
3 Post – 216 Comments
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I think the real upsetting thing isn't Biden's performance, or having Biden as president for four more years. He achieved quite a bit after all. The real upsetting thing is the DNC being such cunts that they even pushed for this debate, hoping that Biden could win, only to deny and ignore Biden's abhorrent performance immediately after. That Bernie got shafted twice by them, that is the really upsetting part.

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If this is real and not just staged, i really like the implication that people receptive to this kind of messaging have been gaslit by troll campaigns into holding views that run counter to their own interest.
I think anyone paying attention already suspected as much, but with many of those troll farms now switching to ChatGPT, again, if this is real, it highlights how we now can get undeniable proof of this farming happening.

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This is exactly what I am thinking as well. Russia is clearly threatening the stability of the EU right now. If the EU wants to send a strong signal against aggression and meddling, it needs support Ukraine in a way that makes it clear to any would-be-adversary, that the EU is willing and capable to defend itself and its allies.

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I can picture the whole interview already.

Tucker: "Mr. Putin, why did you invade Ukraine?"

Putin: "We had many very legitimate reasons. Ukrainian nazis, US imperialism, NATO expansion."

Tucker: "What will it take for you to stop this war? Will you guarantee peace?"

Putin: "We are a very rational and forgiving people. We ask for nothing but the unconditional surrender of Ukraine. We will treat everyone with respect and we won't meddle with any other country outside Ukraine. KGB spy pinky-promise."

Tucker: "Mr. Putin, may I suck your cock?"

Putin: "You may."

*30 minutes of slurping noises*

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And that is why I am against forcing Ukraine to accept lost territory. If you let russia keep territory it has currently occupied, they will get away with all the torture, killing and abduction of civilians.

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The harddrive staying silent even though you were mashing keys like crazy was a sure way to tell that your PC had given up on life.

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Android's file structure is bad, yes. But does iOS even have a file structure? In my very limited time using iOS, I couldn't find anything resembling a file explorer.

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Spez seeing this

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Pacifism is great and all, but Putin clearly shows that you need to be able to defend yourself, if you don't want your rights and your freedom eroded away by foreign interests. Granted, no military will help you defend against threats to your rights from within, but it makes it at least less likely that those threats from within get backing from foreign threats.

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Say NO to centralized source management platforms

True, maybe, but in this case entirely pointless. If Unity didn't host their repo on git, they would've hosted it on their own solution. They would've been able to delete the repo just the same. Furthermore, if they hosted the solution on their own, it would've made it harder for others to mirror the repo. At least harder as git makes it.

>Be Putin
>Announce NATO expansion is no threat
>Pull most troops from the Finnish border, because holy fuck, Ukraine has turned the entire army you had at the start into sunflower fertalizer
>Have all the units you pulled from the Finnish border incur astronomical losses, because you want to present any win at the next election
>Declare Finland a threat again
>Move the broken units back up to the border

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It waw McGregor. And while the explosion was spectacular, it happened on the test stand, so not much damage was done actually.

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Someone should invite Orban to a vacation in Donetsk. Since there is no war, I'm sure he'll gladly accept.

This is a protection mechanism to prevent laymen from falling for scam websites. It is a service offered by Google, enabled by default in Firefox. It can disabled in the configs.

Because the Lemmy software was developed by communist-leaning developers and they have, prior to the reddit exodus, had the biggest communities. As for the transgender related content, the transgender community was one of the largest to leave reddit for Lemmy.

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Any Austrian with deportation fantasies should be kept out of Germany, just to be sure.

The even more amazing part is that the Kremlin debunked him. They said they constantly get interview requests from journalists. They just never accept them.

Edit: Just saw this posted as a response already.

It really is a shame how spineless european politicians are, to not give Edward Snowden protection in europe. I bet a whole bunch of politicians are happy that he faded out of the collective mind, so they don't have defend their indefensible standpoint of not giving Snowden amnesty.

It also sucks that there is no recourse against politicians that are clearly biased in their decisionmaking.

