9 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wubbadubbadubba, 'zat true?

Ah, Sky100?

I think the major issue is here is that they are “mirroring” with the same username without clear indicating they are mirrors and they are modifying all the github links in Readme to GitCode. But if you want to claim your project, they want to only comment using the issue section of a project which requires account; but then you have to have a Chinese phone number to register account, and you will automatically get a Huawei Cloud account when you registering it

Edit: also some background info about the company behind GitCode from my other comment: the company behind GitCode is funded and owned by CSDN (China Software Developer Network) and the actual infrastructure and service is provided by Huawei Cloud. On the website they have written this statement in the registration page.

CSDN is mostly a platform to share posts on software development, but it is known to have a lot of issues, including:

  1. poor content and directly copied posts from other people without consent, which to a point people is considering the site a content farm; it is even a top blocked site on Kagi;
  2. All code provided there requires “coins” to download, even they are open-sourced code; it was reported multiple people in China got scammed via CSDN;
  3. You have to login to copy code on the post, and sometimes hides half the post to require you to login to read.

Actually that happened 😂 they accidentally “mirrored” some activists’ repository and got blocked temporarily

The random Chinese company: owned by Huawei and CSDN (where CSDN is known to be the worst site known to Chinese developers where they literally costs money to let you download open source code)

Edit: i think my original is a bit unclear, so this is a more detailed info: the company is funded and owned by CSDN (China Software Developer Network) and the actual infrastructure and service is provided by Huawei Cloud. On the website they have written this statement in the registration page.

CSDN is mostly a platform to share posts on software development, but it is known to have a lot of issues, including:

  1. poor content and directly copied posts from other people without consent, which to a point people is considering the site a content farm; it is even a top blocked site on Kagi;
  2. All code provided there requires “coins” to download, even they are open-sourced code; it was reported multiple people in China got scammed via CSDN;
  3. You have to login to copy code on the post, and sometimes hides half the post to require you to login to read.

Most of the time those VPNs banned are still not effective to get pass GFW. A lot of people would have to buy special VPN service using protocols like Shadowsocks/ShadowsocksR/Trojan/Vmess/Vless with using specific softwares like shadowrocket or Surge or Clash or Quantumult to bypass the GFW.

A push for security revenue

Me, using Piped: what?

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Business people see the word AI mentioned in the products: invest invest invest! Business people see AI products hit with honest tech reviews: thoSe PEAsants aRE RUIning ThE InnOVATIOn

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Me: no Google: okay proceed to broke Firefox compatibility in their products

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Dear musk, you don’t have to consider, you can just remove X from rest of the world

Tom and Jerry owner is revealed tho

More competition is always a good thing

Btw I love The Register’s title; they are usually so fun

“wE VAlue prOviDING oUR CuStomERs With CHOice, So THerE IS An OPtIoN to DisMiss tHE NOTiFiCATiON” - Microsoft responding to Windows Latest regarding this

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Then I pick it up again from the bin because I still forget about the number

Damn they are going to pull a China

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Ah yes, the classic Lemmy meme

And retweet it become X-Forwarded-For it

Also FYI, you can see what some of the most popular websites that already blocked ChatGPT:

As a System76 laptop owner, don’t buy them. Their product is just… bad.

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This is wrong. The screenshot you are showing is Wan Chai Residential District(, not Wan Chai Administrative District (

This is Wan Chai District (the red dotted area):

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In case anyone wonders what the Chinese actually says:

China Work Permit for foreigners

System malfunction, please wait patiently

When HP requires HP Smart account to print, the brand was already dead to me

Also any recommendation for printers?

EDIT: damn, I think I am going to get a Brother Laser Printer in the future

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HP Printers is definitely one of the worst printers right now; I hate you need a account to use your HP printers

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*“Don't Download This Song” starts playing in the distance*

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Elon Musk, as we all know it:

Mr. Crab: I like money

The same lol

Basically hardware keys (like YubiKey) without hardware

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I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

Linux 2

Me, non-American: what?

Me when I see ! is leaking:

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I have to use for work, because all our customer only uses chrome or chrome-based browser :(

Damn they gonna burn that calories

They do though, some of personal blogs i follow also banned in China; There is a saying in my circle of friends in Mainland China that the blog is “certified by Great Firewall of China” if a person’s blog got blocked

For some reason I read this comic with voices from asdfmovie

hmmm, I would say 2 minutes is the minimum… mostly it will be around 3-5 minutes from what I feel

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