
33 Post – 410 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

But how does the EGS exist?

Because they are able to subsidize it with investor as well as Fortnite money. I doubt it's turned a profit for them.

Wouldn't exactly call that "viable competition"

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Yes. Learn what makes them more money. The limited password sharing crackdown world, so they rolled it out worldwide, for example.

Please save, and put your money in the bank.

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I'm saying that the banks, who appear to be struggling, would like you to save your money by putting it in their system. So they may use it.

I'm not making any other judgement.

That said, no clue where the person I replied to got their apparent quote from, as it does not appear in the article itself.

Of course it's a whimper, Timmy wants you to buy your mom an iPhone to chat.

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Turn that link into an embed with ![description](link) (the exclamation mark makes it an embed, rather than a hyperlink. The description isn't technically necessary for the embed to work visually but may aid screen readers.).


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Realising one is trans is often called "cracking your egg". Calling someone an egg in this context means insinuating the person is trans (and hasn't realised it yet).

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Hard disagree with your dad there, it would be extraordinarily difficult for a cis man to get in a lesbian relationship.


It mentions her donating earnings from books she sells as well as award prizes to NGO's, and it mentions her travelling on her parents' dime.

Those award prizes can go into the 6 and 7 figures, apparently.

Boeing is under increased public awareness, any issues get picked up and amplified by the news.

Strongly disagree.

If artists don't want their data, their art being scraped by giant machines without any human oversight for profit they should be within their right to opt out. If they cannot opt out, why not poison the ill-gotten gains.

If the corporations behind these Machine Learning Algorithms were altruistic or open source, like Wikipedia is, perhaps I'd see your point. But not wanting your art to be sucked into a black hole to then be sold to others without credit or compensation I find more than fair.

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I approve the message but it looks a little like a strike through and I cannot unsee

"iT's NoT nAtUrAL"

What do you mean? The GDP has only grown (save for like 2-3 quarters).

The rich just saw their chance to become even richer and widen the wealth gap.

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Unnecessary cost, obviously ^/s

Except when the amount of cars is an order or two of magnitude greater than those other two, heavy cars do take their toll on the road surface

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Firefox isn't a search engine, though?

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And the employees

What about this is even AI, Google is citing that post almost verbatim.

So much for the "it's okay because they learn from but don't use the source material".

It's a bad time to not be an American because that country holds far too much sway over the rest of the world and you can't even help picking the lesser poison.

And sitting higher doesn't necessitate a ridiculously high hood; look at any van ever.

!okay there are probably exceptions but you get my point!<

Anti-trust regulation has gotten very toothless in recent years. The shit many corporations are pulling now is insane when you think back about what happened to ms then.

That's a big if though. Unless an actual creator-exodus happens, it's not going to happen.

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And basically required if you want to have a job in the US...

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Better than leaving the barn wide open

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Pellegrino is owned by Nestlé :c


what makes phones different in that regard?

Corporate greed

AAA companies:
We made record profits!

Also AAA companies: We're laying off a substantial portion of our team.

One thing about this particular phenomenon that the article doesn't take into account is that Gen Z is a lot more online than boomers are, hence they are exposed more often to the various dangers.

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Privatize the gains, socialize the losses

Oh wait but it's wrong when the people get government support, that's socialism!

delululusions Dreams

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What is this business strategy called?

Not being publicly/private equity owned

True, but if those same people they're not supposed to be friends with are the ones inviting them to those events/granting them early access...

In other words: the system is rigged.

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Just because they started giving out refunds because of public outcry doesn't mean it wasn't a scam.

There are some games which under deliver or are broken on release, but this was barely a game- yet they shipped it anyway.