Google and Brave The Only Search Engines Able To Index Reddit to – 213 points –
Google and Brave The Only Search Engines Able To Index Reddit

at least we have competitions


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Kagi can still search Reddit content tho (blocked part of url because I have Kagi rewrite url to redirect to my private Redlib instance)

I think this is because they use some sources from Google and Brave?

blocked part of url because I have Kagi rewrite url to redirect to my private Redlib instance

I had no idea this was a thing. Thats going straight on my self-host todo list.

I have the assumption that kagi's results from reddit have gotten sparse lately. but maybe it's just me

I setup a Lens so that if my query contains a single letter 'r'', only Reddit results will be returned.

I still append reddit to my query. it shows a handful of reddit links at the top. the rest are just random sites.

One time, I even came across a SEO optimized site that had the word "reddit" scattered all over with nothing but nonsense.