Hot Saucerman

37 Post – 1006 Comments
Joined 4 years ago


Situationists never die, they're just remixed.

Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

I think this has less to do with Microsoft and more to do with the average human has no interest in learning something that only passively helps them.

I only know a handful of things about working on an automobile, while my father could practically take one apart and put it back together wholesale.

I can take apart a computer and put it back together wholesale, but I'm lost on an internal combustion engine.

I pay someone with expertise to handle the engine, because I've spent my time learning other things.

Look, unless the people you're talking about are doing tech jobs, there isn't a reason for them to learn the depths of it, just like there isn't a reason for them to learn the depths of how their car works. Both a car and a computer are tools, and those tools are made to be used by people who may not know the depths of the internal workings of either.

This post feels like elitism and gatekeeping to me, as someone who thinks Windows sucks and prefers Linux. The idea that it's the OS that is "holding people back" and not that those people might have more important things to do with their time than dedicate half their life to an operating system is absurd. If someone spends 20 years becoming a doctor, I'm not going to act like they're a dumbass because they don't know everything about fucking computers.

People don't want to learn more because for most people not knowing more doesn't impact their fucking life. Just like me not knowing more about my car doesn't generally impact my fucking life. Because I've never had trouble finding someone to pay to fix it for me.

Surprise, we're the people who are paid to fix computers for the people who are just using them as simple tools. Maybe we shouldn't be so upset about that.

Also, last but not least, Android is a strain of Linux and it suffers from all the same issues listed above as Windows. Acting like you couldn't pull the same bullshit in Linux if you wanted to is kind of a joke, because it's already been done with Android.

All the ad infested bullshit we all hate about Windows 10 and 11? Blame Linux-based Android.

EDIT: Also, personal opinion, if we're talking about which CLI is easier to learn and use. Microsoft has made great strides with Powershell being easy and accessible to people who haven't faced a command line environment before. The things that make its command line better than Linux's are two things, and only two things. (I hate that it's object oriented instead of text oriented, Powershell has a lot of bad things, too)

First, human-readable commands whose names describe what the command does in a verb-noun format. This means instead of Linux with some very, very obscurely named commands that are not descriptive and you just have to sort of memorize, you can just sort of remember because the name is human readable.

Secondly, the get-command command is huge because it allows me to search these verb-noun names for the command I'm looking for. On Linux, if I don't know the specific command, I have to search the internet, because there isn't a built-in tool that will give me an idea of what each command does and allows me to search for them through a filter. Once you find a command you think might work, it has the get-help command which produces something similar to a Man page.

Linux has Man pages, but because there is no rhyme or reason to how any commands are named, it's not very easy to find the command you're looking for if you don't already know the command. On Windows, if I know what the command does I may already have enough information to find the command using get-command instead of having to turn to Google and be like "what command do I use if I am trying to do X?"

So if we're talking about the superiorly designed command line that's easier for first time users. Powershell is where it's at. Because Linux is a confusing fucking mess of 30 years of random decisions by lone programmers. Literally the only reason I know commands in Linux CLI is because I had to memorize them. I don't do so much memorizing Powershell commands. If Linux was being built from scratch today, I'd practically demand a similar naming convention system to make it easier to understand what the fuck commands do.

30 more...

Other devs, please follow suit.

This industry needs class consciousness in it yesterday.

Just because you're paid well doesn't mean you're not being mistreated.

It's valid to be thankful for what you have but to also know you deserve more.

55 more...

I think allergy suffers already have known this for years... The stuff that works is locked up because it can be used to make meth...

17 more...

It's not that there aren't any, it's that the protections for workers are abysmal compared to protections for businesses.

For example, if I stole money from my employer, they could have me arrested and press charges for theft.

On the other hand, if I am able to prove that my employer hasn't been paying me fairly and has been shorting my paychecks, I can spend a lot of money to take them to court, and in most cases, all that will happen is the business will have to... pay you back exactly what they already owed you. They won't pay fines, no one will go to jail, and it's an "oops" and then slap on the wrist kind of deal.

Worker protections exist, but the deck is stacked against us.

6 more...

You actually can buy quality dumb TVs, but you have to do the legwork and do research on what are often referred to as "commercial displays." I see them everywhere in businesses for ads and showing the menu. They're sometimes a little pricier, but they're usually built a little "beefier" too, as they're expected to deal with more rough usage in like a restaurant context.

However, the other solution is the one you've already mentioned where you never plug the Smart TV into the internet, and instead bypass the "smart" on the TV with your own streaming boxes.

I think as more people realize there is a market for dumb TVs, you'll start to see that market grow more and more until they no longer just "commercial displays." Just gotta get enough people buying them and not buying Smart TVs.

48 more...

I see very few memes and far too much political content. Of that political content it’s all the same.

