5 Post – 536 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sending this to my English brother in law in 3...2...1....

I really liked Nine Days.

I'm gonna break something to you here that might blow your mind.... Europeans (and the people in the article) do not go to a nude beach to fuck. They're going there to feel more natural in nature.

Naked bodies are not sexual unless you sexualise them, which you are doing. The statue of David is a fine example here.

I honestly have never heard of a sexual nude beach in my life before. Maybe they exist where you live.


EVERYTHING nude is sexual

If this is your world view I don't think we'll ever agree. That's kinda messed up IMO.

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I'm starting to think that maybe you're trolling again. You see I've spent lots of time in America, very fond of the place, and a lot of it on the beach.

I spent 4 straight months in San Diego and lived near the beach while I was there. I know that the beach is not a place for fucking in secret. Sure maybe it happens as little or as often as it does in the rest of the world but that doesn't make it the default function.

Anyway I'm trying to get back to sleep having woken in the middle of the night so I'm out. o/

I would gently suggest trying not to view naked as being sexual for a bit. It'll probably ease some worry in your mind that you don't need to have.

I'm honestly not sure if you're trolling or not at this point. We're discussing nude beaches here. Lazy parenting and kids using bad language is nothing to do with nude beaches.

Like.... Nothing at all.

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Right. Now we're getting to the crux of it and I understand where your thinking is coming from but...

Because a nude beach is supposed to be sexual.

This is absolutely incorrect. Like totally wrong. There is nothing sexual about a nude beach.

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However I still maintain that kids should be treated as if they are as innocent as I was as a kid. I didn't know what sex was until puberty, and thats the way it should be. Let them have a childhood.

This just reads so..... Strange. Nobody is advocating telling young kids about sex.

There is nothing inherently sexual about a naked human body. It's only weird if you're making it weird and, well, you are.

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You may bet your bollix that tank designers are earning really good overtime at the moment.

Oh that's a great spot. Didn't notice it initially.

Folks this is a troll who created the account two hours ago.

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40 built total, some exported with roughly 7 active in the Russian air force according to Wikipedia. Cost to build around $330M.

From what I understand the reality after the last one was downed is that there were probably 4 left active with the rest being used for parts because of sanctions.

Absolutely savage work.

That poor woman and his children too. Fuck that disgusting human for killing him.

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Really nice summary. Heads up you say Pakistani instead of Palestinian a few times.

Never knew about the Uganda thing. Fascinating. Must read more on that.

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Stopping someone with a knife is very difficult.

In my youth I used to fight Muay Thai professionally and did so for about ten years. I would be very confident taking on a random person in fisticuffs but I would rank my chances against someone with a knife very, very poorly.

Knives give an obvious reach advantage. Also just one nasty slice or one well placed stab and you're fucked where generally most people will take a few well placed strikes to stop. The odds just aren't in your favour.

Basically the safest thing to do against someone with a knife is run for your life or get your hands on a weapon that's longer than the knife if you can't run.

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Unfortunately they'll still see population growth....

That means 65% or more of a wild pig population could be killed every year and it will still increase, Brook said. Hunting just makes the problem worse, he said. The success rate for hunters is only about 2% to 3% and several states have banned hunting because it makes the pigs more wary and nocturnal — tougher to track down and eradicate.

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Right before the whole country wakes up and laughs at the notion, let me just get this out of the way.... Nobody here gives a fuck what Bannon and his ilk want.

The recent riots started with the stabbing of children followed by some mentalers riling up a tiny number of agitators. At the scene folks were understandably very upset but it was a Brazilian who stopped the attack (bless his soul) and a heap of money has been raised for him.

What then happened was a bunch of scumbags jumping on the bandwagon so they could rob new Nikes from Foot Locker and cause a bit of mayhem. That's it.

The political spectrum here really runs from left to centre right (and by that I mean around the democrats in the US). There is no right spectrum party.

So... Anyone calling for civil war here can fuck right off tbh. Absolute nonsense of the highest order.

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I agree with you, I'd just gently suggest that it's borne of what is probably significant upset at having to deal with what they're having to deal with.

We're either alone as an intelligent species in this galaxy or the great filter is true

Even with our current level of technology which has gone from first flight to landing on the moon in just 66 years we could colonize the entire galaxy in 200 million years which is a blink of an eye.

I think life is common but humans are special or we're fucked.

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This sounds like my wife when her B12 gets low. She needs regular injections.

It honestly could be any number of things. You should go and see a doctor.

It depends how you sort. I'm currently browsing "Top 6 hour" and it's numerically sorted by number of votes

For those not in the know, Belgorod is well inside Russia.

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Jeez that's depressing.

"We should be controlling our sector from 4km away, so we can kill a few hundred Russian soldiers before they get to our infantry, and we only take a few wounded," he told the newspaper, adding: "But without ammunition, we can't."

My father once told me that as soon as you notice that you're tipsy it's time to ease down.

Even if you stop immediately you're going to continue getting more drunk from the alcohol sitting in your stomach waiting to be absorbed.

Wise words that have really stuck with me and definitely helps on nights out.

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That actually does sound hella interesting. I'm saving your comment to try to remember but actually look it up in about two years when I scroll back though my saved posts.

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Walking through customs at the airport

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I mean, defending the borders of a sovereign, democratic state from invasion, rape, murder and genocide seems like "something useful" to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Will you admit you're wrong when Russia does?

I don't think so.

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Godspeed ladies!

Let's see if he lasts the war before calling them wrong, eh?

I'm sure the Russians will protect their little American paedo trophy though.

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I happened to be in my mother's house when she called me to look at it live and there was zero mention on CNN of whether or not he would serve time over it. Sentencing in July.

Anyone know likelihood of jail time?

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You do realise that it's a republican house, right? And that they're the ones holding up aid, right?

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What he said was "let's see how long he lasts". You're the one inferring the fast death.

I didn't move any goalposts. In fact I thought I made it clear that Russia wouldn't let their little paedo trophy die.

Of course I'm not immune to propaganda. Neither are you as you've made abundantly clear.

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it would be a mistake to assume that Reddit didn't store your original comments.

They were fairly specific about not doing that (I'd imagine largely because of GDPR).

I deleted 10 years of "content" before I left and checked their policies. They apparently actually do properly delete from their servers.

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That's why they're worth that much. You can't hoard that much wealth and have empathy. They're mutually exclusive.

They sound like animals. Glad to see justice being done here.

Yeah this is the very opposite of a strong man move. Really weak look.

Edit: great quote from Blinken

His death in a Russian prison and the fixation and fear of one man only underscores the weakness and rot at the heart of the system that Putin has built.

Ah you can always rely on Bernie. He's obviously not as senior as Schumer but he called it first.

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"We told you there'd be more," Ukraine's air force commander Gen Mykola Oleshchuk said on Telegram


It's a great question. What's the motivation? Who loses if Lemmy succeeds?

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Why is it only the US that helps?

Without meaning to sound rude I would suggest you educate yourself tbh.

Europe has donated more than the US at this point and the EU recently committed another 50 billion Euro.

On a percentage of GDP basis, the US ranks 19th.

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