107 Post – 503 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I work in financial reporting, so I have a decent idea of what makes up things like operating profit/loss and Adjusted EBITDA.

This does not look good for Reddit and if the company only managed a $90.8m loss after jacking up API costs, nuking virtually every third-party client, backstabbing every power mod, giving alternatives like Lemmy and Kbin an actual user base and selling off user data to Google, then I fully expect things to get a lot worse on the site.

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Adobe: "We want to acquire Figma"

CMA: "Figma balls"

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To everyone who called Trump a Nazi seven years ago, I owe you all an apology for dismissing your concerns as hyperbole, because I legitimately thought this guy was saying outrageous shit just to rile up the Republican crowd and clinch the Republican nomination against all odds.

After what happened with Jan 6th, it seems Donald is hell-bent on usurping democracy and bringing about the Fourth Reich, and now I'm seriously worried that America is going to sleepwalk straight into Fascism.

2021 should have been a wake-up call.

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Britain: "Screw the EU. We're sick of following your regulations and welcoming your people into our country just to steal our jobs from hardworking British workers and scrounge off of our NHS and welfare state. But we still want to trade freely and come live in your countries whenever we feel like it, because we're massive xenophobic hypocrites who think the entire world still revolves around us."

France: "Fruckoff."

If this picks up steam, we could very well see another Republican candidate (most likely DeSantis) win the nomination and become Joe Biden's opponent.

On the other hand, the SCOTUS is Republican controlled. They already got Roe V Wade overturned and could very well rule in Trump's favour.

Part of me truly worries that America will be the first to fall to a new wave of Fascism, and that this will spur further swings in Europe. (AfD are performing alarmingly well in East Germany, whilst Le Pen has been closer than ever before to winning the French presidency.)

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Doesn't this ironically make her more qualified?

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I mean it's hilarious that we pilloried Elon Musk for trying to sue someone for tracking his private jet with publicly available records and posting this online, but the same people are defending Taylor Swift for doing the same.

I don't think it's a gender bias so much as it's a bias towards people we don't like.

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In Mitt Romney's defence, if I had to choose between four more years of Joe Biden and Donald Trump potentially forming the Fourth Reich, I'd choose Sleepy Joe any day of the week.

I don't like Biden but he needs our energy. The opposition is so much worse.

Almost like Romney is one of the few Republicans with some actual fucking integrity.

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It's not just streaming services that have turned to shit. Society as a whole has been enshittified because shareholders and directors are chasing the dollar.

Reddit started charging out of their butt for API access, and had killed off 95% of third party apps in the process.

YouTube is downright unusable without a Premium subscription or uBlock Origin. Every content creator meanwhile risks demonetization if their videos are too kid-friendly or too inappropriate, and now have to fill half their videos with endorsements for shitty mobile games like Raid: Shadow Legends if they want to break even.

Porn sites are now astroturfed by e-girls shilling their $20/month OnlyFans pages.

Online dating apps are now a carbon copy of one another, are owned by an oligopoly of big corporations and charge you the same price of four WoW subscriptions for basic features like unlimited swipes, seeing who liked you, etc.

Even real life sucks now. Enjoy paying 70% of your monthly income to pay off some filthy rich landlord's mortgage while the rich continue to snap up properties, all while the wealthy continue to brainwash sheep into voting against their best interests.

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I wonder how the graph will look in a month's time now that Sync is in open beta.

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It's not about improving productivity, increasing innovation or 'sharing best practice', as a former workplace put it. Corporations are forcing a return to office work in an attempt to curb a post-COVID real estate crash - which we honestly need since we have far too many luxury offices being built and not enough homes.

For one place where I used to work, RTO drove down staff morale to an all-time low (already low due to high workloads and bad wages) and pushed the staff turnover rate in my department to 95%. They ended up having to outsource the function to an overseas firm.

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I have a lot of questions about this that the article doesn't explain. How fast was she going? Why was she speeding? What was the speed limit on the road? Was alcohol involved? And why isn't my country anywhere near as harsh when it comes to vehicular homicide?

EDIT: an earlier article also linked does explain most of this.

