3 Post – 231 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Listen to books if reading is to much. Theres audio books or programs that will convert ebooks to audio. Either way i think if you take a story, like harry potter for example and go through the book in a day or 2. So that series itself will give you at least a week of chilling.

I hurt my foot a couple years ago and really needed to stay in bed all day, books made it so easy.

But with your edit it looks like you typed Pie

I loved mega man games most of my life. Never beat a single one though, i dont think i ever made it through any of the boss rushes.

No you dont. I have worked in 2 groceries stores, the bags with less air get way more crushed and broken while stocking. Having bigger bags with a lot of air keeps the chips integrity in tact.

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Because of Taylor Swift and her american government ties and legion of adoring fans, she not only personly led the Chiefs to tie in the last 3 seconds of the game, which led to an intense over time where Swift herself came on the field in the last few remaining seconds to score a win for her boyfriends team.

It has brought a tear to my eye from the enjoyment. Now i can not wait untill she leads our president on the campaign trial to finally put an end to Trump and his crazed zealots.

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There were people on it! Not a whole lot of cars since it happened a couple hours ago. But there were around 50 people working on it at the time. Its so devastating.

pure evil. Idk if its supposed to look like this but it does.

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I will not federate with any meta products.

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Oof.... the traffic is gonna be hellish there for the foreseeable future.

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Waking up early to catch your cartoons. Or as an adult, having to be at the tv at 7 to watch the new episode. Everything will be streamed, thats fine i guess you wont have to worry about missing it. But it takes away the urgency to keep up.

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So trump social is going higher then reddit? Idk if i want to cry or laugh.

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Thats like asking why Ukrainian wont just accecpt Russians offer for peace. They have their homeland stolen, and then should be happy with a little bit of it after the fact?

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They only just sent the activation signal with wednesdays alert. Its only a matter of time before a lot of yall drop dead. Then the commies in mexico and canada are going invade. They're already poised to do so!

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Yup! I dont follow sports, but i kept track of this game, i just really wanted the chiefs to win to see the backlash and conspiracy theories run amuk.

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If biden signs something like this i really see trump winning come November. There shouldnt be massive amounts of protest decrying a genocide and to have our president just look at everyone like they're the crazy ones for saying no to slaughtering a whole set of people. What benefit does america gain for defending Israel. Do they even do anything expect awfull shit. Like do they produce anything other than hate.

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Besides relevant search results i stopped going to reddit completely for here. I went there today to see their thoughts on this matter, just to not see it mentioned in hot or top at all.

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I read a book called the olive grove when i was a teenager about the true struggles of a palestian family when isreal took over. Its such a sad and messed up story that spans three generations. Ever since reading it ive been pro palestine. For anyone who loves reading should give it a try.

Well no, id say having a first and last name is pretty common, especially if they want to add you on a social media account. There are plenty of reasons for why he asked for your last name, he could just be ocd and want full names in his phone. There couldve already been a Lemmyknowsbest in his phone and needed your last name to tell you two apart.

So i guess no one opened the article recently, or at all. Here's the new title

Report: Microsoft Staff Losing Free Xbox Game Pass, Complain To Phil Spencer [Update: He Reversed It]

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Makes sense. I use a forced dark mode setting for all sites so every so often something comes out looking strange.

Or maybe im just seeing their true nature!

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Im sorry, i wasnt aware of that rule. I just wasnt seeing a video up on here at the time so i grabbed one off the live stream to post for others to see. I posted the link you gave in the description instead of the main url so people can still quickly pull it up. If theres a problem still ill do what i can to change it, or you can go ahead and delete this post since there are now more videos and such up online.

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Banned from their social club and all local saves wiped for good measure.

So i started living back with my mom when i was in my late 20s, i lost a 70k job due to bullshit. Then i got back to working hoping to move out..... and..... covid hit..... i was laid off after a year, and i just havent got back to working. I live with my mom who is disabled and in very bad health over conditions i dont know how to spell. Then i got a dui after my old boss died, i wasnt even driving just sitting in the car drunk by a lake. So now i cant drive for another couple years and am finding it hard to work some whete close that i can get a ride that also doesnt make me be around a shit ton of people who i might get sick from and then bring it back to my mother.

No i didnt answer your question, but i tried to outline the why of someone living back with their parents.

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So dont knock it untill you try it.

Grape jelly on pepperoni pizza. Its soooo good, the sweet cold jelly spread on a hot greasy pizza is just a combo like nothing else.

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Okay i dont completely understand it, but i think i get the gist of it. But i grew up hearing the what if of throwing marbles and pennies off a skyscraper killing people cause of the falling velocity. I assume thats not correct then?

It doesnt really add up in my mind. How doesnt any object gain more speed as it falls, ive read stories of people dieing by being struck by falling debris. Im less confused on the velocity thing and more confused on how if a phone falling 16000 feet were to hit someone in the head theyd be fine, but if it hit some grass then the item itself would be okay.

Its cool to be downvoted for being ignorant, but id think people would be a bit understanding because it just doesnt seem to make sense to me. And i at least admit that.

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This whole gaza fiasco very well could put trump in the presidential seat again, even though he should be barred as it is stated in the 14th amendment. Yet it doesnt seem to bother biden or the dnc, this is such a clear example of why people think both parties are the same, because if liberals want to be the good guys then they shouldnt be condoning israels mass slaughtering of the people of gaza.

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Is there any cereal that's "very healthy"? Or was that idea just pushed to sell more cereal.

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That sounds nice and easy, but i fucked up my rice about a third of the time and it really deterred me from making much. I got a rice cooker 4 years ago, ooooh boy now i make rice at least twice a week. As simple as making rice seems, untill you get it, it just isnt that easy. Plus rice cookers are like 25 dollars. Definitely the most used extra appliance ive ever had.

I said this in another post, but i believe older democrats who dont keep up with the nonsense of politics could very well just see the name Kennedy and vote for him. If we werent in a very red state i would be worried about my grandfather in his 80s doing exactly that.

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The victim is being punished! He is recieving a felony for protecting himself just because it took place in a building. And that dumb youtuber was rewarded by having his followers almost double after the fact, which equates to more money, while the victim is sitting in jail.

Surperb! Well besides the black tape. But thats an acceptable amount of bad life choices.

Yeah no matter what some rich assholes want to convince everyone, 8 billion is already to much. Imagine every city becoming 25 percent more crowded everywhere. Just no.

Burger king.a few years ago i went through the drive through to get my little sister a milkshake. Machine down, okay what about an ice cream? Oh thats down too. " i didnt know I came to McDonald's" dude over the menu laughed.... but then this big ole cunt of a manager comes yelling at me to leave their property! I dont remember what all was said but it ended with me yelling back at her "fuck you, you dont just come screaming at people over a joke. YOU FAT BITCH!" Then i went to a McDonald's and told their drivethrough lady and got free ice cream while they laughed. And i havent been back since.

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The april fools joke is that they're saying its a joke. They for real gonna release some shit like this next year.

Dude broke through restraints, clearly a pen is a deadly weapon in his hands.

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Dont theu just want it to crash hard so they can then buy into it at a cheaper rate.

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I have interviews coming up, so fuck it after tonight i won't drink till i work toward a new job.

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I thought he said the company wasnt profitable, how does he get almost 200 million dollars then?

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