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Okay, so this isn’t actually about hydration, it’s about the fact that SSRIs commonly cause dry mouth as a side effect due to anticholinergic effects which reduce saliva release Some SSRIs are worse than others, and older TCAs are worse still. But OP is not dehydrated.

Water is great for hydration, but it is unfortunately not very effective at managing dry mouth due to these side effects. Flavoured beverages typically work better because they promote saliva release.

I would suggest OP add something with a sour note to their water, like lemon or lime juice which are unsweetened and have effectively no caloric component. Alternatively even just a splash of carbonated water will also work as the bubbles are irritants and will similarly stimulate saliva release.

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It is partly true. Polaris is in fact a triple star system. The youngest of the three stars (Polaris Aa) is indeed younger than sharks at between 45 and 67My old. It is in tight orbit with Polaris Ab which is 500My old, and Polaris B which is 1.5By old and a little bit farther away. Here’s a pic from Hubble:


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In addition to being able to take AAs, my FM radio has a solar panel and a hand crank to recharge the included rechargeable battery, which can charge a phone in a pinch. Win all around!

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I've never used the atv

We can tell, because…

Why doesn't the remote have T9-like keys, or voice input?

It absolutely has voice input.

For passwords, copying and pasting my long, unique, complex passwords from my phone is way easier than any T9 input would ever be.

I have used numerous smart TVs native systems, Google TV boxes, and the NVIDIA Shield. I could not tolerate the UI paradigms or THE FUCKING ADVERTISEMENTS on literally every other system. It is repulsive.

Bonus points to the NVIDIA Shield for being alone it it’s ability to do Atmos from my own media files, though...

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Me too. It’s a sick fact. Sharks are still older than trees tho…

Long COVID includes mitochondrial and endothelial dysfunction, postural tachycardia (can’t stand up in the shower), and many other features which are not typically part of depression. Long COVID (may be better to use the term myalgic myeloencephaletis) can certainly precipitate mood disorders, but they are typically reactive, or adjustment related.

Shame is a mismatch between ego and ego-ideal, whereas guilt is a mismatch between ego and super-ego. The ego-ideal in shame does depend on social norms. But that is by no means “artificial”.

It does not. It doesn’t even keep track of your past searches. They may make this possible in the future, but already have it set as off by default, should it ever happen. It’s honestly, really, really good!

ETA - you can indicate what sources should filter up higher in your results if you want

I think it’s also worth mentioning that Polaris Aa, the youngest star in the triplet, is also the brightest by 3 orders of magnitude. Without Polaris Aa, we wouldn’t actually consider it as the North Star at all…so I think you are safe to continue using this as a fact.

Go blow some people’s minds, everyone!

It’s “competency porn” comfort food. I like to escape and imagine what the world would be like if everyone were as good at their jobs as those fictional characters were at theirs…

To give a non-snarky answer, it does AR with external cameras and an incredibly low lag such that those who have tried it have said makes it almost natural (the resolution apparently isn’t perfect, but there is no discernible input lag when looking around which happens on other similar devices). But you can dial up the opacity to wind up in a fully VR environment. So, it is in fact, both.

Your question about software is a big one. Apple is advertising 1M apps available at launch (good) but these are iPad apps, which can run on Vision OS without any modifications by the developers (not so good). That does not mean it will be a good experience. I was listening to a podcast today where a developer clearly stated that after getting a chance to try their app on device at a lab, they totally stopped development because they missed the mark completely with their imagination and the simulator on how it should work. You’ll still be able to run their iPad app, but until they get their hands on their own hardware to iterate more rapidly, they’re giving up.

All that to say it’s unclear how many apps will be natively designed to work with it on launch, and if these will be any good.

Thankfully I don’t live in the US so I am immune to this particular reality distortion field. For now…

The origin is he was called a “short fingered vulgarian” in a print article in Spy (which called Kissinger a socialite war criminal). It means that he is cheap (short fingers don’t reach deep into pockets to get at money) which he took literally to mean having small hands. Dude just slid right past the actual insult and moved on to a different one that he either preferred to argue against or substituted because he didn’t understand the original.

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Or maybe, like, regulation?

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…and you…and you…and you…

The spinning top totem at the end of Inception. Neo stopping the bullets in The Matrix. The first shot of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. The Nazis’ faces melting in Raiders.

Dialogue can be wonderful. But visual storytelling that treats the audience with respect is what cinema is all about.

Check out the (now defunct) YouTube channel Every Frame a Painting. The video on Drive in particular opened my eyes to how Refn composes shots to incredible effect.

And it is NOT about capturing “pretty” scenes, but about manipulating the viewer’s emotions in ways they do not even perceive.

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Shrubs are delectable! But they could be seen as an intimidating suggestion in this context. IKEA has some affordable fruit concentrates of lingonberry, blueberry, and elderflower you could substitute with a splash of vinegar for a refreshing lower effort treat.

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Bill Lawrence is just really, really good at writing authentic relationships.

You can buy a lifetime license for Infuse. Alternatively the Jellyfin app is available too (as Swiftfin on the Apple TV App Store, but displays as Jellyfin on the Home Screen).

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Sorry friends. Here’s the Exalted form:

Read the book when I was childless. Sat down to watch the film after I had children. Lasted about 5 minutes. Had to turn it off and do something else.

