Ook the Librarian

@Ook the Librarian@lemmy.world
1 Post – 422 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

My namesake is a human librarian that was turned into an orangutan. All he says is "Ook" and can traverse the library stacks with great ease. He is happy.

I have a pretty strange knowledge set. I'm not super friendly, but I like to get high and link people to stuff. Just pretend I said only "ook"

When Blackburn said again she wanted to talk, Cotton interjected, “Now I guess Sen. Durbin is not going to allow women to speak either. I thought that was sacrosanct in your party!”

Man, they thoroughly do not understand equality.

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If you like the ideas of the Green Party, vote for them at the local level. The fact that they don't seem to want to govern at the local level is enough for me to ignore them as an option.

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Relevant xkcd alt-text 841.

For years, I took the wrong lesson from that Monster Cable experiment and only listened to my music through alligator-clipped coat hangers.

Lol -- how's that working out for ya, Utah??

Kinda perfectly. The lawmakers don't want to block porn; they want their constituents to think they are effective. The people that don't go to pornhub hear it's blocked (well that's nice) and the ones that go, find a work around (some people like it being hard). They hope the work around is innocuous enough to be forgotten by election day.

I hope they miscalculated. I don't see how blocking porn and weed is a winning strategy. I don't understand this country. Life could be fun. We have all the ingredients.

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He did not acknowledge the logical conclusion that everything he said about Biden being unfit should then in theory be applied to Trump. No, Trump just "fucked up".

If read the article critically, you would not accept such a lazy correction.

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I like gifs that end with a twist.

And yet they had purple onions. Curious.

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... in response to “feedback from the filmmaking team that wanted the actor’s remarks to be centered on the movie.”

Fuck that. You had de Niro submit a speech because you want to broadcast his words. You tried to make him a puppet and have your words in his voice.

The only thing actions like this cause is that it makes people wonder how many times smaller voices simply just went with the puppet speech.

I can't believe they asked someone of talent to write a speech and think he'd just roll along with major changes in the voice.

Maybe it took Guiliani back 40 years. He was at about 1920 before but he seems closer to 1880 now.

The myth of the non-skilled worker isn't working in their favor here.

[Project Veritas] has said its activities were newsgathering and were ethical and legal.

Actions have consequences, and that's ok.

That is, sincerely, such a hugely refreshing statement in any current affair. I don't mean to distract from his more specific points, but that key insight really shows integrity in a way that I wish didn't seem so rare.

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Exactly. My dog just barks at people turning around in the driveway. They turn around; my dog thinks he won.

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When police started buying military surplus and find it's not exciting if it sits in an armory. Here's a blog post that links a good Last Week Tonight from 2014 about it.

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You know what? It's kinda nice that it may come down to mainstream culture to bring this poison down. It just highlights how different our culture is from our politics. I'm not sure I have point.

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Ahh. It was copyright keeping us safe from that.

Most contracts have a severability clause saying if any clause is unenforceable then that clause shall be severed, but the rest stands. This lets companies take some big swings with what they put in there.

It takes time and money and stress for a worker to challenge any terms regardless of their merit. So an invalid contract still keeps you down, just not as strongly as the invalid contract itself claims to be.

I'm a huge Knowledge Fight fan. And your recommendation sounds right up my alley.

KF is a podcast done "the dollop style" with the broadcasts of Alex Jones, both modern and years old episodes. Dan Freissen has listened to 1000s of hours infowars, has read None Dare Call It a Conspiracy (which is why the recommendation perked my ears), has read Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "you name it".

He shows how AJ's Globalizist conspiracy is just a reskinning of old antisemitic writings.

Dan was flown to Texas to help the lawyers of the Sandy Hook defamation trial. I can't say enough about how much I respect him.

Btw, by "the dollop style", I mean comedian Dan Friessen tells his findings to comedian Jordan Holmes who is naïve on the topic.

Edit: Knowledge Fight has zero ads. Never has. No paywalls. They have no interest in sensationalizing. It feels very honest.

I'll link the episode most inline with this article. #602 with Sandy Hook lead counsel Mark Bankston.

It seems like you folks like Behind the Bastards. They've been guests a few times. Here's one Part One: How The Rich Ate Christianity

Edit: I wanted to clarify the relevance of #602. That came out in 2021, right after the default judgement was issued in Texas. I believe the lawyers never gave interviews until that ruling. I listened back. It's a neat little time capsule. Just skip ahead until you hear Mark Bankston speak if it's your first taste.

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Also, medically unnecessary transvaginal ultrasounds and doctors forced to read scripted lies to scared patients. (just thought I'd fill in some of the etc.)

