5 Post – 347 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Samsung has decreased its output by 50% since September, though the market has already seen price bumps due to inventory being cleared out.

So they artificially create a shortage to hike up the prices. Nice.

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Honestly, Spotify is only half bad compared to the real scumbags of this industry, and that's the "rights holders".

It's not the artists who created the music I'm talking about. It's the record companies taking the largest piece for themselves.

They are the ones earning on other people's talent and success.

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Can't we please just edit the headline to include some context instead of copy/pasting the click baity title?

Write which database was leaked, at the very least. I'm not on Lemmy for click bait.

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TIL occupied indicators are not standard in the rest of the world.

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Someone, light the EU signal!

Lawsuit intensifies in the distance

Spotify is saying it's "a real blow to innovation".

Honestly wtf they on about. 1-2% tax on their massive multi million platform, and the tax goes directly to support music in the country.

Fuck Spotify.

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This is amazing news for countries with free healthcare! Even though the vaccine is expensive, it's nowhere as expensive as the care a cancer patient needs today.

Plus you can send a healthy individual back to their families and into society again.

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What the fuck is wrong with you guys. This is absolutely dystopian shit right there.

This is not "nice" or "neat"?!

It's straight up awful. It's war.

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This would actually be a big step for many Android users wanting to try out another OS.

I know for myself that sideloading apps is a must for me on my phone, and if an iPhone could do that, it's at least one step closer for consideration.

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It has never been a technology problem.

If society was build correct in a democracy, advances in all fields would always be for benefitting the people and the majority.

This has been a problem ever since the industrial revolution and what caused the great depression.

If technology advances to a stage where we only need 75% of the current work force, the answer is not to fire 25%. It is for everyone to benefit and work 25% less or get 25% more pay. (or 12,5% work less and 12,5% more pay. Our choice)

That is a working democracy.

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Amazing and terrifying that EU seems to be the only world government to actually stand up against this late stage capitalism dystopia.

These rules actually makes sense. They actually protect both consumers and other companies around the whole world. And most importantly; they tackle a real world problem head on.

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And that is exactly why we need more regulation on this area, because it's NOT sustainable right now.

This was why the EU made it mandatory to use USB-C, so we only need few chargers for everything in our home. This alone were tons of e-waste reduced each year.

We need this thinking in other areas too.

Whoever wrote this blog post missed the point in the way the fediverse is decentralised.

It's not about hosting. It's about ownership. And that means hosting can change at any moment. Because no one company decides anything.

That's why we really want the fediverse. Because it's not build for late stage capitalism and monopolies.

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The EU ripple effect. Good job US, if it actually passes.

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Yes, but it failed the latest vote.

Not saying someone won't try again.

Americans being afraid of socialism is proof that propaganda works. It's literally for the people.

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Even the historical, biggest right wing party in Denmark would not remove any of the things you mentioned, except school lunches.

Are we acting like the US isn't the biggest surveillance state existing in all history?

So because there's one app they don't control the data on, we need to ban it? Sounds like the free market to me.

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Like many else suggests: Cut the media. The world doesn't care if you follow it or not, and you'll be much happier all the time.

Alternative, try to follow positive media. I created my own community for this purpose only, called /c/worldinprogress

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This is actually a law in Denmark, so it's something Facebook had to do.

Any new data centers build on Danish ground need to be hooked up to the central heating system, providing heat to the community.

Perfect use of resources.

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Free market and competition. We don't like that now, huh?

This is being pushed back from 2030, so it's not good news. Just a delay on the law.

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Imagine if companies actually paid their taxes. So many nice things we all could have.

Instead? Well yeah instead we have people with more money than money can ever buy of money. Nice.

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Imagine an open source platform for this service.

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Just shows Apple's true colour, and how much the EU has forced their hand.

This change will come to the iPad too one day though.

What. If that business model actually works for him, something is wrong with this world.

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US is still stuck on SMS, so much that they even made an upgrade to it with RCS.

It felt like an upgrade to the DVD disk when you have the Internet.

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Yeah, Spotify made that deal with podcasts. They wanted them on their platform so bad, that they fucked every single paying customer they have.

I have Spotify Premium Duo, and it's the same thing on podcasts.

Thanks, EU.

Please just let this be a global decision, and not like these companies do with GDPR.

Yes, but US favour companies over people.

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Ehm, it's pretty much a success where I'm from. Sounds more like a personal opinion.

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Wild you don't even suggest the patent to be open, like researchers have to do when they are taxpayer funded.

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Scandinavian countries:

Free, take it or leave it

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You could also argue apps that uses some kind of licensed content the app pays for.

I'm not saying I'm a fan of Netflix and Spotify, but they do use alot of money to keep their content available, and not only for server costs.

They still overcharge tho.

With this digital euro, all fees are paid by the EU. Which is the right way to do it. It shouldn't cost anything to spend and transfer money - just as it doesn't with cash.

I can't get my head around how much money VISA and MasterCard is pulling out of society today.

How banks take fees for you to do a simple money transfer.


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I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the EU lawsuits, right?

Both Google and Apple would still have to open up soon (at least in EU)

Sorry if it's a stupid question.

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Of course they do. They have acted like they got a choice for too long, so it's good to see they won't get away with it.


News are the reason your mental health sucks ass. The world is doing okay actually if you just look around instead.

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but if people want to do it I guess whatever.

They don't want it. They need to do it. There's no choice here. Alternative is to not have a job in your field, because you have to move 300km away to afford something.

This is a battle the voice actors won't win, unfortunately. Maybe today, their voices are iconic. You can't make a new Frozen movie or any other Disney Pixar without the original voice actor (you can, but it's bad).

But in the future, the next "voice actor" for the next big Disney Pixar hit, is a pure AI from the start. Then they can control the voice forever. And that's what they want.

I can't see how the voice actors could possibly get around this, because they are suddenly expendable.

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