
2 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

17 more...

During my relatively long life I've witnessed journalism morph from giving information to forming opinion. Sometimes they do it openly, sometimes they try to pass it as the context you mention.

I believe context is necessary now because of how fragmented people's attention is. We used to have 5 tv channels and two main newspapers and that was it. It was easier to keep the focus and remember the context back then.

Or, rather, we were all inside the same information bubble. Now everyone is in their own bubble, and there's no more common understanding of reality.

This conflict makes it super clear, because of its complexity and long history, that people don't have the time or bandwidth to understand the whole thing and end up repeating what they hear inside their bubble.

For example: your opinion is largely influenced by your location and your own history, much more than by the facts of the conflict. I come from Argentina, where most people support Israel, and I live in Ireland, where most people support the Palestinians. There's understandable reasons for that. Argentina suffered two Islamic terrorist attacks against local Jewish institutions, while Irish people identify with Palestinians because of the British oppression.

I personally live in my own bubble of course, we all do. I know my opinion is heavily influenced by my own history.

As a consequence I end up getting involved in online discussions where I argue for nuance and against simplification, but that just puts me on the "wrong side" of both "sides". So for my own mental health I've been trying to stop participating. I only wanted to chime in here because your comment seemed to capture some of what I think.

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Surprisingly, many Irish don't know how to swim, even though it's an island.

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It not only persists, it flares up.

Yeah, well, at least it only affects important official documents. /s

And what about the fact that they can't guarantee any wifi speed because what they provide is Internet connectivity to the router, and wifi speed depends on the distance from the router, walls or floors in between, interference with other access points and radio emitters, etc?

The plural of you is yous or ye. In Ireland at least.

WhatsApp doesn't have an inbox. What are they talking about!?

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Remember violentacrez?

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Yep. The day they kill old.reddit is the day I stop using it.

Don't forget the cassettes before that. (Sinclair 1000 / ZX-81)

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TWAIN, the protocol used in fax machines, comes from Technology Without An Interesting Name.

Edit: aww, wikipedia says that's a myth. I'm leaving it here because it's too good not to be true.

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It's a nice idea, but unfortunately it's been proven not to work. Misinformation spreads way faster than facts.

Breaking my own rule here, but whatever.

There's no need for a Jewish state per se. There's a need for a state for Jews, so they can live without fear of being persecuted, like they have been for hundreds of years.

Same reason there's a need for a Palestinian state.

Yes, but on the other hand biasing the models could be a way to influence reality.

"XIX"... I'm not seeing it.

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Argentina here:

"La recalcada concha de tu madre." The closest translation would be "your mother's pussy" but with added emphasis by the word "recalcada" which would be something like... uhm... super-copied? Yeah, don't ask.

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15 here and when I reviewed the answers I realized most were sheer luck.

The fact that it's a clean gaussian shows that it's mostly luck anyway.

I've recently changed jobs and my new company uses GitHub for everything, including "projects", its wannabe kanban boards, and I'm truly appalled at how bad they are. They've been out for many years, yet they lack the most basic features, like a decent API, or hierarchical relationships between tickets, or a simple integration between the board and the ticket status... Like what are they thinking!?

Yeah, GitHub has some issues alright.

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That's not AI works. It's exactly as biased as the humans who produced the content on which it is trained.

That said, I also don't believe these models have been trained exclusively on white straight men's conversations, that would take some effort to achieve.

More likely, it's been trained on internet forums, so similar to what it's being asked to moderate. And as long as there's a human at the other end of an appeal, it should be fine.

Sure, but this post is about detecting machine-generated content. How does ID verification help there?

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Shhh! Don't tell them my age!

It doesn't sound at all like him and the laugh track is just the insult cherry on top.


Yeah, I was looking at this wondering why anyone would stop a program just to copy a line, and then I remembered that not everyone uses a Mac.

Nah, that's not how 69 works

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Not sure I agree. I think it would be totally in character for him to want to destroy Twitter just because they forced him to buy it. He's a petty troll and can afford to lose that money just to show them.

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The video doesn't show what caused the exposition.

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Nobody says "veinte y media". It's "veinte treinta", and everyone understands that and it's shorter than "ocho y media de la noche", which everyone understands as well. They're completely interchangeable and nobody would find either strange or unusual.

Bravo. This is the right answer.

The difference is that copyright violations can be detected relatively easily.

Was Linguist used to translate this web page by any chance?

It's still a great metaphor / cautionary tale.

Thanks, it's rare to find a well thought out answer in here like yours.

I agree that LinkedIn always did shady things to increase their user base. They used dark patterns to get access to your address book even as they got constant criticism for that, both externally and internally. One of their top product managers was actually proud of that, and said that they would have done more if possible.

But I very much doubt they actually sold their customer's emails at any point. They have always been very protective of their customer's data, fighting scrapers and limiting APIs. There's no upside to selling your customers info. You're undermining your own business by doing so.

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True, I didn't think it through. I stand corrected.

You should read the whole article. It's really not that long.

I can't believe I have to explain this, but the key to 69 is that the two "people" are in opposite directions to reach other, not that the pair looks the same from either direction.

That map looks quite inaccurate, I wonder where they got that info.