
1 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I like my bubble and I have a lot tolerance for BS and a high count blocklist. I'm just tired of it all.

If you develop drugs using tax payer money, then that has to be paid back in some way. Either as a percentage of profits (based on percentage invested), paying back the investment (with interest) or an agreement on a cheaper price. Or something else.

Pharma has had it's cake and eating it for far too long.

Nothing that is being suggested is unreasonable here.

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For me, and as a Scot, we all make mistakes. I get that. If he had paid all £11k himself I wouldn't care.

But charging it as expenses and then refusing to explain it, should be grounds of immediate dismissal. If you're happy to claim it from the public, you need to be transparent when they have questions. Even from the likes of Jackie Baillie and Douglas Ross.

But it shouldn't come to that. Anybody with integrity would apologise and resign for failing to meet the expected standards of the position they hold, and the standards they should hold themselves to. The problem isn't the kids watching your iPad (why they're using official tech for watching football or why you get to use your own tech for government business is another discussion). The problem is the lies, deceit and self entitlement of not having to explain yourself.

Politicians of today, of all flavours, lack integrity, trustworthiness, basic moral standards and self awareness.

The lesson here, again, is actions have consequences.

The SNP started out as a party with good intentions and a passion for a cause (whether you agree with it or not). They have been in power for too long and have taken the power for granted, and become complacent. They now, sadly, have become the pigs in 'Animal Farm'.

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The self entitlement in open-source these days never fails to astound me.

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YouTube can't win this race when they don't control the platform you're viewing it on. You can always install 'something' to get around it.

The solution to that is to control the platform using Chrome, Android etc.

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HP is so desperate for money that this is what they need to do to survive.

What does HP (hardware) actually do these days? Where do they compete (and I mean compete, not have products in)?

They ruined Compaq.

They killed their golden goose printing business with bullshit like this.

They killed their server hardware business with bullshit like locking software, drivers and firmware behind support contracts.

As somebody who always bought HP and advocated for their hardware (many years ago), I would never buy anything they make today.

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This is perhaps the stupidest response I've read on Lemmy for a while. Nobody is entitled to an opinion these days.

Im expecting a response, quoting each paragraph I wrote, with only 'For you' as the text.

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"The decision to shut down Keen is in line with Google's shift away from social media and follows a trend of Area 120 projects closing due to company restructuring and layoffs in 2023them killing everything they build."

I don't think he has. I disagree. I think he wants Linux to be Windows and that is a huge mistake.

I didn't move to Linux because the software is so much better than on Windows. I moved to Linux because it gets out of my way, doesn't spy on me and development is focused on making it better for me as a user and not to suit the next Skynet.

Linux allows me to be more productive and gives me functional software that does what I need it to. Sometimes it's not pretty but I don't care. It does the job.

If companies start taking on developing or porting their stuff to Linux, then Linux is going to end up like Windows - a shit show of corporate greed and an OS designed and focused for hoovering up users private information.

I don't want that.

It doesn't have to be like that. Much like the turtle and the scorpion story, companies do what is in their nature: they must keep making more and more and more to satisfy the shareholders greed and that does not align with me getting a better experience. It's just how things are.

I personally couldn't care less about Adobe's software. Kdenlive is not Premiere Pro, but it does what I need it for. GIMP isn't Photoshop, but does what I need it to. Krita or Inkscape isn't Illustrator but I don't use them. What astounds me is each of these are free and are incredible pieces of software.

As somebody else pointed out. If you want to use Adobe products, either use Windows as your primary OS or dual boot. It's not hard. At all. Same for AutoCAD. Just because Windows is an either / or, for me, doesn't mean it has to be for you. Use both.

Is this not what the goal of OpenID was? They have a section on their website for providers https://openid.net/developers/certified-openid-connect-implementations/

But I'm sure you would have come across this so I may be missing something.

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Why is it 'wild'? I said or something else which I think covers it.

By that premise it's 'wild' you didn't suggest the other thousand things they can do.

Maybe we're both just trying to talk about a better way of doing it without being experts.

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Glad I was sitting down when I read that. Nobody could have predicted that Instagram would only pay lip service to removing harmful content /s

Meta is one of the Evil Corp who is killing people, and destroying lives, through pursuit of profit. It's goal is to frame the health and well-being of people and society to allow advertisers reach a bigger, better and an easier manipulated audience.

I know it's a cliché, and I don't use this often as things have many sides, but I do wonder how people justify this to themselves and what they see when they look in the mirror.


I don't like posts being removed like this.

But, it's their servers / instances and it's their rules, precesses and ways of working. They owe you nothing.

If you don't like what they are doing, move to another instance. That's the beauty of a federated system.

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I have the opposite experience.

