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Joined 11 months ago

Small farmer here. Devoid the soil of nutrients by tilling. Kill all the soil biology by spraying chemicals. Grow only fast yield cash crops. Grow the same crop year after year for decades or more. Breed crops for appearance and yield over nutrition. What the fuck do you expect?

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"Kill em all". Canadian here. Disabled folks like myself have been taking this route for a while now simply because they can't afford to live any longer. That's pretty fucked. Canada doesn't want anything to do with us or the "junkies". They'd rather we die.

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He needed something not so ethnic sounding. Ted is pretty fucking white.

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Vegetable Farmer here. That shit is already gross. Wash your veggies.

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Here's a hot take. Do what you want when you are young. Find a way. I spent my 20's moving around, having shitty but fun jobs. I travelled. Saw all kinds of places and met all sorts of people. It wasn't easy and sometimes it wasn't fun. I found myself homeless even several times. I still wouldn't change any of it. I found a wonderful partner and we moved together for a while before settling and having kids.

In my early 40s I was diagnosed with a really rare cancer that paralyzed me from the chest down for a year prior to surgery and left lasting disabilities following. Now in my 50's with declining health I am so glad I lived. It means I don't have a lot of things others have but I've never cared much for the Jones' anyway. If Cancer taught me anything it's fuck society and their expectations. Do you. Find a way. Be happy.

Hahaha fuck you Dana and your sketchy backers. You never have and will not ever get a cent from me you shady greedy prick.

I was a paramedic back in my 20's and 30's. Constant crisis mode. I am a master of that shit. Clearest I ever am is in complete and utter chaos. That shit breaks your brain even worse though.

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He is now. You even elected him. No sending that asshat here. He is Texan now.

Zero. I have not paid a cable bill or for a streaming service in over 20 years.

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Farmer here as well. We use our truck. A lot. It's the only vehicle we have and it's 16 years old. It badly needs replacing but instead we keep repairing because of the extreme cost of a new one. It's way beyond our reach and we won't go into debt for it. Canada (where we live) just passed a bill that all new vehicles will be electric by 2035. That's going to fuck us even further.

Ohhhhhhhhhh... it's a pirates life for me. We have never subscribed to any of this shit. Savings have allowed us to eat avacado toast.

Wood worker here. Clean up the old one. It will work better and last longer than any new tool.

Former paramedic here. There is a subsect of patient like this. It's psychiatric. They're admittedly terrible to deal with but they need psyche help as much as they dophysical medical help.

As a not really techy person but one who has been cruising online for a long long time I feel Lemmy is a lot like old old Reddit. Reddit was full of techies when I joined. It grew over the years into a bigger thing but it started with a bunch of nerds talking about shit I didn't understand.

The best boat is someone else's boat.

Where we live it will help a lot. It's an economically depressed area and has some of the highest poverty rates in the country. Yet the local university has brought so many international students that housing supply dried up prior to COVID. Housing prices have skyrocketed. Food banks are stretched beyond their capabilities. Employment opportunities are at an all time low with a minimum of quadruple the volume of applicants for the few mostly part time positions there are. The local cinema is being used as a classroom there are so many students and no place to instruct them at the university because it is well over capacity on teaching spaces as well as housing. Yet the university keeps increasing the volume of students every single year by the thousands.

This means the local population which already has difficulty for many reasons is seeing homelessness rise dramatically along with food insecurity, housing prices rising at extreme rates, joblessness at extreme levels even for a historically depressed area. Not to mention a huge increase in crime.

For smaller population centers and those with schools acting as diploma mills, which is happening in many areas here, it will slow down the decline somewhat. It's not an end all situation. Much more still has to be done to even try right the ship.

We had loads of Americans move to our part of Canada from Trumpistan. They even stayed after he was voted out. Some good people.

Get tested for sleep apnea. You'd be surprised how many of us have this and never knew. We just knew we woke up exhausted.

Games my kids enjoy without paying one cent...

All the games they play

We spend zero dollars on video games and yet our kids seem to play a lot of them, my wife and I don't really play. They even had a friend give them an Xbox and there are computers and tablets and phones in our house. Games don't have to be a money pit.

