The White House is threatening the patents of high-priced drugs developed with taxpayer dollars to – 479 points –
The White House is threatening the patents of high-priced drugs developed with taxpayer dollars

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Wild you don't even suggest the patent to be open, like researchers have to do when they are taxpayer funded.

Why is it 'wild'? I said or something else which I think covers it.

By that premise it's 'wild' you didn't suggest the other thousand things they can do.

Maybe we're both just trying to talk about a better way of doing it without being experts.

I think he meant it's wild we've been conditioned to not even think about government takeover of publicly funded assets. Like it still feels like the nuclear option even to Americans who believe they are socialists. Not that your comment was insufficient. I understand why you would feel defensive, the Internet can be a mean place.

Hell I’m pissed we sold GM. Too big to fail and need a bailout should mean public seizure

If that was the intent, I apologise for comment.

Conditioned to being attacked or trolled all the time is a good way of putting it. It's rare that sense is wrong, sadly

It shouldn't even be considered a takeover.

Exactly. I’m not stealing my car every morning when I drive it.

If it’s a drug that is completely government funded then it should be open. If the drug company has some skin in the game than allowing them to profit from the patent is not unreasonable if, and I mean if, the government gets something like a share of the profits or the ability to manufacture the drug as if they had a built in license. Just free money is corporate welfare. And we know what the right think of welfare.