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Percentage wise, I'm sure support is very high. But for a petition like this, I'd be shocked if even 0.01% percent of people have even heard of it.

Personally, I support the petition (obviously) and wish it could have succeeded. But even I think that in the grand scheme of all the problems in the world, this is very far down my wishlist.

Funny you compared the atmosphere to Night in the Woods, the same sound designer did both games.

You can't give UBI to a subset of people. Then it's not universal anymore.

But if you did give artists a basic income, how much art would they need to produce to qualify? What qualifies as art? The law doesn't do well with those kinds of questions.

Better to implement true UBI. Give it to everyone, and afford more security to folks who want to focus on art.

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Aww, lay off Jonathan. He's a pioneer for gay rights, which is much more than can be said for any of you lot.

Due to his advanced age, Jonathan spends his days doing almost everything with his mate, including eating, sleeping and mating... The sex of Frederica, ... his companion since 1991, was cast into doubt in 2017 when island veterinarian Catherine Man indicated that due to a deformity of its plastron its sex could not be verified,[4] and is now known to be male, being renamed Frederik.

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Here's my headline: Why obsessing over battery degradation is unhealthy and you should just do whatever is easiest for you

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The show is not high art. No one will be winning an Emmy for acting. It certainly doesn't warrant the high rating on RT. But it's entertaining, engaging, visually stimulating and a fantastic adaptation of the games.

If you're expecting a Last of Us calibre deep dive into society and the human condition coping with an apocalypse, you'll be disappointed. If you're expecting a fun romp through the wastelands with body parts gratuitously exploding into red mist, then look no farther!

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I think you're overstating the compute power and understating the amount of cardboard Amazon uses

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This has much broader consequences than just France. Imagine if France succeeded in passing this, and browsers had to implement capabilities for government mandated blocklists.

You can be sure governments across the globe would be rushing through similar legislation as fast as they can.

Huge "I think about you all the time / I don't think about you at all" vibes.

I too am skeptical.

Mozilla cares a lot about performance. It is monitored obsessively and there are entire teams dedicated to squeezing out every last drop of performance. Heaven and earth would be moved for a 30% perf boost. I'm guessing either there's some very severe tradeoffs to these prefs, or setting them somehow breaks the methodology used to obtain this number.

Edit: also benchmarks can be notoriously misleading. I don't have any opinions or knowledge on basemark (the benchmark used to get this 30% number), but speedometer v3 is the most state of the art and generally agreed upon benchmark for performance these days.

That doesn't mean the 30% number is bogus.. Just that it should be followed by "...on basemark" rather than implying it's conclusive to overall performance.

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For the genetic disorder responsible for giving him three testicles

I wish there were more short triple A titles. Like 10 hours main quest and 30 hours to 100%. Put those massive resources into quality rather than quantity. Give me a memorable experience over a slog.

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Negativity bias is real! I was reminding myself just today that for every act of hatred, there are ten thousand acts of love or kindness happening unreported all over the world. In homes, on the streets at the store...

Don't let the news get you down. Things aren't as bad as all that.

I used to equate Sync with Reddit too, but now I have a different perspective.

Reddit is nothing but a glorified link aggregator. Sync was my preferred way of viewing said list of links. Now that I have the exact same experience on Lemmy I've realized that Sync wasn't Reddit, it was link aggregation and where those links come from doesn't really matter.

It's kind of poetic because that's the promise of Lemmy. It doesn't matter where the links are hosted.

In reference to “Games-as-a-Service,” we simply plan to continually update the game for many years to come, just like the previous two Subnautica games. Think our Early Access update model, expanded. No season passes. No battle passes. No subscription.

Open source alternative to Adobe Lightroom

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If you're plugging a USB drive into my home server, then I have bigger problems than malware.

It's like a vicious cycle:

  1. People are tech illiterate
  2. Tech companies design things for the lowest common denominator.
  3. People don't need to learn anything new and become even more tech illiterate

AI is going to make it so much worse. You'll soon be in the top 5% if you have a keyboard app installed on your phone.

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Google's too smart for that. They know there's a big backlash against AI in the tech savvy crowd and that it's bleeding users to competitors. So they offer this escape valve that they know the techies will easily find and use, but which 99% of the population will never even look for. This way they can still push AI on almost everyone while at the same time retain as many disgruntled techies as they can.

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You are on lemmy.ml, not lemmygrad.ml

I don't think people really know what gas lighting is :p.

Relatedly, whether you understand the term or not, go watch the movie Gaslight where it comes from. Great film.

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I'm Canadian eh

To be happy

I live in Ontario and Quebec was undergoing a referendum to leave Canada when I was a kid. I asked my Dad if Canada would still be the second biggest country if Quebec left.

He was impressed by the insightful question, but in reality I thought Quebec was just the tiny town where my Grandma lived.

Don't forget the update to the privacy policy so they can sell more of your data

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I've been working there a long time, there are valid complaints, but poor work culture isn't one I've normally heard. Of course it depends a lot on the specific manager, so I won't deny specific anecdotal experiences. But generally I'd say the work culture is quite healthy.

For that use case, go syncthing. Nextcloud would be overkill. I run both, I use syncthing for my personal files and Nextcloud when they should be shared with others.

Microsoft argues that its AI automation will remove the boring bits of jobs instead of replacing jobs entirely.

This argument is such bullshit. As if Microsoft doesn't know there exist jobs that are entirely "the boring bits".

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Funny you mention Ladybird.. It's a commendable project and I hope they succeed. But until it renders 99% of websites, plays Netflix videos, has all the modern features people expect of a web browser and is an actual viable option for non techies.. It is really proving the opposite of your point. The fact that an alpha is still years away speaks to how hard this really is.

In theory it could be a good thing. In practice hospitals will lay off a bunch of nurses to save cost, the system will be just as overloaded as ever, except now you talk to cold unfeeling machines instead.

Well said! I agree with almost everything, except I still want algorithms. I think I'd say "free from algorithms that serve corporate interests" instead. Algorithms that help me find content I genuinely enjoy are sorely missed.

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Yes, everyone deserves a bullshit free social experience. You're more than welcome to go start your own instance that only federates with other hardcore nerd instances

As soon as you decide to decentralize your platform it ceases to belong to any particular group.

(To be fair the first one was a memorable experience.. Hopefully this follows suit)

From the post:

Whether it’s a local or a cloud-based model, if you want to use AI, we think you should have the freedom to use (or not use) the tools that best suit your needs

Yes, all great points. But you're comparing the wrong thing. The comparison isn't PPA vs no ads. It's PPA vs being personally targeted by ad companies. It's clearly a step in the right direction.

Or I can tell advertisers to eat shit and give them nothing, like I've been doing my whole life. Has been working well so far

Now your getting it! Yes, just keep using an ad blocker and tell advertisers to fuck off! That's exactly what we can all continue doing, and this PPA stuff will have 0 impact on us. But it will improve the lives of everyone not using ad blockers.

Ah my bad, then I agree!

It seems you are the one who doesn't understand the term. There's a very specific definition for it established by the UN: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml


In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

Nowhere does it say every member of the population needs to be murdered. And Israel is very clearly checking the first three boxes at the very least.

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Irresponsible parents are a fact of life. Please stop deflecting from the problem that has a very simple solution to the one that isn't going away ever. Keep the fucking guns away from children..

Am I the only one who came to Lemmy for more of that shit?