That's funny because the meme subs still far outpace posting from politics subs for me, and I mostly see memes.

In fact, a few weeks ago, there were lots of complaints in meme comments of how the only thing they saw on the site was memes.

22 more...

Fuckin finally. So, so tired of every white collar shitbro being afforded every opportunity to keep being a shitstain.

Everyone from fuckin SBF to Donald Fuckin Trump.

Stop glad handing these pricks and treat them like you would any other criminal, worthless fucking "justice" system.

Regular ass people can be beaten and arrested based on cops getting the wrong person, and then when you justifiably "resisted" because you're fucking innocent, it means you'll have "resisting arrest" charges following you the rest of your fucking life.

Yet these pricks can make calls about when they'll turn themselves in.

12 more...

In 2010, reddit had a popular sub called Random Acts of Pizza that had people being kind to one another and donating an ordered pizza to a stranger. Here's a news article about it:

The next year, Mars chocolate filed for a trademark on a new ad campaign "Random Acts of Chocolate" aiming to convince people to "buy an extra pack of chocolate for a friend." Here's an article about it:

This is about how corporations steal anything interesting from the public sphere, co-opt it, and make it a shell of what it was, to shill their products. This goes for things like Random Acts of Pizza, but it also goes for memes.

The second corporations start using memes as an ad to sell shit, the meme is effectively dead, because who fucking cares about what some bullshit ass marketing team thinks about it?

Another way to describe it is Capitalistic Recuperation. From Wikipedia:

In the sociological sense, recuperation is the process by which politically radical ideas and images are twisted, co-opted, absorbed, defused, incorporated, annexed or commodified within media culture and bourgeois society, and thus become interpreted through a neutralized, innocuous or more socially conventional perspective. More broadly, it may refer to the cultural appropriation of any subversive symbols or ideas by mainstream culture.

If there is one thing capitalism excels at, it's taking ideas from the public and claiming them as their own, twisting them to their own ends.

Running With Scissors is a "legendary" developer?

Postal was a violent mess that didn't age well.

Postal 2 was a buggy mess that also didn't age well.

After that, it was just legitimately bad games on top of the humor not aging well. (They literally don't even acknowledge Postal 3)

Seriously, who the fuck would label them legendary? They've been a broken mess for over a decade.

26 more...

But I already am a pirate?

It's all "States rights trump Federal rights" when it suits them.

Similarly, it's all "Federal rights trump State rights" when it suits them, too.

The reality is they're not arguing in good faith. Period.

I’m talking about this crap where people are starting to get involved in personal matters of appearance

I'm sorry to inform you, it used to be worse. Women rape victims used to not come forward because one of the main things that would be shoved in their faces was "how they dressed" and "were they asking for it."

That bullshit has been a throughline in US culture for fucking decades. I'm in my forties and when I was in high school, girls had ridiculous dress codes that were clearly sexist and clearly icky as fuck. Why would male authority figures be so obsessed with young women not being "too revealing" unless they're the creepy fucks who are staring?

Not to mention all the rules about men's pants sagging in the 90's. A rule that seemed aimed at young black and latino men in particular.

Believe it or not, it's better than it was in the 90's. It's still bad, it's still bullshit, but it's not new.

15 more...

Privacy policy is vague and when pressed on if he would sell user data along with the service if he sold it, Eric Migicovsky was silent.

He sold Pebble and screwed the workers on the way out.

So how soon does he sell this when it isn't profitable enough for him? What use is a privacy policy if it can be changed by whoever he sells it to?

Also from what I understand if you aren't running your own iMessage bridge and using theirs, technically they have access to your username/password or password hash for the service.

Personal experience: Was on waitlist for over a year. Got an email for onboarding. Told to join zoom call. Zoom call notifies me it will be recorded. There was no previous notification from Beeper that they would be recording onboardings. I declined and hung up the call.

It took them days to reach out and offer a non recorded session. At that point I asked if they would answer privacy related questions and they ignored them. No response. I declined to use their service since.

Personal opinion, with all these sketchy things about Eric Migicovsky and privacy, I'd err on the side of spinning up my own Matrix server and bridges, you know, with blackjack and hookers.

Unlike some, I never took off my pirate hat. That's been me the whole time.

Except for the whole not being alone thing.

4 more...

If you aren't satisfied with the ones you can find on amazon, here's one you can get a friend with a 3D printer to print up.

7 more...

It would mean every Unity game was not-so-secretly shipped with code that phones home to the Unity company upon install.

Either they've been egregiously spying on gamers for years (and by extension, game developers using Unity have just been fine with that), or they're lying through their teeth.

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I want to live in a world where no one feels they are struggling so much that they need to turn to selling their body for sex.

However, I don't live in that world, so in the meantime I support sex workers, because sex work is work.

The men who use their services? That's a tougher nut to crack.

