16 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

If you want to see a parody of sex, just go, Google search “soaking” and “jump humping”. Purity culture ends up in some weird places.

Didn't make me stop wanting to paint my nails and wear skirts, it just added an extra layer of internalized self loathing and an overall sense that I had no place in society and should just die

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Laughs in jellyfin

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See, this demonstrates the oppression inherent in the system, only people with economic freedom and the means to bring their own pencil to the ballot box are able to choose to eat ass or silica.

What was she supposed to be reformed from? Lashing out at the guardian who lied about her age and abused her with munchausen by proxy to the point of matricide? Something tells me she won’t be a repeat offender.

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Don’t tell me you haven’t figured out how to block communities to curate your feed…

Though seriously, there is no algorithm here, you are responsible to yourself for what you continue to be exposed to.

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If the demarcation point is adulthood, it seems reasonable to believe the “younger gen z attend church or think religion is important” probably shows more that their parents make them go than anything.

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So basically you can’t get a pardon for a trumped up life sentence until 5 years after you die?

Something tells me they were thinking about a VERY SPECIFIC demographic when they wrote those laws and they never imagined THIS PARTICULAR VERY SPECIFIC demographic would be held to the same kind of standard.

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Awe.... The songs are fake :(

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I assume you were trying to reply to me.

In some parts of christian purity culture, specifically for mormons allegedly, they think it's a big no no to have sex before marriage. They've come up with loopholes to avoid actually having sex but come as close to it as possible. Soaking is when you penetrate someone and just let it sit there with no movement. Allegedly on the BYU college campus, it is popular to go "soaking" while a friend of yours jumps on the bed nearby you to create the sensation of motion, this act is called "jump humping".

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These yahoos literally threaten our lives and then act like we are trying to feed them to lions when we say happy holidays.

Fuck them, like literally. I wish they were half as put upon and persecuted as they think they are.

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Thanks for the props. It really struck me as weird, because if I wanted to get that response I'd have walked out in shorts and a sports bra instead of full length pajamas and a T-shirt. At least at that point I would expect people to be audibly confused at the non-binary eldritch horror in the middle of a gain cycle of their diet the poor normie cis-het had to witness at half past 5 in the evening.

Though, I was a goth/ punk/ alt kinda kid, so I'm used to being called a freak at this point in my life.

Just remember the first of those impeachment hearings was about the extortion of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy by threatening to withhold military aid in “a perfect phone call” If they didn’t run cover for the election interference allegations in the 2016 election and offer up dirt on Hunter Biden.

There is no timeline where the republicans would have received it any better.

It only took a couple of months after the invasion happened and they realized the withholding aid in the past looked like it created the atmosphere to facilitate the invasion and suddenly all the people who were praising journalists in body armor in the Middle East were criticizing journalists for wearing body armor in Kyiv, and start backing Russia for “reasons” (I still can’t really get any concrete reason from any of them).

The only reason I’ve been given why it was a “ Partisan attack” was that it was revenge for Bill Clinton being impeached for lying about a blow job under oath, as if that diminishes the levity of the situation in the first place.

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That’s the joke. There were a lot of mislabeled media back then, basically anything funny was Weird Al, anything rock was Metallica except that one song about Zelda, that was totally SoaD, etc etc. All of them were wrong, and god help you if you try to download a movie. 50/ 50 you now have to figure out how to digitally shred your hard drive so you don’t get v& by the feds or b& irl.

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Thank you for the empathy.

It’s been a long hard road, and it takes a lot for me to not instantly recoil at any hint of Christianity from people because of the physical and religious abuse.

Up until around 2016 I was on a live and let live kinda vibe, but the more I see from these folks, more I wish they were half as persecuted as they think they are.

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Futurama had that one Episode "Bend-Her" where bender decides they suck too much to compete in the mens robo-lympics so he gets gender reassignment to crush all the fembots and get a gold medal..... If they made that full length episode, i'm sure there are plenty of one offs and side gags throughout that didn't stick out to me at the time.


“I liked you better when you were depressed, anxious, and could only display apathy or anger.”

Sounds kinda fucked up.

Thank you for the kind words, but the content warning wasn't because I want to unalive or self harm, or that I currently self harm. It was my Paternal grandfather killing himself when I was a kid, and the cutting I used to do as a confused eggy teenager. My last post it was advised to CW guns, so I figured I'd CW the obvious self harm and suicide combo.

A selfless act like that could reach someone at the right time in their life, thanks again for Reaching out to help 💕

Smol gobermint… parnets roigts

Thank you for the empathy.

I was sitting here irrationally upset about it, and just having a couple supportive comments show up has really helped me to remember that there are people out there who don’t feel that way.

Someone I know just got attacked by their pit Bull, they are justifying it by saying the dog had brain cancer and didn’t know what it was doing. I personally don’t get the mental gymnastics that you have to go through to say that they are perfectly safe dogs that just get a bad rap when you literally just got your arms flayed off by one.

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Yeah, whooshed for sure.

Frankly, I have no idea what the majority of modern American Evangelical style christians are going to do when and if they end up in front of their deity, because everything I've read and studied is pretty contrary to most of the modern Christian Political talking points. Jesus was very against the types of people christians today have become, Jesus certainly wouldn't have advocated for taking over Rome to become the new oppressors. These same folks believe the book of revelations is going to happen but they can't fathom being a part of the body of the great whore of babylon.

