1 Post – 589 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

War is hell, can't blame them

I do lol

Yeah it never looked good in the first place without mods haha, I'll have to check it out this year then I guess

Sometimes you end up in groups and you really wonder if they're npc or not

Is it not all shades of grey anymore?

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I wish we could reduce the natural habitat of those disgusting creatures

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Keep your main girl close, and your side pieces closer

At least the left is doing something, I just hope it's enough :x

Unfortunately I don't have infinite fucks to give

If you always wear makeup and one day you don't people will notice a change for sure

According to my middle school crushes it worked on cis girl too ^^

Couscous! Damn it's been a while

In hindsight what helped me back in school was having someone to study with, maybe that could work for you?

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How the heck does this choker always look good? It instantly make any girl look cute

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My surname means doctor, yeah don't be fooled

They're abandoning her

We are very high endurance animals, we don't burn much calories through exercice


They mean having a lan with your friends

Wow I found hamas guys

It takes efforts to have a democracy

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Me, an alpha male sitting down to pee and closing the lid afterwards: what are you talking about you degenerates

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Honestly I don't understand why you would want to kill her, she didn't do anything wrong

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What am I looking at?

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We're contagious, and we're not sorry

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You never seen how his wife looks at him? He knows what he's doing

Fuck suburbs too

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The important question is why put a city there?

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Because that's the goal of capitalism

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confused republican noises

Fuck I'd wear that

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Thanks but I don't need books for that

See? Clearly not profitable, need more ads

Small government right?

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When eating pizza at a restaurant with a fork and a knife I start cutting bite size triangles from the center of the pizza, it's pure chaos and people lose their mind when they see me haha

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I'm doing my best to look at memes 💪

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I hate that this feels natural, and I wasn't even speaking English in 2008

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Staying in your room all day playing video games doesn't work, I know because Ive been doing that for years

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You can't, trump walled you in.