Global warming rule to – 241 points –

But I will say this, a movement can't get along without a devil, and across the whole political spectrum there is a misogynistic tendency to choose a female devil, whether it's Anita Bryant, Hillary Clinton, Marie Antoinette, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or J.K. Rowling [or Taylor Swift]. And there's always gonna be people who seize on any opportunity to be misogynistic. So I would advise trans people and our allies [or environmentalists] to keep in mind, that J.K. Rowling [Taylor Swift] is not the final boss of transphobia [anti-environmentalism]. She's not our devil. The devil is the Republican Party, the Conservative Party.

Natalie Wynn (emphasis and bracket text mine)

Ngl, I do agree with this for Swift. Like she has problems with it and now made a dumb comment that broke the camel's back and now people are meme-ing it, but she isn't literally the biggest threat.

I'd say the case is pretty different for Rowling though. She definitely did her best to spread transphobia everywhere.

I like Natalie, but also it's possible to criticize someone (Swift) while also acknowledging that they aren't the one doing the most harm.

Just be wary which voices you amplify when you throw your argument onto the pile. Perhaps try mentioning other millionaires/billionaires who are also guilty of this behaviour.

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Natalie Wynn

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I have a question.

I fully recognize Taylor Swifts privilege. She is a global superstar with millions and millions of fans.

Her job is to entertain. In order to do that - she needs to be able to travel places efficiently.

While I can also recognize that she does make what seem to be, at least from the outside looking in, unnecessary short flights. What other alternatives are there?

What can be done to offset or prevent this?

Clearly it's a bigger problem than just Taylor Swift and I get it's meme staus right now, and please don't think I'm defending her actions - I'm just saying I understand why she's doing it based on her status. Again - doesn't make it right, it just is what it is.

What can be done other than breaking down fame worshiping on a global level - is a fleet of buses more eco friendly? Does she move to online only performances? I genuinely do not know what the answer is - but I am curious to hear what she, and others that fly way more than I ever will, can do differently.

There are some companies that make aviation kerosene from carbon dioxide, sometimes from plants or algae, sometimes directly. Airlines don't want to use it because it's super expensive. But maybe people like Taylor could use it? That'd be net zero emissions assuming the energy was also green.

This is interesting - obviously oil corps would never allow this to become a standard - but yeah, that would be a cool move on her part because I'm sure she could afford it.

One thing I've thought about is that because she's so mega famous, it'd likely be terrible for her to take any form of public transport. She'd get swarmed by people wanting autographs and paparazzi. So I've been thinking that maybe she does it so much because it's the most private way to travel.

I guess an alternative is just too have a chauffeur drive you when the distance is manageable, but then getting in and out would more likely be at public facing areas rather than somewhere a bit more private like an airport.

I dunno, just what I've been thinking. There are stories of people like Keanu Reeves taking public transport, so he must be able to do it done, but he's also not the ultra-mega-star that Taylor is

This is it. If Taylor took commercial flights she'd have to book the whole plane. People would book and cancel dozens of flights for the chance to be on hers. I'd bet us airlines would blacklist her just from the disruption.

And that's not even getting into safety issues. The alternative to this is that she travels less and uses buses. This would likely result in fewer concerts. Things already in uber high demand would get more scarce. I doubt her fans would vote for this.

In the end, Taylor creates a LOT more co2 than most people. But she's not really the problem. The problem are the companies using bad fuel sources and lying for decades about climate change. We need legislation to effect real change, not complaining about billionaire entertainer's flights. That won't do shit.

There was a whole movie made about Keanu Reeves taking public transportation. It's called Speed.

Seriously, I'll have to look and see when Keanu took public transportation.

On top of being terrible for her, it would actually become a huge problem to organise having fans swarm up an area as soon as she's spotted in public

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