0 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

❤️ sex work is work ✊

Yeah, not understanding that is a consequence of people not reading the source material, because Tolkien definitely explains exactly why the eagles couldn't do that.

On the other hand, I think it's a valid criticism of the movies that, for all the amazing things he did in that trilogy, Peter Jackson failed to explain something minor that turned out to be a lingering issue for some segment of the wider audience that would consume that adaptation.

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I looked at the comments on a few of your posts, and people are telling you exactly why they are annoyed by them.

Your posts come off as low effort spam, almost like you're treating Lemmy communities like a Discord chat room. Also, you post very similar kinds of things about the same couple of games on the daily, and people probably get tired of seeing samey stuff in their feed.

I've noticed that you're making hyper specific posts ("what do you think about X mission in rdr") in a general gaming community. Try posting those hyper specific questions in the communities for the actual game you're asking about, where people who want to nerd out about some random mission are more likely to be.

It's cool that you're trying to engage people though, I think you just need to get some more practice at reading the crowd here. Lurk more, maybe. Lemmy isn't the other site, we don't necessarily resonate with all the same kinds of content here.

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It was a revelation at some point in my young life when I realized that CEOs (and any other executive position) are not the highly trained and capable leaders with grand business acumen that I was led to believe they are. Literally anyone can be a CEO for a few dollars and their name on a business registration with the local government, no training or capability is required.

Horrifying in retrospect to realize how many people lionize executives simply for adopting a title.

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This kind of confusion illustrated by Telegram users is exactly why it was the right thing to do for privacy when Signal removed support for SMS because it's not encrypted. People still whine endlessly about it, but most users are not very savvy, and they'll assume "this app is secure" and gleefully send compromised SMS to each other. All the warnings and UI indicators that parts of the app were less secure (or not at all in the case of SMS) would be ignored by many users, resulting in an effectively more dangerous app. Signal was smart to remove those insecure features entirely.

Oh you mean like is currently happening right now without socialism?

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KDE Connect should fit the bill; despite the name, you don't need to be using KDE (or Linux even) since there are clients for every major OS, even mobile.

Among many other cool features, it lets you easily and simply just send a file from one device directly to another on your local network. I use it all the time to send photos from my phone to my desktop without plugging anything in, for example.

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Ugh yeah the small 4-person worker cooperative I'm part of has been trying to get Apple to let us enroll in their developer program for literally weeks now. Every time we clear some other nonsense requirement, there's a new one right behind it; and we haven't even gotten to the "pay $100 for the privilege of undergoing this process" part yet.

I can't believe Apple ever managed to build an application ecosystem around their products when they are so unfriendly to developers.

Hexbear in particular has been annoying in the past with nonsense comments from users there, and so many unhelpful replies that are just a tiny animated image and nothing else. I'm not even sure they actually are leftist as much as just trolls a lot of times, so I've blocked the instance in general so that serious leftist conversations aren't being drowned out by that nonsense.

If it looks like someone from hexbear (such as yourself here) is making a real contribution then I'll reveal that comment and engage. It's a shame there are so many goofballs on that instance, apparently. Maybe their moderation has improved though?

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One time when I lived in Utah, I literally got pulled over for driving the speed limit. Literally. The cop told me that I needed to go with the flow of traffic instead. He didn't give me a ticket, but it was still an annoying interruption to my day, and I assume it gave him a power boner of some sort.

But another time, living in the same area, I got pulled over by a different cop for going with the flow of traffic, because speeding isn't justified even when everyone else on the road is.

As another comment said, you're fucked if you do and fucked if you don't. Although, I do prefer the alternative of going with the flow of traffic to avoid road rage incidents as you've pointed out.

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KDE Connect (FREE, open source) is definitely a gem. I love using my phone as a remote mouse and keyboard for my HTPC, and syncing clipboard, files, links, and notifications with the other devices I've paired with. (BTW, despite the name, you don't need KDE - or Linux even - to use it. It works on Windows and Android too.)

URLCheck (FREE, open source) is fantastic. It's a little pop-up that appears when you click a link, showing you the full URL and letting you modify it before you open with your browser/associated app (e.g., to remove tracking parameters):

URLCheck acts as an amazingly customizable and powerful intermediary when opening url links, allowing, among other things: to remove trackers, affiliate links, unnecessary elements, check Hosts, facilitating link holding and sharing, protecting against certain phishing techniques and many more...

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I have now stopped donating because y'all can't get off this topic.

When I stopped my donation, there was "other" then a box to say why. I filled it in. It's just one donation that stopped, but who knows, there could be more.

You stopped supporting the server you use because some other people (on different servers) commented about another topic entirely? I don't understand the logic behind that. Are you under the impression that someone posting from is secretly the maintainer of What's the logical connection here for you?

