
0 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

This ought to happen everywhere. Either I'm the admin on my machine or I'm not. If it's not, I'm not sure how much longer I'll tolerate a Windows machine.

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Saying that costs nothing. It would have been a hell of a lot more impressive if he hadn't worked so hard to stack the court and put us in this situation to begin with. Fuck you, Mitch.

Sounds like the pharmaceutical companies are still investing in governments.

As a programmer, and is pretty unambiguous.

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So you're saying military aggression sucks, but only when it happens to you? Wow. You were so close to empathy.

I read that as "a streaming shit". I guess that works, too.

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The new age of anti-intellectualism persists. Continues. Stubbornly endures.

Honestly, I'd rather hear about it when it actually happens. I'm getting tired of all this teaser justice headline crap.

I'm not holding my breath.

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Obscure keyboard shortcuts.

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Given trade, it doesn't seem to be in their best interest to cripple the US.

I used to live there a long time ago. It wasn't terribly stable then. It's sad that it's only gotten worse. It's a beautiful place, with some of the kindest people I've ever known. I hope they find a way out of this.

The only way I'd watch Tucker Carlson on purpose is in a cage fight with Mike Tyson. Pay-per-view is fine, but I'll travel if I have to.

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I wouldn't hold your breath. The survivors of the Heaven's Gate cult continued to believe after most everyone they knew offed themselves over a comet. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.

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How about a nice cup of shut the Trump up?

Costello's sheepishness after the judge cleared the room and took him down a couple notches was epic.

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It's almost exactly what happened in Utah. Voters decided. Mormons, Inc. said "nope" and that was that. Oh, and then they gerrymandered the fuck out of the state to keep it red for at least another ten years.

LOL! Good luck with that. You invited me in. I'm not going anywhere. 😈

A couple weeks ago, I had a ten year old account on Reddit that just wouldn't let me back in. I tried changing the password, but the link and the form it gave me didn't work. I tried several times, no luck.

I contacted support several times. They were worse than useless. If that's how they treat their most loyal content creators now, why on earth would I ever go back?

Oh well. It was fun until it wasn't.

Out of his what? Oh. Nevermind.

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"I should know. I've been embarrassing my state since I was born."

Gov. Cox, probably.

Narcissists aren't particularly interested in admitting even little mistakes, so I doubt it.

Make sure you test it against one you're sure is accurate. My wife bought one that looks right at first blush, but it's off by at least 5%.

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I've been thinking exactly the same thing. Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Each of them a complete shit show of disinformation and censorship. Blogs and personal web sites are pretty much dead. It's getting harder and harder for anyone without buckets of money to stand on equal ground.

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I'm not so sure about that. It took me forever yesterday to get my international keyboard setup to work on Ubuntu the way I wanted it to. I'm saying that as someone who's been using Unix/Linux in a school, IT and home setting for 30 years. It was unforgivably difficult.

There's nothing objective about that opinion at all. I think Mariah Carey's song is cynical corporate kitsch written for one reason and one reason only: to make money. That's why I hate it.

I can tolerate some of the secular big band/swing songs, and there have been a few decent ones since then. Fiona Apple does a brilliant cover of Frosty the Snowman. Vince Guaraldi's work for the Charlie Brown Christmas show is still wonderful.

It doesn't. Gravity is related to its mass, not it's orbit or rotational velocity.

Wow. I'm glad you figured that out. I thought it was going to be so much more difficult.

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About damn time. This is how you know karma isn't real.

They meant to say fecal recognition. They're struggling to determine the difference between a Whopper and a whopping dookie. No luck so far, and I doubt an app is going to help.

We'd get there faster if we got rid of farming alfalfa and golf courses.

Not a surprise. I took my dad to a VA hospital for an appointment. We checked him in and sat in the waiting area. Because I'm a nerd, I had a Geiger counter in my backpack. I took it out and turned it on. As soon as it finished booting up, the alarm went off.

Normal background radiation where I live is usually around 0.08 micro-Sieverts/hour. My alarm threshold is 0.30 ( not dangerous, but interesting). My reading in that lobby? It was a whopping 9.23!

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I'd wager over half that sub is posting from Moscow.

Ditto on the Arduino. I built a pickup winder for electric guitar, and it's more than made up for its price in entertainment alone.

Krita is amazing.

Bwahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Loser!

Polls that had orange funding, apparently.

Mitt the Shit should STFU.

Just saw them in concert this summer with my family on John McCrea's birthday. It was one hell of a show.

Podcast Addict has worked for years for me, and he's constantly improving it. Why the fuck would I ever want a paid service to manage and profit on the podcasts I've always listened to for free?

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