
3 Post – 323 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mortgage loan officer passionate about helping others.

Won’t happen. Governments want lifespans shortened.

YouTube is WHY I have adblockers to this day. I was Ok with the ads at the beginning and end. When they started cramming 2-3 ads in the middle of a 10 minute video, that’s when I started looking for a solution.

Their greed is why they make $0 from me many years later.

I think it’s rich they aren’t happy with people using them when they’re the ones that made the standard viewing experience awful in the first place.

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Elon, please buy Reddit and repeat your amazing ideas over there. You are so smart.

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If they haven’t reached deals with AI companies by limiting the API, then why haven’t they returned access to third party app developers? They obviously see how far their engagement and quality has dropped.

I won’t use their official app, ever.

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A few larger moderators I know personally are saying they aren’t enjoying the new Reddit experience and at least one says they plan to leave within a few months.

What really isn’t being talked about is the fractured trust. None of them feel they are maintaining their own community anymore. They feel like they are maintaining a subreddit for Reddit’s profit ambitions. That’s a huge distinction.

The other side is just being forced to moderate via the website or their trash app. They hate the experience now. If you were a mobile-only moderator, you hate it now, almost guaranteed.

Then the bot detection network and everything else shutting down is making the free service they provide feel more and more like a job vs “for the good feeling of building a community.”

Reddit won’t die overnight but it will continue to decay with users slowly making their exit to other platforms.

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If we stopped the economy and stopped all emissions worldwide, this progression would still occur for more than 2 decades.

This is just the beginning for stuff we did since y2k.

By the time we actually make serious change, it will be far too late.

Happy Sunday. Enjoy football.

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Didn’t know about SponsorBlock until all this started. So many just found out ad blocking is possible.

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I’ve been “striking” for a long time now, against junk TV in general. There’s an occasional awesome show that delivers but 95% of it is low-effort junk TV like dating, survival, cooking and other shows like it.

I haven’t had live TV in years and it’s quite shocking to see what the average user deals with. Junk TV + ads that play 30% of the time is absolutely insane.

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Streaming platforms are all joining in on the enshitification process.

Soon, people will join one service for one month then switch to the next.

After that, they will all begin contracts to “lock in the price.” Possibly in bundle agreements with multiple providers.

That’s when the full transition to $120+ cable costs returns, but in streaming format.

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Firefox is loving every week of this as they head towards launch. Market share is guaranteed to improve.

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It’s not the rebrand that’s killing Twitter. Elon is. He’s proving to himself that he cannot, in fact, run Twitter better than the prior owners.

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As a developer, I’ve only had people request removal of Twitter. They’d rather lose the bird than add an X.

They named their device “Car Thing?” Just looked it up. Why not just buy a phone mount and play through your phone?

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Everything has to be video huh? Based on the comments here, this could have been a text post with a paragraph of text.

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Good! Hope to see the same stories about Reddit and other major social media platforms that have taken steps to prioritize profit over the community.

The users are your golden apple. Abuse them, the apple turns sour.

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I don’t believe you realize the full scope of your “everything is federated” approach. There’s some really toxic instances out there that will happily reach beyond their instance into yours and abuse your users, relentlessly.

Your head will explode in dealing with it.

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Lemmy has completely solved my need for news content when bored. I no longer use Reddit.

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If your company is being acquired, you need to assume you, the employee, are disposable and not the reason for the acquisition.

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I whitelist sites I support on UB. Unless that sites gets obtrusive then I block it entirely.

I stopped supporting Google the moment they forgot “don’t be evil.”

Is this where society is heading? Rampant theft resolved with murder to save corporations?

To them, this probably sounds easier than lowering prices, reducing CEO’s millions in pay and propping up stock prices.

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Recently made the switch from Edge to Firefox to fully ditch Chromium. The more I read, the more I realize it was a great decision.

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Broadcom CEO announces layoffs through obscurity.

Imagine an environment where users are getting paid for gold award content and the moderators are still unpaid for all the work they do behind the scenes.

With bot detection going away, I can see programmers making several bots to manipulate this to make money, and lots of it, through many accounts.

Meanwhile, yikes, they are totally forgetting the real users. I’m a few months, there will be at least a 50% chance that comment or post you are replying to is a bot.

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As a mortgage lender, welcome to the full transparency world. The only people that complain about it are the people that have a lot to hide.

When they say “too hard” I hear “will cut into our profits.”

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I still cannot understand how anyone decides to have 30% of their programming to be ads AND decide to pay for it.

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Step 1: Crack down on password sharing.

Step 2: Open subscriptions to foreign countries with cut-rate pricing.

Step 3: Announce subscriber growth.

We’re too smart for you Netflix. Your revenues are actually down because of all the premium-paid subscribers leaving your platform.

Exactly. Waiting for some communities to get formed (I don’t want to run them or be a moderator). Some have started but low activity, especially in the health genre.

I’m really excited for the fediverse. I also knew that patience would prevail on lemmy world as they deal with growth. Today has been amazing to see all the updates they did to improve performance.

Finding all sorts of cool stuff on many instances to subscribe to. I’m actually starting to like this more than Reddit w/Apollo which is crazy to even say.

Hey, just wanted to say I’m glad a few of us remember the rootkit fiasco. I still won’t buy Sony products today.

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I spent over 10 years on that site. I’ll need a little longer than 8 days to get over how quickly it became a shitshow.

Thing is, it’s not really the site I care about, it was Apollo, my most-used and treasured app. WefWef is a great replacement but it’s not the same.

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How many millions in umbrella severance for this? Remember kids, just get the highest position in any company ignoring your morals and no matter how badly you screw it up, your rich!

You aren’t forgotten. US and allies accepted the decision that was made within a week of us leaving. The country, as a whole, collectively chose the easy route of Taliban rule. That decision has consequences.

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Hey morons, we don’t care! Offset higher costs by reducing your idiotic compensation plans at the executive level.

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I do visit Reddit on occasion (with Adblock) but I haven’t made one comment or one post since I lost Apollo. Why? I deleted all history then deleted the accounts. I can’t even upvote and that’s my little protest still in full swing.

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Every day with the Elon spam. It’s infected Lemmy.

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Quiet Cutting is also done in ways the article is not mentioning. We used to call them hiring freezes. In the mortgage industry where there are positions with higher attrition, they simply allow the employees to quit and they never rehire that position.

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I’ll say the obvious… blocking WefWef and other apps that improve the user experience.

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Known issue for older accounts with more than 1,000 posts. You should be using the Google search site:Reddit.com username to return more content to delete.

You can also do a data request on Reddit which will deliver your data on spreadsheets.

I never had my deletions reversed. The only thing that did happen is when subreddits restored, I had to delete that content too.

I had 6 accounts. I now have zero.

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Motivated employees get taken advantage of with more work with no pay raises. These workers have finally learned and reduced their production to be even with those around them.

P.S. If this is you, like it was me, learn entrepreneurship. The harder you work, the more success you have.

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I guess they didn’t make API millions by charging usage fees? Scraping the bottom of the barrel now while people use the site less and less.

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I recently blocked him because he is force-feeding me notifications even though I don’t follow him. Blocking him seems to have fixed the issue. Go figure. There’s probably a connection between him wanting to remove the feature and many of us using it as an ad blocker of sorts.