere near as influencial as Fight Club though!






Not fringe. Minority, maybe, I never pretended otherwise.

The states that voted against Israel at the UN vote are not led by youthful idealists, are they? Or did you confuse the anglosphere with the whole world again, as if the opinions of most of the world didn't matter?

For the record, I didn't call you a nazi. I'm not following you around Lemmy. I have better things to do with my life.

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Repackaging ChatGPT is arguably a very nice potential value add, because going to a website is not always very convenient. But it needs to be done right to convince users to use a new method to access ChatGPT instead of just using their website.

Which advertiser are you talking about? 😵‍💫