Musk's interference to protect Russia allowed Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities, and resulted in the deaths of civilians including children - Zelensky advisor. to – 2009 points –

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I think it would behoove you to stop with this kind of negative thinking. Yes, Musk is bad. Yes, he owns Tesla. But promoting acts of violence like that will not make the world a better place, nor will it discourage people from buying Teslas

You just keep saying violence, no matter what, is bad, which I know you and no one else believes. You're lying to defend Musk and people supporting Musk. What reasoning do you have that acts of violence against Tesla and Tesla owners won't make the world a better place? You seem to be relying heavily on the childish idea that violence is bad no matter what, which again you don't believe. And of course if violence is directed to people who drive Tesla's or their cars, people would absolutely be discouraged from buying Tesla and in return hurting Musk. We all know this, but here you are lying again.

You're arguing in bad faith because you have nothing to counter anything I'm saying.

A lot of Teslas are old enough that some of the people driving them probably bought them used. Also while id be perfectly fine with people for example smashing the screens on tesla charging stations cause I find it funny, it is rather counter productive to attack car owners. I drive a Jeep, Jeep is owned by GM and GM is a shit company would you damage my car even though its old enough to drink and GM saw none of the money from me buying it.

Irregardless if you wanted to damage Tesla park a faulty model S near their factory, its libel to explode and that would be a PR fuckfest.