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Joined 11 months ago

How bad did he need $100!? That is essentially worthless in the context of any company, even a small business. I would imagine "essentially worthless" in a company is much closer to 100k

Bond needs to be set based on monetary worth. Also I'd think that crimes of this magnitude would necessitate a much larger bail

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I was confused until I saw that tiny line at the top. Who the hell is paying 20 bucks for Sriracha. It's like $3.99 where I live lol

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Needless violence against cars will affect Musk in no way whatsoever. Please direct your anger in a more productive direction

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The dead child, I would wager.

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Bragging about paying a porn star for sex while your wife is at home nursing your newborn is a helluva power move. I wonder why more people don't do it?

I think nearly every culture uses food in this way. I know India and Indonesia do

No no no, you should just keep throwing ad hominems at people and whining. Don't you understand what they're saying!?

Bet they'll also still increase the price when summer comes anyways

Kind of tangential, but can you do local multiplayer when emulating the switch on a steam deck. Like can you have a 4 player Mario kart game?

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No, they're going to not vote for either. Which should be concerning to anyone wanting to keep Trump out of office.

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I've always seen it spelled Yahtzee. I don't know any to suggest you, but this spelling might help your search

Yep. They're killing people through legislation and propaganda, instead of more directly observable ways. But it's still clear

AI is going to start writing entire fake research papers and books written by fake authors, just so it can be cited as a source for a high school kid using it to cheat on a 500 word essay.

Oop looks like he moved servers. I blocked them on one yesterday and just saw their post again. Oh well, another 2s wasted :p

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Right, so why choose Trump?

His name was Robert Paulson

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I've been in that situation too. It's so frustrating to me that the banks are essentially robbing poor people, knowing that they're poor.

GBA ultimate. I love the vibes of this, so nostalgic

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An oldie but a goodie

My lord, how big is your grinder?

I use a fire stick because I'm familiar with them and they are much better than the shitty OS built into my TVs. Is there an alternative you recommend? I'm open to changing, especially with how theyve been pushing ads and paid rentals lately

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still around, man.

Edit: not trying to downplay the monstrosity of the A bomb, just pointing out that they're still big cities.

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Right, but also power delivery shouldn't be privatized at all. Sure the energy providers might not technically be at fault, but having a corporate middle man providing an essential service is ridiculous. We shouldn't be talking about electricity providers as corporate entities at all. But you are still technically correct


Video ads are a lot more expensive/lucrative than still ads, I'm assuming

That's the point of the clause; to fire people who tell them they're working a second full-time job. When required to be in office everywhere it becomes quite obvious very quickly. They're upset they can't tell if you're two-timing or not if you work from home, so they want to make sure you come in and work for them

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I'm sure they don't, but they're saying Biden's decisions will make them not vote for him

It's not even lying, you're a member of your family. Technically it's a truthful answer and if they assume something that they don't want to pursue further, that's on them.

Google: "No"

I opened externally in Firefox Mobile with uBlock and it loaded fine

The article said that integrating Sketchup into MS 365 created a lot of vulnerabilities, mainly through buffer overflow/memory issues. This isn't really my area of expertise so I didn't get much of the details

I think it would behoove you to stop with this kind of negative thinking. Yes, Musk is bad. Yes, he owns Tesla. But promoting acts of violence like that will not make the world a better place, nor will it discourage people from buying Teslas

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I agree. I don't want to take power from the existing unions, but they should be able to exist in some less official capacity as well. 1st amendment says freedom of association, right?

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But that guy sounded so confident, he even added a superlative

If you read the article, they had just installed a new water heater and did the ventilation wrong. There were also a few instances through the course of the day where the detectors were triggered and handled. There was a lot of negligence from the vendor that installed the ventilation and especially the maintenance that did not consider the recent work that had been done and assumed that all the detectors were suddenly faulty at the same time.

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If only they had reliable utilities. Samsung's fab in Austin got shut down for a few weeks from ice-mageddon. Messed them up enough that they threatened to leave if Texas didn't give them something to make up for it.

I think it's just a human detector. Or an anything that touches both contacts detector

Silicon Valley

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One of the cofounders of Reddit. Killed himself. Here's his wiki. Aaron Swartz

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I was a 100% lurker there and they lost me too. I had no impact on their content but they still lost another person when my 3rd party app stopped working