  • 81mph, presumably in an area with a 30mph speed limit
  • Apparently consumed two margaritas according to witnesses even though she was not criminally charged for a DUI. Likely that it was seriously strong tequila and triple sec consumed.
  • Showed zero remorse for the fact she ended lives.
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3.82% is actually pretty damn good. And if Windows 12 pushes us into a subscription model I can see that gap rising.

Also, if/when DirectX gets native Linux support, or DXVK/VKD3D matches the API in performance, that'll be it.

Personally I'm thanking Valve for this.

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That principal needs his hard drive forensically checked by the police.

As somebody who flocked to Voat during the height of the Ellen Pao controversy and remembered the site being rendered unusable for whole days at a time from the Reddit Hug of Death, I'm remarkably surprised at how well has held up. I thought the fediverse would have truly crumbled from this exodus.

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That's one way to deal with an ageing population demographic.

Another way is to perhaps not throw every able-bodied young man into a militaristic meat grinder because you still yearn for the Soviet Union days.

And with the unrelated rumours of Microsoft potentially leaving the console business and going multiplatform, it begs serious questions.

Do you really want Sony to have a monopoly on console gaming when they can't even respect ownership rights for digital goods?

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How the actual fuck are the Republicans not getting hammered in the polls?

Americans have been brainwashed for decades with 'communism bad' propaganda, so it seems mind-boggling that Republicans are so willing to give the former Soviet Union any control over Ukrainian soil. Part of the reason we've been fighting back against Russia's invasion with sanctions and equipment donations has been because they've been NATO's ideological enemy for decades.

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Is this why they made people waive their right to sue them?

Yeah... Fuck Roku.

Unlike Reddit, Stack Overflow would probably be better without moderators.

In fact, you could easily replace Stack Overflow mods with a script that goes into every new question, comments "USE THE FUCKING SEARCH BAR" and locks the thread.

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You've just made Jojo's Bizarre Adventure a work of comedy.

I'd legit watch that 🤣

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Earnings before interest, taxation, deprecation and amortisation. Interest is classed as other income and taxation is kinda self-explanatory.

Depreciation is spreading the cost of a fixed asset over the course of its useful life. So let's say you spend $40,000 on a machine that you expect to keep for 20 years, and scrap for $1,000 at the end of its expected life. You depreciate it on the straight-line basis (meaning it goes down by a fixed amount each financial year, or depreciate it by $1,950 each year. Straight-line isn't the only form of depreciation. Cars for example go down on a reducing balance basis, meaning their value goes down by a lot more during the early years of their lifespan.

Amortisation is like depreciation, but for long term loans and intangible assets (things like customer lists, patents, etc.)

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I think a lot of moderators are just going to back down and return to business-as-usual from tomorrow. Reddit will suffer as a business but this isn't going to downright kill the site. Unlike say... Tumblr or OnlyFans, Reddit has a far more diverse clientele and many of them couldn't give a shit about third-party apps.

These half-arsed protests staged after the 14th June have told me that most of Reddit's mods are fucking cowards who are more afraid of losing their status as internet janitors than all the third-party apps.

Reddit's moderators could easily bring the site to its fucking knees if they just collectively stopped enforcing any rules (including site-wide ones), removed Automoderator, unbanned every single user, then told everyone to just go nuts.

The mods of /r/interestingasfuck had the right idea by encouraging users to post NSFW content, since this would have chased away advertisers in droves.

I mean the whole "sexy pics of John Oliver" protest that /r/pics had isn't going to chase away advertisers, but having your content displayed alongside a flood of explicit pornographic images definitely will.

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I'm from Bristol. Haven't seen a single Israeli flag or show of support for Israel in this conflict, but I have seen loads of Palestinian flags waved around, and even witnessed a march last week.

I think public opinion has drastically changed in favour of Palestine.

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At this rate, Germany or France could very well be the first to fall to a new wave of Fascism. Either AfD are going to land themselves in a strong coalition government because of how badly the CDU fumbled under Merkel's reign or Le Pen is going to win the next French presidential election because of how deeply unpopular Macron is.

