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Joined 11 months ago

Deuteronomy 28:53-57, where you eat the flesh of your own children seems kinda indecent

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Why did the student just not simply turn into a white kid with non-threatening, non-geometric hair?

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.

So that’s line four of the prayer? Moving along pretty well!

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Good to know so I can avoid it

IIRC the way the law works now is that any private citizen, regardless of whether or not they have any sort of relationship with the pregnant person, can sue anyone who “facilitates” abortion for Texas citizens. That includes taxi drivers, family members, maybe even gas station workers, etc. There is also a county that is (or has been) attempting to ban the usage of fucking roads to get to abortion facilities in other states, effectively barring you from travelling anywhere if there is a possibility you may be pregnant. Freedom!

He’s like the unfortunate result of Jerry Springer, Rush Limbaugh and Morton Downey Jr spreading idiocy and bullshit everywhere, setting the stage

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But Ron Desantis isn’t a person. He’s a greasy nylon stocking stuffed full of purulent, rancid ground pork that somehow learnt to stand upright and wear high heels.

Hey, you can only listen/watch if you paid for it…

…in increasingly convoluted, limited and expensive ways designed to force you to subscribe to multiple platforms in order to access the same content you had seven years ago except for a lot more money and a lot less choice!

The Olympic-tier mental gymnastics touting conformity in fucking Texas of all places is truly astonishing. I mean, is it personal freedumbs and rugged, short-haired individuality or is it the Stepford state? Make up your gd minds

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“Oh bother! America steals all the hunny!”

I heard your senator went into the senate and ate everything in the senate and they had to close the senate!

If he’s so cognitively impaired, then how come he’s able to operate a time machine?

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The plans included funding for new mothers and not just "maternity capital" for families with two or more children, in addition to welfare benefits for low-income families and free school meals for a four-year period.

Hey regressives! You love Russia so much, why don’t we follow their example?

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Until they pass a law preventing the movement of people to other areas for healthcare because it’s too woke or something. We simply can’t have people getting liberal heart transplants, it’s against the freedom…of…the right to…bear freeze peach…I dunno

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The only way any of that would matter to the types of people that voted for him would be if there were a “D” behind his name. Otherwise, it’s totally fine

That was back when no one thought Trump really had a chance in hell. As soon as he saw Trump picking up steam he fell over himself hitching his flaccid, pathetic clown car right to that hate train like the mealy-mouthed bottom-feeding suction eel he is

A while ago I read Bezos was posed a question about why he isn’t using his money and power to help impoverished people. IIRC he replied with something along the lines of “oh, we did a study and poverty is a moral failing, it can’t be solved, now if you’ll excuse me I have to go buy a dick-shaped rocket”

Ok, I made the rocket part up but you get the idea, Jeff Bezos is a pos

Super surprising. Isn’t solar “woke” or some shit?

Trump’s professional, adult lawyers: “No u”

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Wasn’t she busy hiding with Ted “Supply Closet” Cruz?

Why can’t I have no kids and three money?!

My fellow murricans, it really a free nation if we can’t come together to shoot homeless people in the streets?

“The extremists dispersed after about two hours, and no one was arrested, because they had to get ready for their shifts at the sheriff's office, the sheriff’s office said.”

And that minuscule amount is triggering!

Not my native language, but the one I speak the most is (American) English.

So many homophones-words that sound the same but are different in meaning or spelling such as knight/night, altar/alter, ail/ale, isle/aisle/I’ll.

Also homographs-words with same spelling but different meaning and/or pronunciation like minute, bass, capital, wind, moped.

So confusing for people trying to learn English and also for people that actually speak it

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It blows my mind just how many people support this through their rabid worship of billionaires. Not because they love the billionaires themselves, but that they think in some fevered future they too will be billionaires. Well, guess what? It’s never, ever, ever, ever going to happen and every day that passes the now-billionaires are tirelessly working to consolidate money and power to prevent proles from getting foothold. Stop being morons, and stop working against your own interests unless you’re a masochist then go nuts I guess. Leave the rest of us out of it

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“I fold faster than superman on laundry day”

-Lindsay “spineless chode” Graham

far right bigots

Add In-N-Out and Hobby Lobby to that.

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I have a friend who loses his mind when anyone uses this (who isn’t Australian.) He is also not Australian, not sure what his burden is

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But if they are gay, then they should also be dead! Conservatives: Dead kids=gud 👍🏾 😊

“And this is our plan to have a steady supply of impoverished, under educated people to make into wage slaves, military killbots, and to bolster the for-profit prison system!”

“Have you tried just paying attention”

If you read anything about it you’ll know he’s a straight-up psychopath and needs serious mental help

Source? Because the above article didn’t contain any of that info.

She would make a better candidate lol

This is a problem as well. I read at Casa Bonita they eliminated tipping and started paying the staff $30/h. And some of the staff are mad about it, which I kinda get but it’s a feast or famine type deal. Some days you really make a ton on tipping, and some days you get left a fake $100 from some evangelical asshole. I’d rather count on a guaranteed wage than a maybe. Full disclosure though, I’ve never worked in a tipping profession so I may be missing some things.

Is SL still around? I left my partially nude Darth Vader wearing a banana thong in someone’s art gallery and haven’t been back

Lmao they’re both doing the pick me dance

No, because how can you control women with vasectomies? It’s not about birth control, or “screwing up female brains” or whatever else is being shit out of their mouths. It is, and always has been, about the control of women. The cruelty is a feature, not a bug

No, the earthquake was about Americans needing to repent and turn their backs on sinful, unraked forests