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I have a math degree and still can't do basic addition

Anti-tankie leftist

“When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored."

Yeah I think that might be because they were on the moon and not pressing WASD to walk around a fake moon

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Valve is what happens when someone who's not just outright fucking evil invents a money printing machine

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We've started going full death camp yet people still don't believe that there's a genocide. There are no words to describe just how truly disgusting that is.

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IIRC this was a study (survey?) done by a American company.

There are tons of UFO sighting in plenty of non-NA or EU countries such as Brazil and South Africa

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We're talking about people who think giving kids school lunch for free is communism.

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Can we fucking not

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One of the most popular recent movie franchises is literally about a guy who goes on a murder rampage because someone killed his dog

Why the fuck did they think this would go over well.

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Imagine getting this worked up over someone's hair color

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They've needed to be broken up for over a decade now, but that'd require the government to actually enforce antitrust/monopoly laws

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Dude comes into c/reddit and then bitches people are talking about reddit.


How do you think they got said $50bn endowment

We're talking about people who legitimately believe providing tax payer funded school lunch to kids is communism.

This nation used to kill fascists

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To be entirely fair, I'd say attempting a coup is a couple orders of magnitude worse than sex scandals.

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If you're voting for Republicans, you're clearly OK with all of this, regardless of what you call yourself.

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Guys Im starting to think the guy who's only rich because daddy used apartheid slave labor may not have the best views on race

The primary benefit for the average consumer tends to be longer battery life due to the same task using less power, in theory anyway.

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“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.”
― George Carlin

Don't even get me started on the bullshit that is calling 1440p 2k

112 Russian assets we need to purge this November

In true Google fashion, they remade the same product, gave it a new name, and made it compete with the existing one.

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I've found DDG and Google have become of fairly equal quality lately, although I think it's mainly due to Google getting worse rather than DDG getting significantly better

I feel like pointing out that it was a splat gun and not a firearm is pretty important.

And because I know I have to say it even though it should be obvious, no, that does not make it ok.

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Got a friend who was forced to RTO

...except literally every single person they work with is at a different branch. He's doing the exact same things as he was at home, but it forced into the office. Fucking ridiculous doesn't even begin to cover it

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Not at all an answer to your question, but a very semi-related tangent.

The last receipt of a US Civil War pension passed away relatively recently. She was a young woman who would regularly help out a local older man, a civil war vet with no kids or family otherwise. Towards the end of his days, he married her so she'd get the benefits of his pension, as things were really really tough.

Some of the detail might be off, going off of memory, but that's the general gist.

So I went to double check, and I got a fair bit of it wrong.

Irene Triplett
She was actually the daughter of the woman I thought I was talking about. Her mother married her father at ages 29 and 78 respectively, and she was born one of five children in 1930, living until the age of 90 before passing in 2020.

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Too bad brave's CEO is a giant bigoted piece of shit who I refuse to support.

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Stares at most PDX games having increasing player counts

How much of this is the lack of people wanting to play strategy games vs the lack of good strategy games

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They are separate bills. You'd know that if you bothered to read the first sentence of the second paragraph that OP copy/pasted. You didn't even have to click on the article.

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Friendly reminder that the nazis never won a majority the first time around.

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It's got a snowballs chance in hell of going anywhere, but it's nigh time a wealth tax entered the realm of possibility

Oklahoma’s highest criminal court denied the request to toss out Glossip’s execution, claiming a crucial piece of new evidence undermining his conviction “does not create a reasonable probability that the result of the proceeding would have been different.” The state parole board split 2-2 on whether to grant relief to Glossip, with one member recused because his wife helped prosecute Glossip.

Meanwhile, while Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) twice postponed Glossip’s execution, he’s more recently signaled that he intends to defer to the courts’ determination of whether this man should be executed.

Remember folks, the cruelty is the point

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including allegations that Google Search harms competing services.

To be entirely fair, Google search has gotten so shit I've managed to get multiple friends to switch to DDG. Thanks google!

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If a pilot is forced to retire at 65 due to fear of killing a couple hundred, there is absolutely zero reason someone in charge near 400 million shouldn't have a maximum age cap

Imagine telling someone in 2012 that Romney would end up being one of the (very, very relative) good guys

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Why are we giving these fuckers anything after they stole billions to lay fiber, and they just fucking didn't.

Yep, in the face of the infinite growth monster, anything other than exceeding expectations is seen as a failure

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For a certain portion, it's because some have become outright theocratic accelerationists. They actively want the situation to get worse, because that means Jesus comes back!

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Good thing they're primarily talking about things such as aircraft, where this level of analness is sort of the bare minimum.

They outright said in their own press release it's primarily to increase ad visibility by breaking ad blockers.

There's no scenario where this makes the web better

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