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This is why it cracks me up every time when someone is praising Elon for "cutting slack" when firing all those twitter employees. Yes, twitter did not implode immediately. Turns out, people can build software that is stable enough to run in maintenance mode. But good luck dealing with new issues cropping up.

I really hope they try this in the EU. The EU regulatory agencies have been on a roll lately.

It went through the house, it is not yet approved. And for 8 months now, Ukraine has gotten no support from the US.

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Twitch is stuck between a religious rock and a hard-as-wood place.

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Exactly. Who has the one promoting it? It was you, Elon.

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Not only did Putin do excellent PR for NATO, Putin absolutely validated NATO's entire existence. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania would not be free, indepedent countries today without NATO. They certainly wouldn't be supporting Ukraine as much as they have. And say what you will about individual countries, but NATO is proving itself once more a defensive pact. With people dying to rocket debris in Poland, russian drones going down in Romania, US drones being downed and UK planes being shot at over international waters, NATO would have plenty of reasons, if they wanted to escalate their rhetoric towards Putin. But they didn't, because NATO isn't interested in becoming an active participant in this war.

Louis Rossman made a video about this and especially where he quotes users from HackerNews hammers the point home for me. Firefox will be forced to adopt this "feature" if it ever becomes reality, as Chrome has overwhelming market share and the average user only cares that the site loads.

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History moves in a cycle. From war to peace to war to peace again. Thanks to unity, Europe has enjoyed peace and stability longer than any that came before. It comes to no surprise then that those who want to undermine the peace in order to gain more influence, would support isolationists within this union. We need to recognize what Putin's Russia is to Europe: A threat to peace and unity. And we must also recognize that if we fail our commitments to see Ukraine win, we are a huge step closer to letting Putin and the isolationists break the unity and by extension the peace, that we have enjoyed for so long.

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But did you know that the German minister in charge of the railways, a liberal*, has already questioned the costs of the ticket and announced he'd not participate in any additional funding?

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I find this kind of reporting very important, as it highlights the ways in which Ukrainian society has improved, but also what still needs improvement. I hope articles like this are encouraging to those that fight in Ukraine for a more just and accepting society. Meanwhile in Russia, the only reports we get from there is that the murder-rate of ex-prisoners has spiked 900%.

For me it was installing games. The installer was still active, but the drive stayed silent? The installer was lying.

He can rig an election, but he can't rig massive civil unrest. And that is what he fears.

Well, time for the EU to show that they can out-spend a country with the GDP of Italy, even if that country has switched to a war-time economy.

I really like the speech bubble. Makes it very clear that they want to become just another social platform where people, not anonymous accounts, interact with each other.

And it most likely will remain talk. Macron would help Ukraine more by helping to set up a robust military supply chain for Ukraine.

Now that is a twist I didn't see coming.

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Enough for the bottom quintile to be turning the thermostat down in all but one room and worrying about frostbite in the bathroom, but not for everybody else.

And here is where the author makes a crucial mistake in my opinion. When the poorest are forced to turn down their heating, then the middle class gets spooked they might have to as well in the future. They will vote for scaremongers and climate change deniers, and in the end your noble project of pricing oil out of the daily lifes of people will fail.

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And people still playing those games. Kotick wouldn't be as successful if those that usually buy Activision titles would care enough about the games getting worse.

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The irony is that in reality, it's reversed: Official Chinese envoys build up 'police stations' to suppress chinese immigrants.

Good luck to them, and if you own The Crew, you can likely help the Stop Killing Games initiative by following the steps outlined at stopkillinggames.com

We are seeing a clash between the old, right-wing government that is not afraid to bend or break rules in order to stack the political landscape in their favor and the new coalition that wants a return to normalcy, which can't or won't bend the rules in order to reverse the damage PiS has done to the polish democracy. This could become a grid lock for years. If I remember correctly, the polish presidents' term lines up with the new governments' term, so the best they can hope for is winning the next election again.

I really hope Poland and the US can bounce back from their respective wanna-be dictators. It would make me much more hopeful for western democracies and Hungary specifically.

This happens in Europe too. I hope the european agencies are similarly engaged in protecting dissidents. There have been numerously stories as of late about China using their embassy as a 'chinese police station'.