My partners brother is heavily mentally disabled and pushing 40, he's still very much like a child, but obviously does not have a child's libido. This man has never had an intimate interaction with a woman. He might never get the chance, he struggles to talk to women, even women who have similar issues as himself. I think sex workers could be beneficial for him, in the right context, for giving him intimacy he may otherwise never experience. I don't think he would ever think/know to pursue a sex worker, but I could be wrong. There's also the issue of his emotions began to be involved, which leads me to...

I'd be more worried about him finding OnlyFans and blowing through all his disability money each month instead of realizing he's not actually getting much out of such a "relationship." He's the kind of person who a parasocial relationship like that could really damage their already troubling mental health. The same thing could happen with a prostitute, but they are less likely to hang the relationships on fake social cues that say they care about you. He's not quite advanced enough to understand that these women are being paid to pretend to care, I don't think.

Also, there's other types of men who use these services I'm sure aren't a net positive. There are plenty of conservative men who already view a standard relationship as a sexual transaction (I take care of girl = she give me sex), so they're not far from viewing everything women with transactional already. Secondly, not only do the already view it as transactional, many of these conservative men turn to prostitutes because average women simply don't want to date them because of their horrible, outdated views on women's bodily autonomy. They are already angsty and moody because of women not wanting to date them, and they often are willing to take out their frustrations on the woman they paid to serve them. I see these men as not respecting and hurting the women they turn to for sex work.

Anyway, just some quick thoughts on the subject.

15 more...

*Valve laughs in Gabe Newell, owner of Valve and former employee of Microsoft.

Motherfucker left Microsoft to focus on games. He spearheaded the move to Linux to protect their store from becoming blocked on Windows. He knows how Microsoft works, intimately.

I’d be really surprised if Valve got sold to Microsoft while Newell still lives.

9 more...

Google is sitting on the "but they're contractors!" angle because it makes it easier for them.


Because once the union does collective bargaining with their actual employer, Cognizant, the company will have almost no recourse but to increase fees to Google for the contract work.

Once this happens, Google just says "Oops, you're shit out of luck" and then hires a whole new company of contracted workers for the same work, for cheaper.

Google purposefully uses this type of structure to ensure they never have to pay more, even when collective bargaining with unions does happen. Because then they can just shitcan the whole company and claim costs were too high. They certainly won't break their contract, but you can bet your ass when time comes to renew it, Google will have found someone new to take their place.

17 more...

Look, nobody ever said fascists didn't understand fascion.

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I thought this was a hilarious post until I realized the title was truncated.

I thought it was going to be "I love my new Linux machine, but I've effectively lost access to the box and have to start over."

5 more...

The short answer is HDMI was mainly developed by a consortium of Stereo and Television manufacturers whereas DisplayPort was firmly always developed as a modern replacement for VGA.

Somehow, I trust the people in the computer industry to make better and more strict standards than I expect from the audio/visual industry. There's a lot more advertising fluff from those groups while PC stuff can generally be nailed down by checking benchmarks against each other. How would you even benchmark two different stereo systems? (If I'm wrong and there is a way to benchmark them, cool, please share!)

Anyway, yeah, HDMI was for "Home Theaters" and pushed by the industry that builds that kind of thing and DisplayPort is for computers, period.

44 more...

Assuming they have advantages in fishing of all things is extra absurd.

I didn't know trans people were so much better at eating cold cheeseburgers from the cooler and falling asleep for three hours while waiting for a bite on the line. /s

7 more...

Stay classy, guys.

I understand that this eviction moratorium was "hard" on these guys.

So hard that they had *checks notes... enough money afterwards to throw a big celebration that the eviction moratorium was finally over.

I understand that not all tenants are great. I've seen the aftermath.

But sorry, this is a business, shitty tenants are literally the risk you're willing to take by choosing to own a rental. Fucking grow a pair, bunch of fucking whiners.

"But we made marginally less money than we would have! We still have enough money to throw a big party about it, though!"

There's tone deaf and there's whatever the fuck this is.

5 more...

However you feel about Smash Mouth's music, his death is a tragedy of self immolation.

Alcoholism is serious, folks. Do your best to talk to your drinking friends about it sooner than later.

Also, don't judge alcoholics, they often have very real pain they are drowning in. From what I understand Harwell lost a child to leukemia many years ago and has been in a downward spiral with alcohol since.

11 more...

They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

I was naively telling myself "So many people hate 11, I doubt adoption has ticked up, and 10 will end up having extensions for support like 7 did, because no one wanted 8."

Then I saw the latest Steam Hardware survey. 11 is nearly even with 10 on installs. RIP.

Glad I've been cultivating a love for Linux the last several years and that I dual-boot my main box but run Linux alone on all my other boxes.

Because this is pushing me into using Linux alone unless there's a serious need for Windows.

