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How did Apple not see this coming up as future conflict with it's talent. Its almost like they didn't watch the fucking show, or the causes he devoted himself to after retiring. It's a rare thing I know, but not everyone can be bought. His entire platform that he's built up over the years, would have collapsed if he had pulled a John Cena.

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Seriously. This is like how when Donald Trump was able to turn a war criminal into a kitty painting artiste that the country now has nostalgia for. It's absolutely insane that now Gym looks good on oaper.

I also disagree with the Kimmel comparison, as his facade as a nice guy became transparent as his show progressed. I am not a Stewart fanboy in any sense, and while he may have lost some edge due to maturity, he has stayed true to what he thinks is the right thing.

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Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to hide the characteristics of a coward hiding behind a facade.

People have no idea how if feels for kids to be made to feel as they don't belong or that there is something wrong with them. It infuriates me that schools can't teach inclusivity due to terrorist groups like Moms for Liberty.

You are a machine!

Sort of surprised that they didn't have Gaetz in their sight line, moons ago. It was becoming pretty obvious that he was all about pulling focus and that his " outsider brand" would make him hard to work with.

I think it was possibly Vice that did a documentary on life in Gaza? This was during peacetime and it was fucking awful.

Willfully obtuse should be used as the catchall term for those who wish to express poorly concealed admiration for public figures that are eterna shitheads on a global stage.

I had Netflix and then cancelled it as a cost saving measure during COVID. I also have Prime which I never even bother with, because of it's fucking format. I wound up with an early sub to YouTube because I got completely enthralled with Time Team. I found that it pretty much has everything I want to watch. I never thought that would've happened because I initially considered YT a lower tier service.

For some, it can be an unbearable long and leasurely spin around the drains perimeter.

Things are changing so fast. Before Gaza kicked off, I would have said it's unlikely people were willingly to endure and fours years with the Orange Cancer. Now, I am not so sure. TBH if you dared have an opposing opinion about not supporting Israel, you were shouted down and called anti semite. I think the Democrats were taken by surprise by large swaths of the population that are against the extermination of a population. You can't justify killing vulnerable unarmed citizens and children during a campaign. It would be a mistake for Biden to run again. Old rich people really do not give a fuck about outcomes... too insulated and really have nothing to lose. The common people will suffer for decades.

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Behind the wheel of one, I'd feel like an asshole.

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His timing is incredible, I don't know how he does it. He stays away just long enough for the paranoia of getting pranked lulls, and then he hits you with the lols hammer. He got me a couple of days ago while I was lurking in one of the subs.

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What does that even mean? I imagine that he would have access to professionals that could spin up a better generic non answer that this.

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Possibly also responsible for a number of deaths occurring because of what sensitive information those files contained. I imagine we will know more about the later when James is done squeezing the juice out of orange fatsy.

I read the new daily and this is the first I've heard of this. I thought the country was firmly behind Bibi. I will say that America media hasnt really been as forthright as they should be on this subject.

I was OOT on this until you clarified it. On the phone as well so that didn't help either. I was probably going to get there but you definitely saved me about half a tank.

If you are going to go on the day before, I'd recommend doing your shopping at 5:00am and be done by 06:00 am. That's when the day shift comes in. I wouldn't bring a cartful of groceries to the check stands before that time though, nite crew will be stressing out.

Didn't they use that same excuse to take out the Gaza Hospital? People are going to be looking at Israel with a new set of eyes when this is over.

Before COVID hit, I remember people talking about watching YT content as a regular viewing medium which I thought was sort of low rent. Changed my mind when I discovered the crazy amount of choice and content. Got rid of Netflix and bought YT premium.

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Here's ten dollars, go see a Star War.

I was so hyped for season 5. I had really never had a show affect like this before. It felt like it was made for my generation. I watched a full nevertwo episodes and quit watching all together. What ever the chemistry the show had was almost completely gone. You can see some sparks smoldering when Tobius comes home in a rock suit and is mistaken for a pedophile. That was all that was left of a once great show. FOX is a POS for what they did to AD.

Jesus Christ, my worst case dentist scenario in print.

I believe she has two with Elon and (last time I checked which was awhile back) dating Chelsea Manning.

Ugh, that image is burned into my brain. I just don't get it.

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I dispise Comcast because anything dealing with customer service takes fucking hours. Once youve spent a good hour dicking around on chat, you will search the internet for a live operator number. This will also take an absurd amount of time while you get switched from accounts to tech support. Seriously can't stand it. Only game in town really, and they still suck.

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Weeds -I started to think about leaving after a lot of build up between deflated after two main characters couldn't fathom celebrating Thanksgiving differently. Fully checked out and turned in my keycard when they got Snoop Dog to rap about a new tree strain. Lastly, Nancy was usually the direct cause of all their problems.

I feel like they could have developed more stories in Westworld alone before taking the storyline where they did. I knew bad things were coming when they brought in the new manager. She was nice enough but she didn't have that duplicitous edge. She was in over her head and I couldn't see past that.

Many people including Americans are suffering and have been forgotten because of what happened over there. I guarantee there are many that wish they had done things differently and just minded their own business. Patriotism is a powerful con.

Absolutely in favor of any tech that will make life easier. I hated doing dishes every night and the dishwasher in the house I'm renting is broken. I bought a countertop dishwasher called ICUIRE which does not need to be hooked to a water source. I ran that damn thing every day, and not only do I use less water and electricity but I can recycle the grey water into the garden.

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Also.just like bad cops, bad nurses can jump around the country as well. This also makes it difficult to stop these people from committing more crime. It's almost the same scenario as well, in regards to people being aware of what's going on . I wanted to add veterans to your list as well. Search Kirsten Gilbert..

Operation Iraqi Freedom I believe, wild guess really.

Taking down the article as to without a word why. lWhy would you do that and run away without an explanation ? leave it up as the investigation continues. I you coward .

Oh God, so terrible. For some reason I seem to remember that either critics or the show promoters sort of hinted that you had to be smart to watch the show.

It took Joe Biden to travel to Israel to Scooby Doo the Middle East and tell us who the real perpetrator of the conflict is.

I will admit I really haven't considered the implications of AI being a real threat. I am aware that it is a potential tool to cut labor costs, but havie not gone further into the rabbit hole.

Honestly, at the time I though YT was just prank videos. Covid hit and somehow Time Team wound up in my preference algorithm and I got hooked on the show. I mean I even patiently waited for several weeks to get a logo embossed shirt instead of canceling the order. The lady in charge of merchandise said the show got a second wind due to everyone being home.

This seriously got me 😂. Thank you!

Thanks for the walkthrough. I haven't decided whether I am going to pull the trigger or just return the equipment so this may help.