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Joined 9 months ago

Especially when the "hybrid" model involves more days in office than at home.

I guess execs don't work when they're at home and can't handle not getting distracted, so they just assume the same for everyone.

Yup, my work pulled the same Bullshit. I can work from home and we all worked from home through COVID... But now suddenly I can't

So, there's been a few times where the power's gone out or something has happened that needs us at a remote location. They send the team home. The rest of the guys willingly go. I stay back and remind them that "gee, sorry. You guys have made it abundantly clear that I can't work from home. All those times I had to take personal time... So yeah, no. I'll just hang out here I guess until everything comes back up 🤷‍♂️"

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This implies that the company has a competent IT team that rolls it out correctly, and that there won't be some way to exploit it and dig in further than expected.


On personal devices, it's normal and expected for users to check email, join meetings, update files, and more. Many organizations allow personal devices to access organization resources.

(From the site)

Lmao WHAT? It's normal for users to do company shit on their personal phone? What kind of delusional Spongebob bullshit is that? Is the company gonna pay for data or subsidize the cost of my phone? Are they going to pay me to be on call if they expect me to of this shit outside of my working hours?

Intune installs as a device adminstration. I'm not sure how much I'd trust that on my personal device period.

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It's still greed. They want to justify the mobey they've wasted in useless office spaces.

Yup same. It's crazy how many people willing installed Intune and shit on their personal phone. If my company wants me to have that level of portability, then they'll be buying a work phone for me and paying me overtime any time I'm forced to use it out of regular hours

Cool, then they won't have any problems with everybody downloading them for free.

If they want to cry about lost revenue, then they can turn around and sue themselves for making the games unavailable

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Hmm, need to figure out how I can trace my lineage back to the first recorded musician so that I can trademark some chords then go after every record label to have ever existed.

Then I'll try to track down the first ever written script so I can go after the movie industry next

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"Sony is having trouble with their projectors"

Why not call it out for the bullshit that it is? "Sorry, but greedy bullshit capitalism has failed you as a customer. The lockouts they've put on their media to punish the honest users is doing its job once again to punish you. We sure hope this doesn't lead you to find alternative ways to enjoy media without all of the DRM lockouts and garbage to punish you."

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Companies LOVE punishing their customers while the pirates sail on without trouble

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"bad code change" describes pretty much every vide change they've done over the past 7ish years lol

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And SD card support. Why TF do I want to pay a mint for storage when I could spend like $50 (or less) for the equivalent (or more) in SD form?

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Why isn't the company providing its employees with the required tools to do the work?


Our site is almost dead thanks to our cancerous executive staff but we think we can really propel its death by encouraging cancerous members of humanity to join on and spread their garbage messaging.

Sincerely, Cancer


Joke aside, I'm not sure how we're supposed to believe what you said without any reference to the moron in the post? I assume your email is something like his name, but there's no way to confirm.

if you believe this copyright claim was made in error

It definitely was, since Yuzu doesn't break copyright....

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They get it. Looks at all these "influencers" getting shit they don't need for free all the time to spread word.

Piracy is basically the same thing, but it's somebody getting something they do need/want and giving it honest word-of-mouth promotion

That seems incredibly dumb and backwards. I guess doing it this way helps them expedite its death like all their other products lol

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Underneath the thin facade of being a charitable organization, they're really a disgusting Protestant sect of Christianity who loath homosexuality and have a fair share of controversies. There's a few listed on Wikipedia if you want a starting point:

Lmao, they can have fun with that. I can't imagine it being anything decent. A mobile phone equivalent of a DVD Player OS lol

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It used to be the heart of the internet, but they're about 13 years too late for that now.

They should consider rebranding to "another one of the Internet's many assholes"

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How do I copyright myself and I every last bit of content that I create?

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Wow, how does any of this make sense? Plex doesn't host the image... seems like another case of corporate execs having no fucking clue about anything. 5/7 gg

A delicious canned energy drink from the 90s.

I used to subscribe to streaming services but then they took all their content that I used to watch off - either to move to another streaming service or just "gone forever".

If they don't want the money I was giving them, why do they give a fuck if I pirate it? I tried to do things right and they told me they didn't want my money.

So glad I left the publishing industry. I went in with a lot of respect many years ago, but it was so gross. All about how much money could be milked from students. Accuracy of information was in second or third place of importance

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The Streisand effect of this all is great. I can't be the only one that found out about this app (and the repos) because of the stupid law suit right? Amazing that they went after the container instead of the contents.

Can't wait for Glad or Rubbermaid to be C&D'd when the cops find contraband in one of their bags/bins.

VIMM's Lair has been around for ages... If Nintendo really cared why didn't they do something around, say, 2002? 🤔

Why is there no statute of limitations on this kinda bullshit?

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I never understood the "promote laziness" thing. A union wouldn't be able to protect a worker that can't meet the requirements of the job.

If anything, either management isn't providing adequate training, or management needs to make better job descriptions.

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Slur? The article seems to say it's just the word "fuck"

Are people still shocked by stupid shit like profanity? I was expecting racial slurs or something actually bad...

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I don't see an issue with a "super" key. But what would a copilot key bring that's of any value? The super key already does everything you'd need.

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I can't wait for it to ban the admins and nuke the shit subreddits that should have been shut own ages ago.

Middle UI was junk too. is basically the only usable layout.

Could be a scrolling screenshot. My phone can scroll and stitch multiple screens into one looooong screenshot. It's pretty handy.

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The companies have almost successfully re-introduced the very problem that streaming originally solved.

It's like this dipshits don't want our money. I've always been firm that any content removed from streaming services is a message from that content company that they don't want the money of the customers subscribed to said service and thus are okay with those people pirating it instead.

If they cared about the money, they'd had left the content there.

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I tried btop. It slowed my computer way the fuck down, so I went back to htop

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"I can't, Jesus is too sexy and I find myself wondering which hole would be the most fun. I'm thinking probably the left hand."

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I was gonna say that it looks like every Linux install I've ever booted... But then I realized 90% of them have been Debian or Debian-based 😅

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A nice bot-made logo to celebrate their army of stupid bots ruining everything.

Who the fuck would want to buy Reddit now? It's absolute shit... 2010 Reddit would have been the Reddit I'd buy into

What I dislike is the constant stripping of features lately - between OEMs stripping stuff like SD card support, and box contents like ear buds and wallwarts; and Google stripping core features like the ability to cat system logs... It's getting fucking dumb.

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