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It is massively naive to think that zero of the people who are students right now will ever do sex work at some point in the future. Some of them definitely will. Even if you don't agree that sex work is valid and honorable work (which you clearly don't agree with) there's no way to stop people from doing it despite how vilified or illegal it is in any society.

Given that reality, a course teaching people how to avoid the dangerous elements of a job that some of those people will eventually do, sounds like a great course. Having a sex worker who knows WTF she's talking about teach it? That's fucking amazing.

Why is that impossible? Create the post in !, or ! or ! (those are the games OP keeps harping on) or whatever game they're interested in.

I guess if there's no existing community, that's an issue. Create one, then. Post the hyper-specific question into that new community, and then go post an announcement of the community in the broader games communities and let people interested naturally filter in.

I'm not a Lemmy expert by any means, I'm just suggesting ways to engage with people that seems to me like it'd be more constructive and likely to be appreciated. 🤷

I honestly do not understand when people complain about Lemmy being too empty. That's not my experience at all, not even close! My subscribed feed is pretty tame (intentionally), but if I switch to all, I can scroll and scroll until I'm like "maybe I should take a break" and I'm still only seeing posts from like 3h back. There is so much going on here, how are people going around saying it's dead?

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These fuckers should just release digital first, and physical comes when it's done being printed and distributed. This anxiety over "oh no a finished game got leaked early" is manufactured drama. If the game is done, then it doesn't matter when it gets released, except for artificial marketing angst. Make a good game that players want, and it'll be purchased. Eventually. It doesn't have to all happen at exactly the predicted moment.

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It's definitely not in your face. I've been using Windows 11 in some fashion ever since it was released, and I didn't even know there was a backup app. I just ran it now to look at it, and it's pretty tame. It syncs app installs from the Windows Store (which you don't even need to use ever) and some settings like accessibility. I've long since removed OneDrive, which is what it looks as if the backup app uses to sync folders, so it's disabled for me.

I'm not sure the backup app even does anything on it's own, really. It seems like it's just displaying some settings from other apps in a central location. 🤷‍♂️ This seems like a non story to me.

The golden palace in their mind.

My worker cooperative helps authors self-publish, and we use as much open-source as possible to do that. We rely almost exclusively on a number of tools which are all better than proprietary counterparts for one reason or another (sometimes merely because they are free and allow us to keep costs minimal) but the main reason is most of our clients value unquestioned data ownership over anything else. We avoid corporate cloud services and self-host as much as possible, for example.

Having said that, IMO many of these are also better designed and better UI than comparable paid tools. Blender being the obvious best example, but WordPress is another one. I used to ignorantly shit on WP so much when I was working in the professional startup industry as a web developer. Since then, I've learned to my delight that it's awesome if you don't bog it down with a bunch of horrible plugins, and the latest versions with their block editor approach are so good for easy and quick theming.

Here's a list off the top of my head of our regularly used software. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, and many of these are going to be unsurprising:

  • Linux (seems obvious, but definitely worth mentioning. We primarily use Ubuntu and Debian based images.)
  • Blender (2D/3D graphics)
  • GIMP (raster image editing)
  • Inkscape (vector image editing)
  • calibre (creating ebooks)
  • InvoiceNinja (generating invoices, tracking hours, payments, expenses, general accounting)
  • NextCloud (storage and collaboration on files, passwords, office editing)
  • Gitlab (git repository tracking, deployment management)
  • WordPress (client websites)
  • Caddy (web server with dead-simple config and automatic https support)
  • Zulip (chat, the threading style they use is so effective for organizing discussions about client work, it's miles beyond Slack or any other options we've all used in past corporate lives)

Yet another of Google's discontinued pet projects with tons of potential but that that they quickly lost interest in, my trusty (now officially unsupported) Pixel 4XL has a Soli Radar sensor that I'm going to miss when I finally break down and buy another phone.

It is so nice to be able to just wave generally in the direction of my phone to do stuff. I use it all the time when I'm driving to skip songs, or repeat the last song, or pause the music, etc. without taking my eyes off the road. It really is a shame to me that they threw a bunch of money at a legitimately cool project like that, and then seemingly just abandoned it entirely.

Add it to the list, I suppose.

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Windows 11 is technically still Windows 10, if you go by the actual version reported by the systeminfo command. For example, my fully updated Windows 11 Pro VM reports itself as OS Version: 10.0.22631, so there might still be something to the idea that "Windows 10 is the last version" but the marketing and branding teams didn't stay on the same message.

Who knew there were so many Commodore 64 enthusiasts in this day and age...

Edit: holy shit, it really is about the Commodore 64, I was just kidding... thought for sure it was some new game using that abbreviation 😅

I haven't seen anyone mention nutritional yeast yet, but that's become my go-to seasoning for almost everything; popcorn, pizza, scrambled eggs, bread, ramen, soft pretzels, and of course on fries. So damn good!

