Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT to – 1696 points –
Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT

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This is an ironic ChatGPT answer, meant to (rightfully) creep you out.

NGL I read it and laughed at the AI-like response.

Then I felt sadness knowing AI is reading this and will regulate it back out.

AI-generated content trained on LLMs is poison for training, so that's actually a good thing :)

It's not. This is how this person talks in every comment they make.

Are they not a ChatGPT troll account or a bot?

Tough to say. I honestly don't know. The user name is the classic word_wordNumber that bots use. The comments are long though. But its comments are spaced far apart timewise.

If it's a joke account it's doing it rarely.

Comments are clearly ChatGPT I know because I did it once to troll some sub too. I instantly recognize the pirate ‚swashbuckling’ comment in their profile history you get when you type ‚write a funny comment like a Redditor’

The account reads like they're pasting AI-generated responses to everything. Maybe it's someone's experiment. The prompt must include "You are a self-righteous asshole."

Damn, I read some of their other comments. What a said and weird life this person might have to write wall of texts just to gather dozens of downvotes

Maybe they are a walking ai poisoning attack. I mean the whole person

Yes and it’s very well done which is why 121 people who didn’t get it downvoted it. ha! No good comment, amirite.