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Joined 1 years ago

Not everyone has the space for a dedicated nerd setup like you suburban twats do.

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Once they hired that former cop who bragged about using these RPI's for "legal" surveillance police operations, I was done with them. This goes completely against the DIY spirit. There are so many better options out there without cops and without snarky Twitter social media managers.

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If everyone who said they were going to do this actually did this, Chrome wouldn't do this, if that makes sense.

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Why do all the 40 year old boomer Lemmy users call anything to the left of the most moderate Democrat "tankie"?

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She's going to start a GoFundMe and get like $500k and walk away wealthy. I hate how fucked up our society is.

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Cops definitely murdered this man.

Half of Republicans think Michelle Obama is trans. It's a race thing.

She's right. Blue states should consider it. I don't think blue staters in these comments realize how close abortion is to being illegal nationwide.

"Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, that'll turn the country into a warzone!!"

"States will never actually ban abortion, that'll turn states into warzones!!"

Yet here we are.

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There have to be people living in capsule hotels in Japan. There are people in Japan living in computer cafes, where the lights are on 24/7. Japan isn't all sunshine and roses. Tons of people barely hanging on and these cheap ass places let them have at least some sort of dignity. If you work any job in Japan, odds are you'll have a roof over your head. Same can't be said in the US, where many homeless people have jobs and can't afford to be protected from the elements.

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This is like posting a piece of steak in the vegan community and going "tHiS iS gOiNg tO gEt mE bAnNeD bUt i'M eDgY sO i'LL dO iT aNyWaY"

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The "founding fathers" would be against the electoral college today too. The electoral college was an idea to try to get the people to directly vote for the president.

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This isn't generic conservatism. Many Americans, who are conservative, support abortion rights. Unity seems to be in bed with far right political Christianity.

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ctrl+f "volvo"

Not listed, so you know what that means! Great result via omission! Looks like my loved ones are all good then!

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Starlink technically requires ground based infrastructure but they don't need to be in Ukraine. The closest Starlink ground stations to Ukraine are in Turkey and Poland, according to this map.

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“OK, boomer” attacks a mindset, not a generation

Another example is a pretty big meme from 5 years ago, the 30 year old boomer.

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These boys will be boys memes are the dumbest things around. I wish they'd die off.

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Socialism isn't communism-lite. It's more of an umbrella anti-capitalist term.

Apple isn't okay. Apple is forced onto developers. The general population using Apple products requires developers to use Macs. And, last time I checked, it's a lot easier carrying around one laptop than two. It also doesn't hurt that Apple products aren't exactly the quality of off-brand Chinese laptops.

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I have zero sympathy for military service members

Who are disproportionately poor and POC (especially women) while also being very young. I don't think you realize how much these people are sociopathically targeted by scumbag military recruiters.

This isn't really accurate. The Supreme Court isn't a state protected from federal government overreach. The Supreme Court is explicitly under the jurisdiction of the United States, which Congress has the sole power to create and govern except on issues which are forbidden by the Constitution (and those they give to the judiciary to control themselves).

Her district is jam packed full of the most elite liberals in the country. They love her. She's one of them. Realistically, the only one who'd replace her would be a carbon copy of her.

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Not even needed to be honest. Blue states need to swing their dick around and demand shit, but blue state politicians aren't doing anything. I know this isn't the most palatable comparison, but slave states, leading up to the Civil War, swung their dick around and got concession after concession from free state politicians even if they didn't have nearly enough votes to get legislation they wanted and could have been shut out by simple majorities. Blue states and blue state politicians really need to get some fucking cojones or the US is heading down a path it's never going to come back from.

There are mandated back doors in most message apps.


And? What's your point?

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The Constitution has places where the word "conviction" is used, e.g. impeachment and treason. If the founders wanted to make the requirement a conviction of insurrection or rebellion, they could have done so, but they chose not to. To me, this seems like a political question and should be kicked to the legislatures to deal with.

And taking a comment from your other post,

But let’s focus on convicting him first so there’s absolutely zero question on barring him from office.

So, if this is a political question, a conviction of any crime, even ones labeled as insurrection or rebellion, would still not bar him from office.

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Yes, liberals. They're all cut from the same cloth. Right-wingers who'll wear a pride shirt in June.

Getting $400k in one go absolutely makes you wealthy. This isn't $400k over a lifetime.

How many westerners dance in the street when our soldiers kill civilians?

Are you too young to remember 2001-2005? Westerners were all open and talking about how we need to nuke the middle east off the planet and how all Muslims need to be rounded up and slaughtered. This wasn't some small amount of people, this was a huge percentage of the population. Never mind the percentage of Israelis, who before this week and now more than ever probably, thought the same thing regarding Palestinians.

Like what fucking reality are you people living in?

You not holding Westerns, who live in luxury and have all the resources at their disposal, to the same standards of people who often go without water, food, and medical care and feel the need to fight for their freedom from oppressive colonizers is fucked beyond belief. This is you during 1800's America: "these slaves are revolting and are 'evil'!!!"

What these people did was "evil" but it's a fraction of "evil" as to what Israel does to the Palestinian people on the daily and have been doing to them for decades. You refusing to put these actions in context shows you don't truly care about "evil." You only care about "evil" when it's done by someone you don't like, i.e. Palestinians.

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That's clickbait journalism.

He sold 2000 shares for $40/share, which he then immediately bought back for $1.42/share.

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not direction of how games should be made

Of course unions can and do have more power in the direction of the game. Employees can also voice concerns to managers and owners without the fear of a bullshit termination. They're pretty awesome for everyone.

The entire area has been in cyclic conflict for hundreds of years

There were essentially no Jews (<2%) living in the areas of Israel and Palestine before the Zionist colonization movement in the late 1800's.

You're trying to make it seem like this modern day thing is even remotely related to the past, which it isn't.

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This is like when Europeans or people in other countries say, "racism isn't a problem here, it's a 'uniquely American' problem." Not because racism doesn't exist in these other countries, but because these other countries aren't actually talking about racism and often don't care about it.

Piracy is good.

Nobody actually lives in a capsule hotel

I mean.

I love snaps. AMA. (but actually don't, I don't want to talk to you)

But then again Bernie Sanders has done a lot to help "wake up" the minds of many millennials and zoomers.

She should be facing murder charges.

It's definitely not. It's probably just a free $80k his contract allowed him to get.

You don't understand Palestine at all. It's not a fundamentalist Islamic territory like some of their neighbors. Of course there are some in there, but it's not anything like you see in other Islamic areas. You're just lumping all Arabs and Muslims in together to fit your ignorant ass Western worldview.

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You're trying to make this seem like a black and white issue, when it's not. Comparable logic is like you saying racism against white people is the same exact thing as racism against black people in the US. No, no it's not. You're trying to dumb this down into the most surface level shit imaginable. You're purposely ripping out context to push your anti-Palestinian bias.