Trump's competitor promises to give part of Ukraine to Russia and block Kyiv's accession to NATO

Flying to politics – 903 points –
Trump's competitor promises to give part of Ukraine to Russia and block Kyiv's accession to NATO

Sorry for the headline. I don't know why they don't just say it's Vivek Ramaswamy.

To that end, I will accept Russian control of the occupied territories and pledge to block Ukraine’s candidacy for NATO in exchange for Russia exiting its military alliance with China. I will end sanctions and bring Russia back into the world market. In this way, I will elevate Russia as a strategic check on China’s designs in East Asia.


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How the actual fuck are the Republicans not getting hammered in the polls?

Americans have been brainwashed for decades with 'communism bad' propaganda, so it seems mind-boggling that Republicans are so willing to give the former Soviet Union any control over Ukrainian soil. Part of the reason we've been fighting back against Russia's invasion with sanctions and equipment donations has been because they've been NATO's ideological enemy for decades.

I've actually seen a shirt that says "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat."

At this point being a Republican should be considered synonymous to being part of a conspiracy to commit treason and be treated as such.

This is why some kind of civil conflict is likely. Because they are and either we are going to live in their republican hell world or they are going to make the rest of the rest kill them to stop it. It is likely bc they will escalate to killing.

So have I.

I'm not even from the same continent and it hurts my head to think of how a party whose supporters are synonymous with highly patriotic rednecks are willing to continue supporting their team after they've shown a categorical willingness to sell out to the enemy.

Like... I truly think some big corporation has put something in our food or drink that is making us terminally stupid.

Maybe it's all the microplastics and PFAS.

Its the lead in the gasoline. Thats why the boomers are all crazy, they breathed that shit all their lives. Slow lead toxicity causes paranoia, delusions, lowers inhibitions, increases agression.

Overlay light airports (small prop planes still use leaded gasoline) with conservative microclimates and you'll see a correlation.

Well, your second paragraph has a major confounding factor ih that only rich people own their own planes.

Rich people tend not to actually live right next to municipal airports due to the noise as well.

A direct result of IRA/GRU/KozyBear(?), etc., disinfo and influence brainwashing social media campaigns.

Social media is a hellofadrug to the poorly educated.

So Ronald Reagan's grave is a gender neutral bathroom and a power generator? Wow!

Because if the other team wants something it must be bad, so they oppose them. No matter how much they cut their nose they will spite their own face.

The Republicans are more or less split on this issue. With the Trumpians being isolationist and not wanting to meddle and the Mitt Romneys wanting to keep the war machine humming along.

Nikki Haley, a Republican Romney-ist candidate at the RNC debates last week criticized Ramaswamy

“You are choosing a murderer over an ally of the U.S"

His response was

“I wish you success on your future career on the boards of Lockheed and Raytheon,”

If you look at certain polls, there are early signs that Americans may be slowly losing fervor for the war and less and less are supporting increasing aid to Ukraine - feeling that the US has done enough.

Trump and his cronies / wannabes are likely betting on that sentiment becoming more widespread. And historically, they are probably right to bet on it. People eventually get war fatigue. However, it could take a very long time before that leads to an actual policy change. Look how long Vietnam or Afghanistan lasted. These things can go on for decades before the government pulls the plug - even through years of public dissatisfaction.

So who knows? The Republicans seem to be having a little war of their own