PSA: If you're tired of political posts in Technology, block user L4s to – 539 points –

First of all, L4s (sorry misspelled in titel) is not a real user, so no harm done here.

It's an automatic bot xposting from reddit, making this community just as bad as r/technology, which kind frankly only revolves around politics and social media platforms.

I've had the user blocked 2 weeks now, and this community is muuuuch more enjoyable and is actually about technology now.

Just wanted to share a positive experience.


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There's a checkbox in your Lemmy account settings to allow/block all bot accounts. Only works if they identify themselves as such, so it's not foolproof, but it's better than nothing.

In your account settings, uncheck "Show Bot Posts".

The one annoying thing is that if a bot replies to you (particularly the PeerTube bot) it can be tricky to clear the notification. There's no clear all button on the website, but there is in Jerboa.