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Joined 11 months ago

I'm not a proponent of violence, but I think these dipshits need to get their asses beaten every time they do that shit. Maybe, if more of them got beaten or shot, then they would stop being ass fucks.

I shouldn't have to be forced to figure out whether someone is a crazy, drug induced murderer, or just some stupid "prankster" every time I go out in public. Rule number 1 in a society is "don't fuck with strangers".

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My mom won't pick a date for me just because I'm married.

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I disagreed with the Microsoft charges back then, and I disagree with the case against Google now. I hate both of them and I think they use monopolistic tactics, but making their own search engine or browser the default in their OS isn't monopolistic, especially since you can easily change it.

The tactics that should be fought against are things like when Google used its size and money to offer free unlimited cloud photo storage. That put several cloud services out of business because they couldn't compete with "free unlimited" storage. Then, when all the competition was gone, Google started charging for their service which was no longer unlimited.

When someone tries to compete with Google, Google either uses their power to put them out of business or buys them. That is totally monopolistic and what the government should be defending against.

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There's a reason they got rid of that motto.

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If you get a message, or see something on a social media platform urging you to buy crypto or NFTs, it's 100% a scam. It doesn't take an AI detector to figure that out.

That was my diet when I was in my 20s.

Well, I don't think they could be any more hated.

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I also would like my non political communities to be void of politics. I'm glad to see an admin actually stop that. None of the Reddit mods would ever stop political crap, even though it was against the sub rules.

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I completely disagree with you. Maybe it's because I'm old, but I don't want any damned racist robot doctor telling me what to do. I just want my good old human, racist doctor treating me; like God intended.

Then why does this season suck so badly?

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Jerking off every morning to get me going.

Usually the product with the most money behind it wins, unfortunately.

We call it the Nerd Box.

Some places have laws against drinking from a cup without a straw while driving because the cup can block the driver's view.

My plan is $25/month for unlimited talk, text, and 5g data.

I don't know what you've heard about me, but I can assure you that I have never had a wolf inside me. I've never been inside a wolf either. There was that one time I was drunk at a hotel where a furry convention was going on, but I don't think that really counts.

When I was in the shower in gym class.

That's like saying "the government takes our money, wates it, spies on us, and abuses us, and nobody cares". We all care, but what are you going to do about it?

I say 17 o'clock.

I may be an animal, but I am NOT social.

I'm offended by op's use of the world "boy". Please ban them!

By the time I solve for T, the mission will be over.

Not as much blowback as Jackie got

I'm an expert at fucking my life up. I have no idea why anyone won't hire me.

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What's the point? In 100 years, everyone here now will be dead. Nothing we do really matters. Life is pointless.

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I really wish I could get this popcorn kernel out from between my teeth.

I was worried for all the geners.

Minus the semen, I'm sure

I gave a fuck once. I gave it to this cute girl I met at a party. She never talked to me after that. I'm never giving a fuck again.

Was he making dogphobic slurs?

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Email is becoming obsolete anyway. I only use it personally to register accounts online. I have an old email address that I got 20 years ago. I haven't checked it in years. It holds several hundred thousand emails and was constantly full of junk mail. It just became totally useless to me a long time ago.

We use email at work, but not as much as we used to because there are better ways to communicate since everyone has a phone. We don't even use the computers in our offices much anymore because it's just easier to use a phone. The execs have tablets that they carry around, then dock at their desks. They don't even have desktop computers anymore.

Do you know when that will be?

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I don't see where is says the first 300 requests are free. The cheapest plan is $5/month for 1000 requests and $0.005 per each additional request. I would only use it once or twice a month, so it's not worth $5/month. I'd be willing to pay per request like with Chat GPT, but it doesn't have that option.

I've done that before shooting every child I've killed. It's worked well so far.

I can't block "x"

I think that's part of why he did it.

Obviously you missed the announcement that it is, indeed, the end of the world.

I've never been to any of those states, but I have a friend who lived in Louisiana for a while. He said they are a strange breed of people, plus there's alligator everywhere.

Girls speaking German are rarely sexy sounding, although better than Portuguese.

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