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Why do all the 40 year old boomer Lemmy users call anything to the left of the most moderate Democrat "tankie"?

Millennial, thank you very much. And, no, as an Anarchist I can definitely say that tankies are to the right of me. By like twenty parsecs.

Also, this.

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Also, this

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40 year old boomer

Wrong age class. Boomers are 60+

“OK, boomer” attacks a mindset, not a generation

Another example is a pretty big meme from 5 years ago, the 30 year old boomer.

Lmao at the 30 year old boomer

I don't see why I'm being called a boomer (or at least that's what seems to be happening here).

While I'm not exactly storming the Bastille over here, I'm pretty fucking liberal.

I'm not calling you a boomer, unless you're calling the image you posted tankie material and yourself a tankie.

A bit like how anybody further right of Biden is often branded a Nazi by the left, regardless of whether their policies actually resemble Fascism.

Politics has turned heavily toxic and partisan.

Moderates are still a large demographic in the US but completely unrepresented in the media and in government.

Edit: so yeah I agree. I'm personally not likely to label a moderate a Nazi, but I'll stay vigilant about it.

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