Your Chrome extensions may stop working in 2024

Lee to – 227 points –
Your Chrome extensions may stop working in 2024 - gHacks Tech News

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Recently made the switch from Edge to Firefox to fully ditch Chromium. The more I read, the more I realize it was a great decision.

why were you using microsoft edge?

I liked it. Found it better than Chrome for my needs to finally get away from Google. I hadn’t realized I went from Chrome to Chromium. Within a year, I am now switched to Firefox. After theming it and stuff, I’m now liking it way more than everything else. It does everything I need and looks beautiful.

I also enjoy Firefox Focus on iOS which is basically incognito on steroids. Any time I click a link, it defaults to FFF.

It's better than chrome. Smaller memory footprint and a bit faster. Source: I'm web dev.