Is RCS an open standard? to – 78 points –

Is RCS an open standard? I've seen some people say it is and others it isn't and now I'm very confused. Can you please give me a definitive answer?


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That seems incredibly dumb and backwards. I guess doing it this way helps them expedite its death like all their other products lol

I was about to say the dumb and backwards part was not having basic stuff like encryption in the standard. 🤷

This is because the telecom providers were apart of designing the standards and implementation but did not care about it and Google released their own service for it. There is no money in it for the telecom providers to support it.

It would also let them claim that its an open standard that anyone can use and they're contributing to open source, even if no-one could effectively use it in the same way that they implemented it.

It's XMPP all over again.