Also, pregnancy is declared to have begun basically four weeks before the last missed period. So a 15 week ban is really an 11 week ban. And you only get 11 weeks if you are regular and are keeping track.

Now keeping track, in some states, is becoming a legal liability. So these antiabortion measures are just going to cause more oopies. It's just evil for the sake of being controlling.

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Well, even if he has no intention of winning, the simple act of filing will cost any named watchdog media group money. I doubt too many are swimming in it.

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I love response to the backlash. It's basically "Sorry our video was cringy and tonedeaf. We have removed the cringe."

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This is just more propaganda from the People's Front of Judea.

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So that's cool and all (well not really), but the time to raise a defense is at court. Of course, they don't simply let you say things, you have to produce the discovery materials.

What's that? That would be incredibly damning? So just take the verdict and whine? Sounds about right.

That is literally my point. Ignore them until they seem to want governance as opposed to only seeing them in national headlines tilting at windmills. It's worthless.

If you like Stein's platform, voting for Stein will decrease the likelihood of you ever seeing such a policy implemented. If, say, a state rep. runs on a Green platform, they would likely get my vote.

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Problems should be solved. I don't understand the sentiment. You aren't being asked to do anything.

Every pawn shop I've been to has guns displayed behind the cashiers. If you are experiencing a lot of people saying "get the fuck out", I'd attribute that to some other common variable.

If by "the service", you mean "online mental health providers", then no, the service will not get worse. Patients will be fine.

If by "the service", you mean "Cerebral's health services", then yes. They can collapse for all I care.

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That money was ill gained. The court applied laws. That money is not theirs now. What kind of hellscape are you advocating?

I wondered how many times she has proclaimed "Go woke. Go broke."

I hope her check clears.


Nope, the blood pattern clearly shows he shot himself after he hit the ground. Clearly, this man went above and beyond to kill himself. A Russian patriot.

awk will always have a soft spot for me, but I can see why not many take the time to learn it. It tends to be needed right there at the border of problem complexity where you are probably better using a full-fledged scripting tool.

But learning awk is great for that "now you're thinking in pipes" ah-hah moment.

That's fucked.

"We need some one to play Rosa Parks."

"Well this two-year-old has the only notable characteristic."

They do shit like this and say wokeness makes them feel bad.

It's not "impossible". It's expensive and will take years to produce material under an encompassing license in the quantity needed to make the model "large". Their argument is basically "but we can have it quickly if you allow legal shortcuts."

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the ones you're afraid will be manipulated into fascism or whatever, would have seen that recanted.

They would have seen a recantion, yes, but nothing about either saying why he just ranted about Biden's mental fitness with appropriate evidence OR spend some significant time retracting each adjective that he applied to Biden on false information.

He is fucking broadcasting. Stop treating him like a buddy sitting on your couch. He either knows what he is doing, or he has no respect for the power of having a large audience that can internalize messages on his word.

I believe your comment shows a lack of awareness of how people get piped to fascist viewpoints. To be clear, I do not think Rogen is intentionally leading people there, but being an idiot is not a great shield.

I had Zoidberg "(\/)(,;;,)(\/)" for awhile. And, yeah, not all devices liked that.

Why is the unity is underrated when its what i use

Everyone is going on about the lack of punctuation; I can't get over this snippet. It's like the ideal of an ego wrote this.

If you'd like to know my experience with Unity DE, I thought it felt like a toy and when it was packaged with Ubuntu, it was the first time I left vanilla Ubuntu since the days of Gutsy Gibbon.

I'm glad to hear Unity getting love. The customizability is by far linux's key strength. So it can give people what they want. For example, it gives me the ability to completely ignore Unity.

I'm quite surprised that he was found guilty. In sense that, holy hell, he took this to a jury!?!

This was important in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. The zoom resolution was interpolated by software. It wasn't AI per se, but the fact that a jury couldn't be relied upon to understand a black box algorithm and its possible artifacts, the zoomed video was disallowed.

(this in no way implies that I agree with the court.)

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Most people who find themselves fired for their viewpoints decry "cancel culture". To be clear, booting him of the board was an act of censorship. This acceptance of (the existence of) consequences helps to indicate how strongly one holds to their values.

He addresses related notions in his essay. Why he chose to accept the consequences in advance and why some others may not be able to. It makes it real.

Or turn 2 extension cords into a long one.

But a serious answer is that these are sometimes sold in a kit of adapters that would let you change the head. Most kits like used a normal cord as the base cord, but some used USB extension cords as the base cord. So this is meant to be a replacement part, not useful in its own right.