It is essential to stop using Chrome. Under the pretense of saving users from third-party spyware, Google is creating an ecosystem in which Chrome itself is the spyware. to – 2248 points –

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Firefox has always been great to use for me.

Switched to it recently, have been absolutely loving it! No regrets!

I tried and just not having grouped tabs is so painful. That and being embedded in Google's federated system makes it hard to get out. Any advice on how to make the switch in the least painful way?

I still have Chromium (on Debian) running solely for the Google stuff I still use. Trying to get away from that as well but it'll take some time. Be patient with yourself.

See if there is a plug in for grouped tab.

While you're not wrong, I was hoping for some recommendations as I've not found any plugins that make grouped tabs easy to use.

I use Simple Tab Groups, it's great!

I've also recently started using this extension, and it's incredible by comparison. Despite the name being "Simple", it feels way more advanced than Chrome's half-hearted attempt at tab groups.

This is the same issue I have. It's too different and clunky to me and every time I try it I have to switch back.

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I have to restart it once or twice each day as it refuses to play videos or audio after a while. I know it's not a settings or add-on issue, and I searched everywhere for an explanation. It fucking sucks. I'm this close to going back to Chrome.

If you're the only one who has that issue, or it's very uncommon, then it's more likely a software or hardware configuration issue or some corruption on your systems part.

Just saying this, when I used to run windows, weird bugs like that as a cue to do a complete reinstall of windows. Usually would fix every problem I'd been having with every app to date.

Even now deleting everything associated to Firefox and reinstalling the app would probably fix it. The other thing to do is to keep an eye on the behaviour of your browser after installing extensions. Sometimes extensions themselves can cause weird problems.

There are a couple tiny issues I have with it that drive me nuts (namely: 1 how they implement the CSS blur filter sucks and 2 the fact that they haven't implemented page transitions even though I think it was their idea to start with (?))

But other than those things, I certainly don't feel like I'm missing anything by ditching Google.

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