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Vac bans mean you can't play on vac secured servers. Nothing happens to your other games. For a competitive multiplayer game some anticheat detection is wanted. People changing their dll's to gain a competitive advantage is cheating. AMD making and distributing this unintentional cheat doesn't change that.

I agree that buying directly or through GoG and backing up your games is the best thing to do. But this incident isn't really related to that.

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Seems I'm in the minority but having to use my phone number as identier is exactly why I don't use apps like this, including WhatsApp. I don't care if my username gets shared, but I do not want my phone number to be shared with a bunch of randoms.

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Most reactions here are focusing too hard on the title. These clubs aren't like, nor inspired by 'Fight Club'. These groups pose as groups for men wanting to connect with other men so they can learn about physical and mental health, philosophy and self defense. The sports they train are absolutely effective and the hope they get brain damage from this is naive. They practice the same principle that most sane martial arts gyms use since many of them are involved in those as well.

Some will even have chapters for women so they can learn about their sacred and divine femininity and reject the modern capitalist pressures society puts on them of being both a career woman and homemaker and wife.

And very few of them are actually obvious about their neo Nazi roots. They usually just stick to neo paganism with some cherry picked Christianity tossed in for good measure.

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They literally had that experiment with Premium Light. €6 for ad free watching, it was all I needed. But they literally sent out a mail they were stopping this tier right before they started implementing more anti-ad blocking measures.

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The previous videos were too long for anyone who doesn't want to obsess about this. And this one is more pragmatic about your detergent of choice and thus more palatable for people who aren't already fans of his.

It's also takes him less time to make videos like this according to the messages on his patreon.

Personally I'm a fan of him remaking some videos like this. I can get my family to watch this a lot easier.

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If you're using company hardware on a company network and our security software says you're visiting ransomware like URLs, it's very much legal monitoring as it's for a technical reason. It's probably mandatory since you need to do this to protect the personal data your company stores.

More often than not you probably signed a document stating you understood and accepted this.

It's something that was happening at least 20 years ago as well. Though specifically for pig farms' smell: regulations of how to deal with the smell has long existed and quite often if there's complaints they're not using the filtration system because it's expensive to maintain.

I live within 200m of a pig farm and I've never smelled it itself.

I am a blonde blue eyed man who loves martial arts. Many, many people I train with are pretty open in their racism around me as long as there's only white people around. In larger groups they make no secret of their conspiracy beliefs. And they're constantly going to defense camps, survival camps, masculinity camps.

They follow and idolize both the US fascists like Trump, Desantis, JP. And their local versions who organise these kinds of camps (look up Dries Van langenhove).

It's not the blood and honour kind of Nazism, so perhaps not accurate for this article, but they genuinely believe he was right.

There's a difference between a shattered pelvis and being impaled because someone thought sharp corners are cool and safety standards are oppression.

Once they've reached your desired ripeness you can slow down them getting overripe in the fridge.

I loved BG2 and it was one of my favourite games ever for a very long time. Though when I read the old BG sub on Reddit it seems people there disliked everything I loved and hyperfocused on things I just considered part of the vehicle to deliver an amazing story that allowed so much freedom and depth that made you feel emotional and connected. I had tried to replay BG2 but the mechanics are so, so outdated now and distracting.

BG3 over delivers on the choice depth, story and connection but does so with an updated, fun and much better engine with much more mechanics.

Consentomatic. Automatic rejection of all unnecessary cookies. It's not perfect but works often enough to be worth it.

Blocking with uBlock really isn't the same as disabling. Disabling implies you're using the app and it's a setting.

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You can buy versions of it that don't smell like eggs, though they never smell good. That it turns purple is convenient when you spray it off, imho at least.

Sure, my comment is directly aimed at a comment stating Valve would basically brick your steam account for this, though. It's disinformation I've seen at too many places this week or oddly enough. While Valve as the CS2 publisher preemptively told players they would unban people once their dlls were normal again.

Yeah Rottweilers are herding dogs, they herd children too and just love leaning into you. Herd dogs also protect their pack so they do need training and an owner who knows what they're doing on top of extensive socialising.

It shouldn't, I don't see them anymore by choosing the don't recommend this channel to me anymore. And I do bij so watch a ton of bjj videos, so anytime some channel pops up that uses his clips it's recommended to me. Still his own channel and that main clipping channel are things I haven't seen in a long time.

Sync hasn't worked since 30th June.

I do more than playfully wrestle with my friends. As I do BJJ. I actively try to choke them out or try to break their limbs or try to tear their ligaments apart. It's very fun for all. Though while it's open to anyone I do get most people wouldn't enjoy it. It's personally physical to the extreme since on top of the close physical contact you're also sweating all over each other to the point sweat dripping in your eyes or mouth will statistically happen at least once.

Honestly if you feel like you miss playful fighting with friends, do a trial class of it.

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Not caring what you do on your pc, within reason, is not the same as not monitoring for dangerous actions that could endanger your network or company (and client data). I don't care what my colleagues do on their pc either. As long as it doesn't cause me more work.

Logging security incidents is work. So we do block a lot of websites and keep an eye on what you try to run. If we see something wrong we just talk to you and explain why we don't want you to do that. 99,9% of the time everybody is happy after that.