(Yes, I realize the name "nutritional yeast" sounds vaguely unpleasant and unappetizing, but I promise it's incredible if you like savory flavors, and it can also be used as a cheese powder substitute in vegan recipes.)

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How do you mean? I've been using it for a couple of months now and aside from one website (my bank) everything I've tried to do with it has been perfectly fine. It even has adblock and videos play in the background. I've also not seen any issues with dark mode; I'm using dark mode right now, actually.

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I don't see how that's hilarious, unless you're an asshole. (Which, looking at your other comments, you seem to be.)

Also, there have been multiple incidents of supply shortages for the prescription medications that ADHD people tend to need. Being without their required medications can cause some people to make bad decisions, or to self medicate in other ways. None of that is their fault, and it's not fucking "hilarious" in any way.

Both owned by Google, unfortunately, so not a surprise I guess.

Having to copy a line from a document titled "The Principles of Communism" just to sign up should've tipped you off that something was a bit weird.

Uh what? How is it weird to have a mild anti-bot task in a registration process? That's pretty normal.

If you're objecting to the content in the text, well that's just silly. A communist instance referencing communist writings is not "weird", that'd be entirely within the realm of reasonable expectation.

If you feel so threatened by the mere presence of communism in your bubble, maybe don't try to join an instance by and for them? How dare the dastardly communists be so happy and welcoming to everyone!

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Hey, the 2nd Amendment doesn't say Americans can't have nuclear missiles in their garages. This guy was just doing his patriotic duty! /s

I read somewhere that proper emojis are more accessible for screen readers, so I've avoided using the old style smiley versions and textmojis ever since.

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We ought to stop calling it UI when it's not meant to benefit the user anymore. A lot of changes are probably more accurately called VCI because they are dark patterns meant to benefit the VC instead of the User.

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requires you to own the original Thief Gold

Happily, that's no longer the case these days. TDM was originally a mod, but despite keeping the name, it's now a standalone game using the open-sourced Doom 3 engine. The whole game is currently free without any purchases necessary!

What I've done in the past is to copy the URL of the unavailable video (if it's still accessible via the playlist entry, sometimes it isn't which is annoying) and feed it into the Wayback Machine in the hopes that it got archived at some point. The video stream isn't usually available that way, but at least the page title sometimes is, and then I can search for other versions of it.

The small business part of the transition is "easy" (or at least, not any harder than maintaining a capitalist business), people have been and are currently doing this already. They are known as worker-owned cooperatives, and are often extremely liberating to those who make the effort. Depending on the industry (and the government you live under), it's not even that difficult, roughly on the order of forming a freelancing agency. There are also entire organizations dedicated to assisting with corporate transition to cooperative structure.

Here are some good examples of resources in the US to start learning that process:

You kid, but I really do find this stereotype of Americans fascinating in it's persistence. Every supermarket I've been to in America during the last decade has a tea section that is double the size of the coffee section next to it. These stores wouldn't be stocking like that if Americans weren't buying a ton of tea, but yet the idea of America being a tea desert continues.

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It's better than Season 8, which is of course just about the lowest bar in existence, but worth noting when talking GoT.

The plot was kind of just a borderline uninteresting version of Downton Abbey with way more blood and incest, but the characters felt correct for the world and the acting and production was on point. Definitely worth a watch, but just don't expect it to be anything on the level of Seasons 1-4 of the original show.

it really took away my ability to sell end to encryption to friends and family

As I understand it, SMS and MMS aren't encrypted (and that's why support was dropped. Unfortunately, you were never selling your friends e2e as long as they kept using SMS, even if they used it through Signal. In fact, it's arguable that the false perception of security in "now I'm texting through Signal, and that means it's secure!" was even more damaging than never having switched in the first place. (Unless they went all the way and stopped using SMS, of course.)

So, nothing is lost from that perspective. Now you can more accurately recommend ppl to use Signal messages instead of SMS and know that you are more accurately selling e2e with every convert because they can't keep using insecure messaging through Signal.

all of the kids are progressive

I'm not so sure that's entirely true, there are plenty of angry social regressives among the young too.

The game series Thief is the defining experience of satisfying gameplay for me, and there are not enough games like that. Stealth as a core mechanic, with the expectation and ability to entirely avoid combat and detection, a first person perspective for immersion, and a fascinating fantasy setting and story.

The closest to a spiritual successor is the Styx series, but it's been a while since the last one was released, so I wish for another game like that.

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Being racist does not make you far-right

Being openly racist absolutely does mean being right wing. What else would it mean? That's the main platform the right has, they just bury it under euphemisms and pretend it doesn't exist. The ones who are too stupid to obfuscate their racist remarks are the far-right.

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I'm not sure what else they would need to do. You can just install Plex or Jellyfin on your Steamdeck right now, and you've got yourself an HTPC. It works great!

What are the missing pieces you're still looking for?

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Connect has instance filters, which you can use to block entire servers like you mentioned. I have actually used it to block hexbear, myself.