When you sit behind a computer all day instead of living.

If in Canada consider Ketchup chips. Fuck you Stacie you scared the shit out of me.

I worked in kitchens for a long time. I can't get a grip on Japanese knives. Give me good old German steel.

Disabled Canadian here. Spinal cord injury. I think assisted death is necessary in any society and I am glad we have it. That's said... That some are choosing death over starvation or homelessness due to disability is not ok. If we give the option for assisted death we also need the support structure to avoid such unfortunately necessary choices for some. I have 3 young kids. I'm fully disabled now at almost 50. I went from a salary when working of almost 100,000/year to $12, 440.61 on disability. Even if I could find work that would make exceptions for my disability I could only earn $6000/year before I would lose my disability altogether and have to work full-time. $6000. Try live for a year on that, but that's what the feds say justifies full time employment for someone like me. $12,000/ year is no walk in the park but half that would be devastating.

If my major purchases (home etc)were not paid off we would be homeless for certain. A single grocery bill for us for two weeks is well over $300 and we grow all our own vegetables, chickens and eggs out of necessity. If we had a mortgage and car payment we would be seriously considering one less mouth. We are lucky because we live rurally and have some stability in owning our home otherwise MAID would be a consideration. Not because I don't want to live but because I couldn't afford to.

Canadian here. uncured bacon is pork belly. This is really a thing this cured "uncured" pork?

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I signed a DNR when I was diagnosed with cancer. I worked as a Paramedic for a long time. I just choose personally to not go through the huge suffering if things should go bad. I had the surgery but refused the rest knowing problems for someone young having major poisons pumped into their body. I was fortunate and didn't have to use the DNR and surgery seems to have worked well for the time being, aside from some disability.

My family was understanding but I have always been open about my beliefs and desires about major illness and DNR with them. I'd suggest a frank conversation with those you love. Expect that someone won't understand but also know your life is yours and not anyone else's.

Linux is the worst OS ever.

I know this cause guns. How imperial of you.

Or a bowl of ketchup and a spoon with fries on top as garnish.

I was 23. Just a young fella over there. Probably haven't even broken a hip yet.

All day yesterday. It happens occasionally.

Imagine what you see and do every day as a paramedic. Now make it 100 times worse than you can even imagine and immerse yourself in it every day. The worst people have to offer as your daily routine. That is not good for anyone. PTSD is real. Added to ADHD it's a nightmare as we have been told repeatedly by doctors and researchers who study it.

Mormons are allowed to steal hot sauce and give it away in an effort to tempt me to join? Maybe they have a real plan...

I worked as a cable installer in a small town around this time. There were only two employees, Myself and the manager. We just had gotten the entire town wired so we had lots of folks transitioning from the shitty old satellite internet to wired cable "high speed". The first month so many kids started downloading from Limewire/Napster that it would stall out our speeds at night. At the end of the month the overage bills were huge. Many in the thousands of dollars. Kids were downloading so much we spent the next month driving around to each customer and explaining upload and download limits. It was nuts.

It's amazing that humans survived so long without monitors honestly. Like how did they ever do it...

Pay attention to the news? Isn't that the problem in the first place?

My father in law used to get on my case a lot about cooking. I love to cook. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen and have done it professionally. He wasn't nasty about it but he's an older fella (being that I'm 50) and he used to say "I just can't understand." He has been around good food his entire life made all around the world. I asked him to name one professional chef that was female aside from Julia Child. At the time there weren't many well known in that boys club yet. Then I explained.that my workshop ( a big thing in his life) was the kitchen. Gadgets, fire and sharp things that can lop off fingers everywhere you look. It took him a long time to accept it but he worked it out.

Absolutely. For many reasons. Quality, price, delivery options, selection. All beaten by the original market for such items.

Sculpt. Mixed media but mostly antler/bone, Copper and clay.

Mine turned off completely and won't even download to the phone. Whatever. Less shit is better anyway.

Someone is gonna bust my balls but whatever. We have an Alienware R8 hooked up to a 20 year old Sony flatscreen tv and an LG sound bar. No fucking about at all.