
0 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Companies wonder why people use adblockers; this is my experience trying to read this article on mobile without an adblocker:

Picture of the outside of the building.

Three paragraphs, each composed of a single sentence.


Two paragraphs, each composed of a single sentence.


A teaser block trying to get me read another article on their site.


A stock photo of a public bathroom with mirrors.

A teaser trying to get me to follow them on Google News.

A single sentence with eight words.


Another sentence, which is a quote from a school admin.


Two paragraphs, each consisting of one sentence each.

Teaser block trying to get me to read more articles on their site.

A stock photo of some social media platform logos.

A trending block with links to more articles on their garbage site.

Two more paragraphs, each consisting of one sentence each.

A distracting carrousel of images that are links to more articles on their site.

Two more paragraphs, one of which actually has two sentences!

Links to their social media.

Is that the end of the article? I think so, but I've missed things before, so better keep scrolling a bit just in case.

Related articles section.


Ad that looks like a link to another article.

Ad that looks like a link to another article.

Ad that looks like a link to another article.

Link to another article.


Comments section.

Editors pick section of articles.



Okay, pretty sure I've read the entire article now, but let's keep scrolling to see how far this bullshit goes.

Ad that looks like a link to another article.

Ad that looks like a link to another article.

Link to another article.

And then the following pattern SIX times:


Link to another article.

Link to another article.

Link to another article.

Ad that looks like a link to another article.

FINALLY a whole bunch of links to other articles, some of which are promoted by Taboola, whatever the fuck that is.

And the entire time there was a red popup for "breaking news" taking up 1/5 of the screen.

For those keeping track at home, the article was a total of fourteen sentences, one photo of the school, and two stock photos. And no photo of a bathroom without mirrors.

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If you don't own it when paying for it then you aren't stealing it when pirating it.

To be fair, I suspect the average adult in real life probably only remembers, and uses, 5th grade math.

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Is that what she is saying or is she saying that Muslims in the US normally get a lot of hate and since many people are upset by Israel's actions Jewish people are now getting a taste of that?

Maybe I'm missing some additional context but it doesn't read to me like she's condoning the hate towards any specific group, but simply pointing out that it exists.

Maybe she's full of crap or maybe she's highly educated on the topic, I don't know. I do know that it appears to me that people are putting words into her mouth. Again, maybe I'm missing something in the story?

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With that attitude, the only difference between you and the type of rich person you seem to despise, is wealth.

You know, I would like to believe that these people are going to learn their lesson while in jail, but for some reason I doubt it. I don't know, maybe it's the fact that after everything trumpty dumpty has said and done, including saying he's going to be a dictator, and half the country still wants to hand him the country on a silver platter (like everything else in his life)? I don't understand it.

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31 hours? Did they take turns with it or something?

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Or additional dumbasses. Dumbass is not an uncommon trait, after all.

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No thanks. Someone walking around with an assault rifle isn't going to make me feel safe. Quite the opposite actually. It's going to make me feel like I'm in a warzone, which aren't generally regarded as safe places.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but surely you aren't grouping this guy with the likes of Veritasium, Smarter Every Day, Steve Mould, or Cody's Lab (just to name a few)? "Content creators" is a pretty broad brush.

Edit: I think I understand now. The quotes are air quotes; you don't mean all content creators, but ones that create garbage content, like reaction videos, malicious pranks on strangers, etc., and call themselves "content creators", right? If that's what you meant, then sorry for my initial assumption!

For anyone looking for good YT channels, here are some more of my favorite actual content creators: Simone Giertz, Steve Wallis, Matthias Wandel, and Vice Grip Garage.

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Hey, 0.8 inches is completely acceptable and it gets the job done. It's not the size of the dingy but the motion in the ocean...or in this case it's not how much you fill the graduated cylinder but how dry the soil is.

On a more serious note, this has the potential to become a huge tragedy; there are 10's of thousands of people out there with limited resources and more rain is coming. I hope that things stay under control.

I hope not. I would be miserable in such an insecure relationship.

Because there aren't any consequences for them if they get it wrong.

I've been cursed with his gift my whole life. Grammatical errors and spelling errors and typos stand out to me like neon signs.

Are you sure about that?

The article says that the man is prohibited from owning firearms, so he probably has a felony or something. I'm not sure about California, but you wouldn't need any kind of special license to own all of those guns and ammo in a lot of states.

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The turtle needs to take his shell and go home.

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Also, it signals that Biden is not worried about whether or not he can beat Trumpty Dumpty again.

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On one hand, fuck DeSantis. On the other hand, fuck Disney. It isn't some paragon of virtue either.

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Also, the Chiefs are partly owned and ran by a guy that has made several donations to the Republican party. Not a lot of money over all, but consistently Republican.

I wish the Democratic party was as competent as these nutjobs think they are. I imagine the country would be in a much better place.

