Is it just me or does the new reddit logo look evil to – 702 points –

The new logo looks like a shitty AI render lol, perfect representation for how sanitized a corpo it has become.

I's like the old Bob the Builder vs. The new Bob the Builder

Nah it looks worse.

5 minutes with bing and I got it to make a nice looking one.

I genuinely just thought that's what it was. I had not heard of them rebranding...

A nice bot-made logo to celebrate their army of stupid bots ruining everything.

You serious, Clark?

pure evil. Idk if its supposed to look like this but it does.

maybe they accidentally left some transparency in place of the white when they first deployed, thus the back background seeped in

That thing still looks like something that could devour my sleep paralysis demon.

The completely red/orange eyes with no pupils and overly "happy" expression is what makes it so bad. It's a very good representation of reddit in a way. It's like the image version of the tiktok voice, deeply disturbing.

Makes sense. I use a forced dark mode setting for all sites so every so often something comes out looking strange.

Or maybe im just seeing their true nature!

^ Oh, that forced dark mode is most definitely it. It probably takes only the pure whites from images and turns them black, while retaining the grays and other colors

When I said I was sick of corporate minimalist designs, I did not mean I wanted them combined with late 00s psuedo-3d logos

Yeah I was about to say, this looks like they forgot about dark themes at first.

Still, it's a weird logo. It does look distinctively horror-y, and the shading is also weird. Stubble?

If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now.

Reddit? Never heard of it. Did I order coffee from there once?

Spez: make it the colour of my soul.

I laughed and spit tea on my cat. Kitty was upset until she realized catnip was in the tea. Everyone wins. Well done.

It's ugly so it's a good fit for reddit.

I really like the speech bubble. Makes it very clear that they want to become just another social platform where people, not anonymous accounts, interact with each other.

they don't want anonymous. if you use a private browser with no fingerprinting or VPN, you can't even create an account

Looks like a failed Dark Reader-converted image but it's actually intentional this time.

Probably an unintentional mistake rather than a concious design decision. I think they used a transparent background instead of white, so it accidentally looks evil in night mode. To test, switch your phone out of night mode and see if it schanges the face to white along with the background.

Is it a translucent PNG? Because GIF doesn’t support alpha channels. Also why would they want their logo to shift color? Brand colors are super important

Ha! No, not anymore, not in the current design environment.

Literally every site and app is doing this exact same shit, in almost exactly the same way. They're tripping over themselves to strip away any identity or interesting design elements, and turn into another carbon copy of every other app's floaty, bubbly, needlessly vacant and boringly white/black design.

Iirc PNG supports just fully transparent and opaque pixels too, so Webp maybe

What the fuck is that? Kill it with fire! If it finds a hole it'll either build a nest in it or try to fuck it.

It's a disgusting and heinous atrocity, eerily reminiscent of knuckle-dragging dirt person Steve Huffman

Light from beneath always looks scary. Just think about people who tell scary storys with a flashlight.

Did they open AwfulTasteButWorseExecution or is it just from Awful Everything?? That's ugly AF!

"I'm not dead. I'm still relevant! Come AMA! This isn't a request. You will be subservient to the almighty Spez. Reddit will devour your very soul and grow stronger! All will bow to Reddit! Look upon me, and despair!"

It looks like the result of a GENAI image prompt for "I'm in danger"

Satanically possessed? Def.

Hey now, don't go hatin' on my buddy Satan. If Reddit were possessed, it'd be way cooler.

It's not you. Pretty poor choice to use inverted colors, but keep the red eyes.

Although, I don't see this on the front page. I just see the basic white version. Where is this at?

I use an automatic forced dark mode enabler, because i hate bright sites with a passion, and it is the assumed culprit for why the logo looks so evil for me.

It will be amusing when their eventual IPO does a crash and burn and then Spez tries to blame the users.

Weird choice gong with the under-the-chin lighting with malevolent red eyes. It's got that horror movie about a toy vibe, like *coming this October: You Snus, you lose."

It’s midnight and no narwhal will save your bacon

The jackdaws are cawing. Grab your poop knives and cower from: The Initial Public Offering. ~This picture has not yet been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America~

It looks like a shady dealer in an orange hoodie.

Now that you’ve said that not only can I not unsee it but now I almost see Kenny from South Park

I thought it had a beard when squinted at it

Even with the dark theme off it still looks like corporate garbage, especially the font.

It may look harmless but spend enough time with it and it'll destroy your brain... and nuts.

Probably the coolest it's ever been. Too bad they suck now

I literally have not touched Reddit since whenever this whole thing went down, I want to say June or something like that. I have seriously not even once open that damn website since they killed Joey for Reddit. And it's been all for the better because Lemmy is a lot better although lacking in content it doesn't keep me glued to my phone for no damn reason at all hours of the day mostly just at night. Plus I see a lot more intelligent conversation on this place than I ever did on Reddit.

Its nothing if not consistent/congruent with everything else they've been doing