Metallica-Breakin-The-Law-Mp3.exe to Lemmy – 702 points –

I remember at a point limewire or frostwire had movies you could download. Young me downloaded the little mermaid but it was a porn parody and I scared myself for life.

Thatโ€™s the joke. There were a lot of mislabeled media back then, basically anything funny was Weird Al, anything rock was Metallica except that one song about Zelda, that was totally SoaD, etc etc. All of them were wrong, and god help you if you try to download a movie. 50/ 50 you now have to figure out how to digitally shred your hard drive so you donโ€™t get v& by the feds or b& irl.

Yep, life was simpler back when there were only six or seven bands on the internet. Vaguely punk sounding? Well that's obviously Blink-182. Punk but with bagpipes? Dropkick Murphys. Dude with an acoustic guitar? Oh that's Dave Matthews Band.

For me it was: hey check out this cool Muse song! - it's Radiohead

Bring Me To Life? Clearly Linkin Park ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Oh, this one? Pendulum. Honestly! (Not Pendulum and I've never learned who actually did it but I have a cool unknown track in my collection ๐Ÿ‘)

Good times.

Oh, and God forbid you ACTUALLY want to download porn unless you fancy playing CP roulette. ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

It might be the song Slam by Pendulum if that helps your search. I remember finding it for the first time on Limewire

Sadly not. I became mad on Pendulum back in 2005, I'd absolutely recognise it if it was on any of their albums!

Oh, this one? Pendulum. Honestly! (Not Pendulum and Iโ€™ve never learned who actually did it but I have a cool unknown track in my collection

I think every millennial has at least one napster/limewire era "white whale" song. It was awesome and you'd try to determine who actually performed it for years without ever figuring it out. Mine was a punk song listed as Dropkick Murphys but all I know for certain is it definitely was not them. No lyric searches have ever pulled up a match despite the fact that every few years I'd try again on a whim.

My best guess is that it was probably a late '90s band that never had much of a following beyond whatever local music scene they came from and someone uploaded it from a demo they picked up at a show.

Yes, for some time I remember thinking the Windows 95 song was Weird Al, since it was labelled that way. I thought it didn't sound much like him!

yep, right over my head. thought it was just an old timey nervous reference to pirated music.

*โ€œDon't Download This Songโ€ starts playing in the distance*

Don't take away money from artists just like me

How else can I afford another solid gold Humvee?

And diamond studded swimming pools, these things don't grow on trees

So all I ask is everybody, please

Still buying and Ripping CDs. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Damn that is old school. Brings back memories.

I suppose you're all set for the apocalypse though!

The only thing you ended up breaking was your family's computer

There were corrupted songs that would skip at certain points. I kept those marginal files so long I still expect the skip when I hear a song streaming or on another piece of media...

Good times

I worked as a cable installer in a small town around this time. There were only two employees, Myself and the manager. We just had gotten the entire town wired so we had lots of folks transitioning from the shitty old satellite internet to wired cable "high speed". The first month so many kids started downloading from Limewire/Napster that it would stall out our speeds at night. At the end of the month the overage bills were huge. Many in the thousands of dollars. Kids were downloading so much we spent the next month driving around to each customer and explaining upload and download limits. It was nuts.