Canadians aren’t smoking enough to keep up with the supply to World – 454 points –
Wasted Weed: Canada's Disposal of 3.7 Million Pounds of Cannabis Since 2018 | High Times

Wasted Weed: Canada’s Disposal of 3.7 Million Pounds of Cannabis Since 2018 Oversupply has been a real issue for the cannabis industry.


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Why would they be able to selfishly make money on the black market without paying any taxes though? That isn't fair to the rest of us with legal jobs.

I'm not jealous of them. It's cool they get to live off of weed without being jailed. But that takes away money that can be used to fund health care, hospital, schools... Which everyone needs to pay for. And don't mention billionaires not paying any taxes. I am more pissed at billionaires obviously, but I'm just taking issue with your presentation of reality, which I think should not be idealized.

The monopoly the government has on weed here in Quebec sucks though, it means the people you mention cannot do what they're doing legally.

I have yet to see the government using pot taxes to build any of the things they promised. No rehab centers. They are filling there coffers. I would rather have you and I spending the money locally then the government's promises. Nothing is coming to the cities. At least before it came back.

I was talking about the regular taxes every business pays or collects (sales tax, employee taxes etc.). Not the rest which probably doesn't constitue the majority of the contribution of weed companies to the legal economy anyway.