House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war to – 274 points –
House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war

'If passed by the Senate and signed into law, the bill would broaden the legal definition of antisemitism to include the “targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity.'"

Pardon me, but what is this horseshit?


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If biden signs something like this i really see trump winning come November. There shouldnt be massive amounts of protest decrying a genocide and to have our president just look at everyone like they're the crazy ones for saying no to slaughtering a whole set of people. What benefit does america gain for defending Israel. Do they even do anything expect awfull shit. Like do they produce anything other than hate.

You mean a benefit besides being a nuke depot in the middle east?

Hey now, we also have other weapons stationed there.