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Joined 1 years ago

This is just depressing.

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Moderation was the biggest issue with the debate. Everyone knows how Trump doesn't believe in objective reality, so not pushing back on lies is harmful and dangerous.

This country is cooked with these two as the choices. Biden looked awful, and Trump didn't answer anything at all. Trump gets a pass on never having any substance to his replies. It is just jokes and insults.

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People who aren't the VBNMW crowd saw the writing on the wall for Biden. This debate only helped Trump even tho Trump literally didn't answer anything. That is Trump's style all insults or jokes and no substance. Not sure what happens here it is way too late to switch to anyone else. We're cooked.

There are way too many evil people in power in this country.

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The media is to blame here handling this debate like it is a Wrestlemania match. No pushback at all for Trump dodging questions and letting them go on about golf when people's materials needs aren't met and they just criminalized being homeless. Very unserious debate moderators.

Now that Dem donors finally see it is an acceptable talking point? The writing has been clear for a long time Biden isn't the person for this critical time. It is too late now.

We are truly in a loop of insanity at this point. 40+ years loop of the same type of direction not working.

I'm glad he is finally free and I'm always thankful to anyone who exposes war crimes and whistleblowers.

Most of AI just seems to be blatant theft and copyright issues.

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"Cop Shopping" is a gross term for them not doing their job. They never prevent or protect anything.

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Huffing Right-Wing media all day turning people extremely paranoid for no actual reason.

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It is still crazy to me, he is responsible for an insurrection and still gets the option to run for President. Every time I've talked about it on twitter some right-winger will bring up it was mostly peaceful and some other event that has nothing to do with anything lol.

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People keep trying to paint every CEO as this smart and hardworking class of people. We continue to see it isn't true.

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That usually means they will have something worse at a later time.

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Unless the Trump is held accountable, He will most likely win. People's material needs are important and Dem messaging has basically been hey we showed this graph so you're not struggling and anything popular you want won't happen. But everything bad will happen with the other guy. Being not Trump once again is a dangerous way to win the election. Trump's cultist ass should be getting crushed.

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Anytime Trump is held slightly accountable, You can count on Republicans to threaten some type of payback.

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RIP Carl. His Arrested Development skit will always be funny af.

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The lady's strategy was to prop up Trump and lost to him. I don't care about her opinions at all. I didn't forget she went around calling Black People Super Predators.

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Firefox has always been great to use for me.

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She is white supremacist trash. Props to whoever asked her that question. She isn't bothering to hide it.

Cops killing children dealing with mental help episodes and get rewarded with more funding is something that makes me sick. Body Cam footage shouldn't depend on if cops feel like releasing it should be sent to an independent party automatically. RIP Ryan.

It takes the EU to force Microsoft to act reasonable.

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Based Furries. Fuck Transphobes.

The GOP can never actually explain their reasoning when people push back usually.

People were unironically comparing this man to Tony Starks lol. 🏃🏾‍♂️

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This man should not be able to run at all lol.

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Well they got told to knock it off nicely. So I guess they will lower prices now. 🙄

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The Florida playbook. Vote for a piece of trash and then complain about the results.

I think the public understands just fine. It is just people are indifferent to Biden at this point, and It seems Dems can't connect to average people. "Hey you're not struggling, you're doing great now." is not a winning message while people can't afford food and rent. Then you got the media giving infinite Trump coverage.

Trump is in a position where nothing does anything negative towards him. It is crazy he is able to run after all that has happened. The lesser evil and not being Trump is not good enough to reach average people.

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He is in a legal battle every day of the week and GOP voters are like damn this guy is fit to be President again.

The Internet Archive is so important. The closest thing to a digital library.

Racism is so ugly and stupid. It is always wild people saying go back to your own country when they are not natively from here as well usually.

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I hope very soon police can face the same amount of suffering they dish out to people and families.

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People can't afford rent and food. The most Biden has done to address the corporate greed and price gouging is telling them to knock it off lol. The attempts at trying to gaslight people into believing the economy is good won't work.

It is crazy how large of an audience he has. When he clearly worships Trump, his reaction to finding out it was Trump's words said enough. Idol worship is an ugly thing.

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You can't reform or fix a collective of abusers and evil people. ACAB.

All the Trump cultists are calling this election interference, when he literally didn't have to do an insurrection.

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GOP continue to be pieces of trash. I really wish the party would just die off, but Trumpism gave them a bolder fascist to believe in.

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I don't think GOP voters really care about policy at this point. They have voted against their own interests all the time. I've seen it 1st hand working at the SNAP office in my state. People voting/worshiping guys like DeSantis while he makes it harder for them to get food or help.

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