My understanding is that, on a cosmic scale, these timeframes are not tremendously different!

Immediately my brain translated this to “regular gnoll…regular gnoll”

picture of a gnoll

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To sync across different devices maybe?

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Unlikely Polaris. The luminosity difference between Polaris Aa and the other two is 3 orders of magnitude. Mizar and Alcor (the doublet second from the end of the Big Dipper) has been used for centuries as a vision test. If you can see the doublet, it’s equivalent to 20/20 (or 6/6) on an eye chart.

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The water moving right through is probably a good sign someone is well hydrated! There can be total body water versus intravascular volume depletion scenarios, but not super likely unless someone is sick in other ways.

The xylitol itself may be contributing to GI water losses (it’s only about 50% absorbed through the gut, and osmotically draws water into/keeps water from being absorbed from the intestinal lumen). Depending on the SSRI, this could be exacerbated by bowel irritability that can present as diarrhea (sertraline is notorious for this).

Some folks also report more urination with intake of sugar alcohols like xylitol. I don’t have a mechanism of action for that, so take those reports with a grain of salt. (And also some glucose because sodium-glucose symport allows for water absorption without the need for an ATP pump.)

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Fastmail with a custom domain. It’s great, and has a nice migration tool for moving everything over from Gmail. Also integrates nicely with 1Password for personalized email addresses for each service I sign up for, which I can nuke as needed if needed.

Why do you believe that judges (or even juries made of lay people) can make sense of the very things that you’re so confident legislators or regulators cannot?

I’m not saying regulation is perfect, and as a result, certainly there is a role for judicial review. But come on, man…lots of non sequiturs and straw dogs in your argument.

Infuse for Apple TV will do this. You can point it to any folder on your NAS as an SMB share. It’s how I play back my own Blu-ray Discs, 4K or otherwise. It doesn’t do menus that I remember, but you can select the title easily enough.

Highly recommend also pointing it to your Jellyfin instance and using that as your front end for other files as it seems to me to have the best ability to do direct playback without transcoding, and the fewest hiccups for audio playback sync issues which can be annoying.

While you can just point Infuse directly at your other folders, its metadata cache gets dumped frequently by the OS, and it has to get rebuilt which is slow and annoying when you just want to watch something. Pointing at Jellyfin also lets you use whatever custom Jellyfin posters you’ve selected which helps for keeping special versions/collections identifiable visually.

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Truly. Allison Janney doing it would have also been swell.

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Their enterprise line has switches with 2.5Gb ports. They’re particularly popular among the rack-porn crowd as they have all their ports in a single line instead so they can have just one patch panel and all the ports line up nicely. It only does POE+, not ++, which would be nice for running a POE switch in the garage that could drive both an access point and some cameras.

They also sell SFP+ modules that do 10/5/2.5 Gb

D&D does have a daily living cost based on the characters’ backgrounds. Anything from wretched (inhumane conditions - 0 cost) or squalid (1 silver per day) up to wealthy (4 gold) or aristocratic (10gold minimum). But I don’t think anyone really keeps track in most campaigns.

You create inter vlan rules that allow connections from your main vlan to the other vlans, but only allow established and related traffic from the secondary vlans back to the main vlan.

I have a separate vlan for IoT and guests but punch holes for contact back to my HomePods(main vlan) for my Ecobee thermostat (IoT vlan) to contact so my kids can use Siri to get the weather in the mornings, and for guests to use the printer, that sort of thing.

The layout of Plex definitely fits my brain waaaaay better with respect to navigation. But I hardly use it because I keep running into playback stuttering which doesn’t happen on Infuse, which I point at Jellyfin in my Synology. Will give this version another try.

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Can’t say I’ve noticed video differences, but Infuse has had the fewest audio sync issues for me. However the Plex layout simply fits my brain better. Especially the ability to reorder media and use collections, and integrate my OTA antenna.

Is it still true that only the Shield Pro does Atmos for my own media?

Apple ecosystem so: iPhone > iCloud Photo Library (imported all digital photos over the years through iPhoto, later Photos) > Mac Photos app (set to download all originals) > Time Machine backup on my Synology NAS with redundancy

And because I’m a belt and suspenders kind of guy:

iPhone > Synology Photos backup > Synology C2 cloud backup

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That’s more of a Shelbyville idea

There's no reason to use Plex as a front end for all other streaming services.

I’ll disagree here. If I don’t know where something is, I can just list all of the streaming services I subscribe to in Plex and just go there to start watching something.

Moreover the individual streaming services have designed their apps to literally hide the shows you’ve been watching whereas Plex keeps things front and centre. Much smoother.

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Technically Exandria/Wildemount but you’re picking up what I’m putting down.

There are multiple versions. I suggest you get these from the official site (free, but donations support the cost of equipment, purchasing film reels, and HDD space) and make sure you have the most recent 4K version. I don’t think you will know with certainty which version you have if you try to get this through other means.

I get the sense it was a tricky restoration due to the film stock (and film scanning equipment) they had available, which was spread across 16mm, Kodak 35mm, and Fuji 35mm (which had better colour preservation but was incomplete). They explain it much better on their website, but it is an iterative process, and earlier versions might have a different quality.

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Renfield - I'm a sucker for a good vampire flick and this did it for me

Hells yeah. My wife and I just had to rewatch that scene from the climax a few times because we were laughing so hard.