19 more...

Capitalism killed cities, not COVID.

3 more...

I feel like none of these things are actually new to tech media, or media in general for that matter?

Didn't people worship Steve Jobs, who was literally the marketer, not the guy programming anything?

The number of people who defend Richard Stallman when he says off-color things is high, too.

I'm not even sure cult of personality is always the fault of the personality as much as fanboyism.

8 more...

They are suspiciously silent about violence and gore.

Apparently understanding procreation exists is more dangerous than a heaping helping of the ol' ultraviolence.

6 more...

I mean, that's true, but the actual issue is that in the system as it currently exists, the entire reason Tuberville is doing this is to create empty vacancies, in hopes of stonewalling until the Presidential election. The entire plan is literally another attempt at a coup, just looking for ways to have a Republican administration put in a bunch of Yes Men in key positions, if they're lucky enough to keep the House and win the Presidency. Having cronies in control of the military is no joke.

While we would still indeed be the biggest assholes out there, with a military that would still outmatch much of the world, the difference if that if this is continued to be allowed, there is real risk of the "biggest asshole" military on the planet being controlled by an actual dictatorship, not the dog and pony show we call a "democracy." A fascist dictatorship that wants to wipe women and minority rights off the map and take us back 100 years or more.

I'm no fan of the milquetoast wimpy Democrats who watch the Republicans break rules all the time and are unwilling to play hardball themselves, but whinging while ignoring the literal rising threat of fascism that's out there making plans to take power isn't gonna help.

So, to quote a great man, "You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole."

8 more...

Cleaning and sanitizing glass bottles is how it used to worked before the lie of recycling.

They don't want to go back to that. Removing it cut all kinds of overhead, especially labor. It cost them a lot of money to have people bring back the bottles and clean them.

Now they can dump it all on consumers and recycling plants.

They don't care if consumers don't clean the bottles well enough to be recycled. They don't care that consumers often put un-recycleables in the bin, often ruining a whole batch of recyclables. They don't care if the recycling plant can't actually make money off the recycled material.

They got what they wanted. Their product everywhere with less responsibility for their business. They will always go with what saves them money and pushes the social responsibility onto someone else.

1 more...

There is actually not much separating capitalism and socialism other than workers being in control of the means of production.

Socialism doesn't have anything against markets. Socialism doesn't have anything against organizational structures. What it does have issue with is workers not having any democratic say in how their workplaces operate and who they choose to do business with.

That's the thing, not a lot would have to change, other than putting legal protections and norms in place for workplace elections and so on.

14 more...

DisplayPort supports audio, implementation is based on manufacturer.

I just searched around because I was very confused at first because I'm using DP and getting audio through it...

3 more...

Here's the full comment on HackerNews, the article quoting him only had the snippet. The larger comment makes more sense. Emphasis mine.

We don’t block or any other domain via Doing so, we believe, would violate the integrity of DNS and the privacy and security promises we made to our users when we launched the service.’s authoritative DNS servers return bad results to when we query them. I’ve proposed we just fix it on our end but our team, quite rightly, said that too would violate the integrity of DNS and the privacy and security promises we made to our users when we launched the service.

The owner has explained that he returns bad results to us because we don’t pass along the EDNS subnet information. This information leaks information about a requester’s IP and, in turn, sacrifices the privacy of users. This is especially problematic as we work to encrypt more DNS traffic since the request from Resolver to Authoritative DNS is typically unencrypted. We’re aware of real world examples where nationstate actors have monitored EDNS subnet information to track individuals, which was part of the motivation for the privacy and security policies of

EDNS IP subsets can be used to better geolocate responses for services that use DNS-based load balancing. However, is delivered across Cloudflare’s entire network that today spans 180 cities. We publish the geolocation information of the IPs that we query from. That allows any network with less density than we have to properly return DNS-targeted results. For a relatively small operator like, there would be no loss in geo load balancing fidelity relying on the location of the Cloudflare PoP in lieu of EDNS IP subnets.

We are working with the small number of networks with a higher network/ISP density than Cloudflare (e.g., Netflix, Facebook, Google/YouTube) to come up with an EDNS IP Subnet alternative that gets them the information they need for geolocation targeting without risking user privacy and security. Those conversations have been productive and are ongoing. If has suggestions along these lines, we’d be happy to consider them.

So it's really more about metadata related to the IP, like geolocation.

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It really is well past time to start viewing support of IPv4 as a type of "technical debt."

AWS is just finally putting a price on the cost of that technical debt.

Some people shouldn't be cartoonists, or they should lean hard into absurdism.

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Look son, you don't gotta be a master of English to be able to be part of a labor union.

I know Ogres struggle to get work outside of factories, but that doesn't mean the labor you do is low-value or unskilled.

Ogres together strong.