Windows consistently gets in my way. Linux has been a breathe of fresh air and stays out of my way. It just works.

I now use Linux as my desktop at work (Debian 12) and at home (EndeavorOS).

The AI thinks so.

Ungoogled Chromium, Iridium, Vivaldi.

Note I don't use any of them (I use Firefox) but I know they exist.

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The UK knew it was suicide and did it anyway.

Never underestimate the power of stupid.

I've seen this movie.

That is one way to think about it that I haven't seen mentioned before.

It's always DNS.

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" ...the government of Korea provide ample opportunity for engagement with a range of stakeholders, including the American business community and the U.S. government,"

The responsibility of the South Korean government is to it's people and what's best for them. The arrogance of the US government never fails to surprise me.

If the roles were reversed, the US government wouldn't give a shit about South Korea and would simply tell them they need to 'comply'.

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Ahh. That explains a lot. I'll take some of it back then.

For everybody else, the comment is at https://lemmy.world/comment/7142472

Thank you.

Now Manjaro on the other hand... Tried it and understood why so many people don't like it within the first week.

I see this a lot and nobody really ever explains, properly, why.

I have used Linux off and on for many years (mainly server OS such as RHEL and CentOS). I have now migrated from Windows desktop to Manjaro KDE. Using it for a year. Had one issue (wouldn't boot after a kernel update), which I sorted quickly. Other than that it's been rock solid.

But this isn't a 'I have a great experience so you're all just haters' post.

I know the stuff about it being a week or behind Arch. I remember something about the maintainers (can't remember specifics) but they seem to be minor niggles that don't affect most people.

Genuine question.

Why do you dislike Manjaro? I also know it's a common theme to dislike it, so any other insight there?

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you can make your data available to the general public and help other open source apps to build their services on this data.

I like this idea.

I know I'm being lazy, but is the data sold? Are we just giving away our data for somebody else to monetize?

That's a myth that people need to stop spreading.

Microsoft is a business. Microsoft is also not stupid. If it cost them more to provide a product than it makes them, they wouldn't provide it. They're is a huge amount of examples of them doing this. They don't provide it because they're nicer guys.

Microsoft uses Windows, and all of it's products, as a vehicle for Azure and advertisers. Everything they do feeds into that one way or another.

Microsoft stopped being a software company some time ago.

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Oooooooo. Wow. Amazing work. /s

It's not a phone. It's an iPad. And we don't know who it belongs to.

Business devices for business. Business pay for them. Personal devices for personal stuff. You pay for them.

If you rack up an £11k bill on your business device, and you are expensing it from public funds, you have to justify it to the public. If you rack up an £11k bill on your personal devices nobody cares as its your bill.

It's not rocket science.

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The moderation on Lemmy is pretty poor and there is no clear (at least to me) avenue to help or offer help. Reporting it is pointless.

So I agree. Lemmy cannot handle it at the moment. That does not give confidence of it being handled when it gets larger, and the spam / bots becoming more sophisticated.

I do appreciate however, that all platforms have to go through this learning process.

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but half the time it can't access any sites while Chrome does.

I smell exaggerated bullshit.

I'm now getting FOMO knowing that I won't see this on Debian stable until the next 13 release 🥹

I love the stability. But damn the stability.

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This may be speculation but if you had to make a choice, I think you'd say it's likely true.

Windows is nothing but a vehicle to Azure for Microsoft. But they'll keep milking that cow for as long as they can get away with it. Slowly destroying it in the process. Windows 12 will be more ads, more telemetry, more spying and more data hoovering than ever before. We all know this to be true.

I had issues with AirPods connecting to Debian 12. It turned out to be codecs (from memory - I just remember some proprietary Apple shit) that were needed. Once they were installed it connected first time.

If yours were working and stopped connecting after an update this is unlikely to be the issue. But I thought I'd point out out just in case.

Another moronic troll for the block list.

That's not what all your posts suggest.

You said above you don't like that users of lemmy.world are having their posts removed and that a censored view is being shown.

Your original posts mentions the instance by name and you say over and over in multiple comments that you don't like what the admins are doing.

So if you don't think they meant any harm, why have you just shit all over them since you posted this.

You come across as a self entitled douche who wants to tell people what to do with their instances because you're unhappy about a single post being removed. In comment after comment.

How about you ask the admins what happened here and determine if there's an actual problem rather than shitting on them in public? That would be the right and respectful thing to do.

You okay love? You need a hug?


If there was some moderation in here it might help. Reports appear to get no attention.

There is an open issue on GitHub for this. I don't have access to search just now or I'd post the link.

Have you spoken to the admins at lemmy.world to get an understanding of what's going on?

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How ever much we want that to be true, it's simply not. Sadly.