Either outcome would be disastrous for the European Union or even NATO in general. If you thought Britain leaving was bad enough, imagine the EU losing another of its biggest economies. Now imagine that these governments would be pursuing policies in direct opposition to NATO's ideologies.

This is why capitalists are playing a dangerous game with the economy. 1917 Russia and 1930's Germany are living proof that people turn to more radical political beliefs in times of hardship.

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Brave to me is like an online advertising racket. They push ad-blocking software by default in their browser, then extort companies into using their own ad network to advertise to their users. Brave Ads are of course opt-in and the main incentive of enabling them is to earn BAT (Basic Attention Token) which is their cryptocurrency. In terms of their intrusiveness, they're like push notifications you get up to six times an hour, and from my experience using the browser, it was all mainly crypto marketplaces and VPN's advertising.

Compared to 2020, when you could earn hundreds of dollars in a year from frequently being served Brave Ads, BAT isn't really worth shit anymore thanks to the crypto crash, so the main financial incentive to use Brave is gone.

If you want privacy, Firefox is that way. Or if you absolutely need to use something based on Chromium, everyone and their fucking mother has forked that browser.

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Nothing short of a full reversal and Unity's entire board standing down would restore the goodwill they burned.

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Not gonna lie, an attractively bound hardcover copy of My Immortal would be a hilarious gag present.

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Seven years ago I thought people branding Trump a Nazi were being melodramatic. But now I feel like I owe every leftist an apology.

He's going full Kanye with the Jew hate...

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I'm shocked that Dave Chappelle not only went down this route but has doubled down, especially since he walked from his own show nineteen years ago due in part to the negative racial stereotypes being pushed by the show's execs and the lack of creative control Comedy Central gave him.

And I'm more shocked that Netflix thought it was wise to release another special filled with transphobic drivel, especially since the last one generated so much negative press for them.

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This may be a shocker but games on the same level of scope as Cyberpunk 2077 take years of effort to make. We simply cannot pump them out as fast as consumers and shareholders demand their release.

Hello Games had a similar issue with No Man's Sky. Ubisoft also did with both Division games.

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So they paid Kenyan workers $2 an hour to sift through some of the darkest shit on the internet.


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How long until people employ bots to create burner accounts and deface r/place.

I'm expecting tonnes of "fuck Spez" graffiti, along with some NSFW stuff.

What left?

America's left wing is more right wing than Britain's Conservative Party...

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Correction: Democrats will fuck him back. I don't think a single Republican is willing to even believe any of these indictments are legit.

Watch as DeSantis gets elected, pardons Trump and turns America Fascist.

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Lemmy has a lot of obstacles that will prevent it from truly going mainstream:

  1. The community browser is complete dog shit for discovering content on different instances, and trying to view another instance's content from your own community is just needlessly complex. Discoverability is still a lot better than Mastodon though, where you'd look at all post and see nothing but hentai reposting bots regurgitating stuff that isn't even allowed on NSFWLemmy...

  2. Due to the nature of federation, you also run the risk of committing to an instance only for them to defederate entirely, or disassociate from content you want to see but they don't agree with. Beehaw is a very good example of this.

  3. As there's no option (yet) to migrate to a different instance, and Lemmy is a FOSS project that cannot be monetized in the same way as a traditional social media site, what happens when instances start shutting down due to being unable to keep up with server hosting costs?

  4. I cannot speak for the iOS option available, but Jerboa is barebones. For example, you can't even tap on a post/comment reply in your inbox to go to that comment's permalink and view the context. This is incredibly basic functionality for any social news aggregator. Even with the fediverse in general surpassing 150,000 users, I don't see Lemmy getting the same level of third-party app support as Reddit had.

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It's not "le gay bad", but more-so the idea of turning Putin into a gay icon in direct opposition to his identity politics.

This comic is probably funnier than anything Tim B^Uckley ever produced for his CAD series.

Newsflash: people aren't having kids because the cost of living is too expensive and the elite are strangling poor families, not because of abortion rights.

Sometimes I look at US politics and question how a country can be terminally stupid enough to elect Republicans...