Two years under Taliban rule in Afghanistan: ‘I never thought the world would forget about us so quickly’ to World – 863 points –
Two years under Taliban rule in Afghanistan: ‘I never thought the world would forget about us so quickly’

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You aren’t forgotten. US and allies accepted the decision that was made within a week of us leaving. The country, as a whole, collectively chose the easy route of Taliban rule. That decision has consequences.

Yeah, I mean, we were over there for well over a decade trying to fix that shit and the country as a whole just did not want to change, so we gave up and left. It was a giant waste for everyone involved.

Lol yeah that's totally what happened in. It definitely wasn't a scam where we turned Afghanistan into a black hole for contractor money.

It's unbelievable how naive and arrogant this thread is. How low can you get?

My dumb ass was 16 when it all started and even then I was aware enough to realize it was all about Raytheon, Haliburton, PMCs, etc...

I blame those fucking pieces of shit Cheney and Rumsfield for not only stealing a potential future from me (because after realizing all that I said fuck joining the military) but obviously worse all the death and destruction that was caused for their financial benefit...

Trump had a line "they're not sending their best here" when being a dickhole in reference to immigration, but honestly that quote goes especially well for pretty much all of our politicians.

You didn't go to fix shit. You went because you wanted revenge. You stayed because a lot of people made money.

Everybody told you back them you can't fix Afghanistan's issues by force. You just killed a lot of Afghanis for nothing.

Then you went to Iraq.

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trying to fix


A giant waste for everyone

😂😂😂😂😂😂👆👆👆 Except the military money machine

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The feeling there was....

  1. The gov didn't care about anyone outside of Kabul.
  2. They knew the US wouldn't be there forever and the ANA had shitty moral. The Taliban however would be there when the US left and people didn't want to be targeted for revenge killings, etc.

20-year boondoggle, you know.. The easy route...

Many people including Americans are suffering and have been forgotten because of what happened over there. I guarantee there are many that wish they had done things differently and just minded their own business. Patriotism is a powerful con.

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