Those are so infuriating. Especially when it's for some random website that you'll likely never have a reason to visit ever again. Does anyone actually subscribe? I highly doubt it, though who knows what old people do (I used to do end-user tech support and I've seen some shit). I've come across a couple of stores offer a small discount if you subscribe, which is at least a legit reason to do so, but this discount is so small that I even then I don't bother.

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Here's a crazy idea we could also maybe implement: how about we take someone's guns away, at least temporarily, after they get checked into a mental health facility and/or report hearing voices...like this shooter did A FEW MONTHS AGO!

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Bills that she has sponsored or co-sponsored, including ones that have passed

The site is a great place to start if you want to find out what a congressperson has actually done. It doesn't paint the whole picture as committee work is pretty important too and isn't always represented by a specific bill, but still useful.

In my opinion, she has one huge thing going for her and it's the fact that she doesn't belong in a retirement home. We need more young people in Congress, regardless of their party affiliation.

Drivers Tend To Kill Pedestrians At Night. Thermal Imaging May Help.

Thermal imaging will definitely help spot those dirty walkers so I won't miss as many. Those bastards can blend in sometimes and some of them are deceptively quick. The little ones especially are tough to take out. Of course, sometimes those guys just run right in front of you which are easy points but it takes the sport out of it.

Anyway, it's about time someone put the right tools in the hands of us hunters. I can't wait to have an evening cruise with my lights off and really get a good stalk on, you know?

You know your country is fucked when your first thought is, "if someone dies when the cops show up at the home of someone completely innocent, then whomever called them should be charged with murder."

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She assumed that he was innocent until he was proven guilty. Crazy concept, right? I mean, not really, but sometimes it seems that it's some arcane knowledge or something and not a core principle of the country.

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Oh shit, I think I just discovered a kink. I have always enjoyed ripping open those bags, but I have never had the opportunity to rip fishnet stockings. Now, it occurs to me that I may really enjoy ripping open a pair of fishnet stockings to get to the...fruit...inside.

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It sounds like you could have always bought the ones that you want!

For those that are confused by the name change, Jack is an old nickname for John. It was most popular in the 17th century and has been on the decline since, so I don't think many people today use it that way anymore. Or any people younger than 70, anyway.

Of a similar origin, there's Jim for James, Dick for Richard (giggity), Harry for Henry, and Sally for Sarah, among others. I think some of these are more popular than others, but it seems to me that they are mostly out of use in general, though some of the nicknames live on as normal names.

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My spouse and I did something very similar. It sucks, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. Fortunately, we only had one friend that got offended enough to defriend us and, well frankly, we decided that maybe we were better off without that particular friend in our lives.

Congratulations, by the way!

I think the idea is that since the president learns all kinds of classified information while in office, it's in the public's best interest to protect them from foreign agents after they are out of office.

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Republicans' core beliefs are whatever benefits them, despite how hard they pretend otherwise. Luckily for them, they are immune to hypocrisy.

They weren't intending to have contour lines at release and maybe not at all, but after their first playthrough stream with their community managers, they added the overlay (before the next stream even!) because of feedback in chat.

That's the kind of agility I would expect with a 1 or 2 developer passion project and not with a game of this magnitude.

For now.

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I'll believe it when I see it. The last 7-8 years have really made me cynical, especially when it comes to Trumpty Dumpty. I laughed when he first ran and it broke me when he actually won.

Half the country must really love the taste of bullshit because they keep gobbling it up.

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I didn't watch the CNN video, I watched the one you linked. Yes, he was being an asshole, but he wasn't threatening. His hands were still on the truck. The officer tazered him because he wouldn't put his hands behind his back, right? He had already called for backup, though, right? All he had to do was continue to let Leonard argue with him until cover arrived. Backup didn't arrive "too late," the officer escalated the situation "too early." It was literally only a couple of minutes into the stop. Some de-escalation on the officers part and the story would have been different.

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Or we could, I don't know, maybe try to treat her? I would rather live in a world where we treated all mentally ill people, even dangerous ones, with compassion than one where we just lock them up and throw away the key. I personally think that we, as a society, have a moral responsibility to lift each other up, but even if you look at it from a selfish point of view, it still makes sense. For example, it's possible that someday, you might have a mental break, maybe due to a tragic event or brutal experience, and will need help and wouldn't you rather be treated kindly rather than being locked away and forgotten about?

I think by the down votes, it's clear that it was my fault for not being more clear. Thanks, though. :)

His journey will be complete when he strikes down the emporer with all of his hatred; only then will he become...Darth Cheeto.

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The question is $2 per person per meal. So unless you are eating that whole loaf of bread by yourself, you can spend $3 on it and use a couple of slices per person, which would only be a few cents.

I was referring to how half of them look like they have one foot in the grave and should have retired already.

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