The idea of this being something you can get fired for or that's taken into consideration for your evaluation is insane though. We have rights as workers. Keeping the network safe means I can see some extent of what you do. Your boss or their boss has no right to that information unless you state you will continue endangering the network. Even in that case I wouldn't even tell them the websites tbh.

Command line stuff on Windows (server) is in a pretty decent state now, imo. It's not perfect but more and more is manageable with powershell. It took some time to really grok that you're basically always working with objects but I'm a big fan and now quite dislike having to deal with just "text" output when I do something in Linux. (Probably also because I need to do a lot less in it so I'm not used to it as much)

Personally again I also like the naming scheme much more than how it's done in bash. If I need to do something I don't know I can search the command by using logical words. E.g. I want to change the properties of a service but don't know the command by heart I can use

Get-Command service

And I'll get a list of all commands that contain the word service.

When it comes to admin privileges you simply have the privileges of the account you used to start the session, which has its' own dangers I suppose since it requires you to maintain account hygiene yourself.

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Not reusing it for a purpose that doesn't make sense doesn't mean the material won't be reused ever either ofcourse.

For me it's popping up all the time and although I guess I understand why they did it, I absolutely hate it. I don't want translations since I speak the different languages of the sites I visit fluently. Getting popups because I speak different languages is intrusive.

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That's premium light, they tried and killed it.

Yellow with blue line us even better for CCTV use imo.

If you only have to use it 15 minutes every week it's probably not worth getting to know.

I work in a Windows shop, so I love everything being an object, most of the time. At least for the things that are worked out completely.

It's great for things you need to iterate or just for figuring out what you can do by piping a result to get-member. If you are interested in getting better at powershell at some point, I highly recommend Powershell in a month of lunches. (Also because I like Manning's model where they automatically offer the digital versions of books they sell, and also offering free previews of the entire book, given enough time)

Having a talk about it doesn't mean they care. They'd just want you to stop doing that on the work network.

Please recommend people to update their app in a topic title. Connect couldn't even load a topic without failing out today. An update fixed it, but I had to manually force it because it didn't apply automatically.

This will drive people away. Literally none of the communities I subscribe to on world even seemed to have a new comment.

I guess that's just the intentional innuendo I use about it. If you look up bjj memes (or Craig Jones) you'll find most people preempt the jokes insecure people might make about dressing up in lycra and wrestling with other sweaty men in a padded room.

Yeah, I don't doubt it. Still would have preferred if it wouldn't have been turned on by default. (While recognizing I'm probably in the minority about that globally)

It's a first world problem but I seriously dislike how random everything with language(and region) settings is. Half the time they follow my system defaults (UK English and Belgian datetime notation), 25% of the time the region settings are ignored and time is displayed weird and backwards with month first and the 12 hour format(MS is really bad with that). And the rest of the time bad geolocalisation people think everyone in Belgium speaks French even when that's a minority language. So Firefox piling up on that with an unwanted request to translate languages I speak fluently is just annoying when I boot up my pc.

When I still actively played and wanted to try new decks easily 10 of my cards were proxies. No point in spending €20 on a rare if it won't make your deck better. The people I tested with did the same. We didn't even bother printing them though. We just wrote the name down and the properties if we didn't know them by heart.

And like others stated there's many formats including ones that even prohibit rare cards.

And before WotC came out with a decent online way to play we also had an online client in which you could import all the cards ever, though I doubt it was superlegal.

Niche hobby content creators have very few other methods of distributing their media content if it's longer than 60 seconds. Look at Technology connections for example. Maybe now the larger of those niche creators could build a small platform for theiyown, but there's no way new creators could rise up. And I watch 10 times as much of that type of content than I do of Netflix/Disney and Prime combined.

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For a business a cloud based OS would be far easier to be honest. It's just an iteration on remote desktop services, with better latency and better protection of the business because of tools like this. I don't think this should exist without consent on your private OS, but I can stand with not having to tell the new guy again that he can't torrent on company property.

None of those apps are the original and official app. Which is pretty obviously what this was about. I used to use Vanced and it never worked as easily as everyone seems to imply, and I never could get it to cast. Vanced is no longer available on the PlayStore btw, and the same can be expected for every app that tries to offer YouTube content, modified.

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There should be a good GUI for everything but a terminal offers more options to do certain things a lot faster. Especially in work environments. And once you're used to this level of efficiency and control you're not likely to stop doing that in your home network.

I've never seen a comparative experiment that confirms this habit and I don't see how that would make a difference. Especially not if you use a thermometer.

Options are of course great. What makes YT music a better option than Spotify Premium for you if I might ask? I found when I was trying it years ago it didn't seem to have an all encompassing music library. (It not having 10 years of playlists and recommendations that I do actually enjoy for new music is something I missed but couldn't count against it as a product ofcourse)

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Thanks for the feedback, my most recent car does have a native YT music app so if I can keep a decent music library along with no ads it would be worth considering.

And Spotify shuffle in large playlist was plain broken for years indeed. I could have 1000+ songs in a list and shuffle would loop 20 of them.

As in use phone number to sign up but only share unique username. I'd still dislike having to use a phone number but being able to use such an app with family would be enough of a plus to finally get over it.

Thanks, will check that out.