The rumors are true, if you exit vim you exit real life…

My ultimate comfort show is Star Trek: the Next Generation. If it's just me in the house and nothing good in my video queue that's what I'll turn on for noise.

They say it doesn’t affect them, but then they cry censorship when their chud-services are slow and treated like D-Grade refuse by their ISP.

It was annoying hearing all the conservatives arguing against net neutrality with such timeless classics as “Government Regulation only makes things worse” as an excuse to get rid of the regulation that helped protect them.

Other greatest hits include defanging the CFPB then getting mad when the private company BBB can’t do anything about their shady pool cleaning service charging them for services that were skipped.

Of course they are. The person in the Amazon van most of the time is a subcontractor of Amazon DSP, which sub contracts to Amazon LLC. The cleaning people are a separate company too. It’s contractors all the way down, people!

It’s intentional. You don’t have to mingle with the undesirables who clean dirty toilets at the Christmas luncheon if they don’t work for you, and they won’t bring down your numbers either.

All of Amazon is just shuffling numbers from here to there to make the robots happy so you can keep your job for just a little while longer as the churn and burn through the human population with selectively enforced unrealistic work demands like packing 280 individual items per hour with less than a certain percentage of kick outs. Then when you aren’t good at a specific task they write you up and lock you into it until they can terminate you for performance issues.

Thank you for looking out 🙏

I’m a huge advocate for training, and while currently Florida doesn’t require it, I have been through training in the past.

I picked up some cheaper range ammo in bulk to start getting in more regular time at a range in my area, as well as some self defense round for training and to maintain carry levels.

I think I have everything well handled, but if you have anything else to add, I’m appreciative, and you never know when someone else might need the info.

Thank you for advocating responsible ccw 💕

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I’m putting it out there now, cringe will continue to evolve and the feeling will get elaborated and exaggerated until the new version of cringe will basically be imploding into yourself like a black hole or being spaghettified.

Thank you love, I’m okay right now. Not the first time I’ve fully cut contact, and probably won’t be the last if we’re being honest. Still have everyone else to go 😀

Things are going exceedingly well for me.

I’m doing something I love, have all my needs met, and am loving the mental changes I’m seeing and experiencing, physical changes are just a nice bonus on top (though nipple pain is being a bitch).

Got a few incognito sports bras to help, and was really enjoying wearing one of those and some sweats around the house last night. Looked at myself laying down and felt really good about myself.

Told my SO how I was feeling about it and she made a good natured joke about it being like a “thunder jacket”.

I hope things are going well for you too, dearie💕

I’d say you pass. Looks like a first day off work PJ Day to me.

I heard rumors that the Indian government switched to some specific Unix like that has accounted for a lot of that, but I have zero experience on the matter aside from someone saying that could be it.

Link to an article

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I think that fundamentalist views come from a lack of knowledge of the religion itself. Seems kinda suspect that your pastor went to seminary and learned that historically the Jews didn’t come from Egypt but the land of Canaan, had zero cultural exchange with Egypt, and did the same things they called the canaanites evil for (looking at you sacrificing your daughter Jepthah), but with a straight face will preach the exodus and plagues to an ignorant congregation.

I was so Christian it became incompatible with modern Christianity, and I’m not the only one.

The truth doesn’t fear the light, or being asked questions and cross examined, and Christian’s fear nothing greater to the point they have to pretend the ultimate evil big bad is creating the questions, and not the lies they told us for centuries.

I’m guessing stuff like Gerson Therapy where you fast only consuming fresh vegan juice and nutritional supplements while you give yourself organic coffee enemas to cure your cancer.

Overview link for the curious.

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This book was her parenting guide while I was growing up and she should honestly consider it a small miracle I had the space to forgive her and be open to have a relationship with her in the first place.

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Well, there are a few things that could be. Maybe you like to dress that way, maybe you like to express yourself more feminine but identify as a man, maybe you are a trans woman who is a lesbian.

I have a feeling that you have some soul searching to do either way, as those answers come from within.

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Texas can’t even keep its own electric grid up because of their isolationist attitude. I’d honestly love to see how it would go if all the tax and federal aid were to suddenly dry up. That’s not even getting into having a passport to leave the state, tariff on imports, taxes on exports, then getting retaxed to come into the United States.

I wonder how firearms legislation would wind up.

Texas also most likely would be unable to produce its own ammunition and would have one fuck of a time establishing trade routes that would be forced to go through the Gulf of Mexico, an easy target with only one way out between two corridors. Given that the whole thing was over Mexico border enforcement, something tells me land trade wouldn’t be very reliable if it were feasible.

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Jeff Bezos handed the CEO position to Jassy or whatever the fuck their name is prior to the rocket launch so if it went catastrophically wrong the stock price wouldn’t absolutely tank. Jeff is still a big shaker and mover with the board and effectively is still the CEO, even if not on paper.

As a side note, that was the trip they hyped up as “getting new perspectives from artists” and sent Shatner up there. When they came back down shatner was SHOOK and basking in the afterglow that a new perspective of the insignificance of their self brings and starts trying to articulate such a mind altering experience. Bezos met that energy by pulling out booth babes to champagne shower himself.

Was super tone deaf.

If you want to see it yourself just google “Bezos Interrupts Shatner Champagne”.

Awe, thanks GarfGirl ❤️