/r/AskReddit Comments Per Day, Graphed

williams_482@startrek.website to Reddit@lemmy.world – 664 points –

Just in case anyone here was wondering how Reddit's numbers are looking these days...

Data and visuals from https://subredditstats.com/r/askreddit


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I do visit Reddit on occasion (with Adblock) but I haven’t made one comment or one post since I lost Apollo. Why? I deleted all history then deleted the accounts. I can’t even upvote and that’s my little protest still in full swing.

Same. It's unavoidable to use it when it turns up in Google searches or for niche content, but I've 100% stopped contributing.

The corporate world undervalues goodwill, both from their customers and their employees.

Exactly why I stopped contributing as well.

That's bound to go away on its own as people stop contributing and Google devalues it in favor of newer content.

I'm the opposite, read with adblocks then just downvote the entire first 100 threads which are basically half porn now lol.